The technology research and development of good 3C products has been used for thousands of years, and the phenomenon of bad 3C is derived in less than 20 years.If it is never eliminated, the ideal of Singapore as an elegant city will gradually go away, and the protection of the public space of the people will become more difficult.

I also clearly remember that when the iPhone was launched in 2007, innovative internal and external design and amazing touch -screen user experience suddenly subverted our imagination of mobile phones and created our new horizons for mobile phones.Of course, for everyone, it also marks the beginning of controlling smartphones and being "controlled" by smartphones.

The mobile phone of 3C products (? Computer)?,? Communication (? Communication) and consumer electronics (? Consumer Electronics)?)?The pockets of the person can even be said to be a 3C representative in the daily life.

The characteristics of

3C products include simple operation, especially easy to get started, and strong practicality.Combining smartphones for computers, telecommunications and electronic technology and traditional home appliances, it is equivalentThe perfect combination of albums, mirrors, watches, alarm clocks, road guides, keys, etc., completely enjoys all daily functions.As digitalization and network technology are more extensive in deepening personal life,? 3C fusion technology revitalizes any links you can imagine and imagine through digital information technology, to meet people's information needs and application in any time.It brings us unprecedented convenience to our work and life.

Perhaps the smartphone is really too smart. In addition to the rapid development of new technology, I always feel that the above -mentioned changes have changed, and even the human intelligence transitions to the mobile phone.Yes, in a time, the biggest advantage of mobile phones has become the biggest concern. Its portable multimedia function has become the biggest reason for the biggest scourge.Because it is too convenient, all portable mobile phones have become portable sounds, players, televisions, etc., and users have began to completely ignore the eyes of others in order to pursue convenience and individuals at any moment.You must also have such experience. On the subway and buses, the video, music and even personal private dialogue of the passengers next to the passenger's mobile phones are forced to "immerse" together in its "unique music".In the video sound effect.

Difficult to escape audio -visual video interference

I have many experiences. When reading electronic newspapers or physical books on the subway, the passenger next to me "Who does it be me?"As a result, the news or student's homework was full of swords and swords, and they were all crying love and hatred.When I also dine at the hawker center or food court many times, the diners next to them ate while pursuing drama or watching variety shows.In the end, I sent the chicken rice, fried noodles, and wonton noodles in the imports, all of which were free of charge, full of quarrel and laughter and applause. Finally, there was a sigh of unknown food.

Even more, I tried to see a doctor in the hospital. When I was waiting for medical treatment, the patients who were waiting on both sides had their own preferences: one chasing Korean dramas, one chasing the drama, and a pourse played traditional Cantonese operarecording.At that time, the headache that was cracking, coupled with the noise of chaos, like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, was no longer an ordinary star fight, but the Big Bang.

In addition to the invasion of sound, there is also a strategy of light and shadow.Many times in the dark movie theaters, in addition to the light and shadow on the big screen, they suddenly shot a dazzling light on the auditorium.Oh, that person's WhatsApp is constantly serial; oh, another person's WeChat is not to be outdone; oh, there is a child next to him playing mobile games.Hehe, even in the distance, there was a Facebook that kept reading his Facebook to determine that his Facebook was more exciting than the big screen (why did you come to the cinema, I really puzzled).In the end, there were even people recording the voice to answer later. As a result, the movie became a magical realistic movie with a multi -channel, multi -voice, and even multi -image.I don't even remember the plot, I remember when they whispered to ask them to turn off their mobile phones, they did not hesitate to give away white eyes and no modified thick mouth.

Recently, there is even another classic experience -at the tall Binhai Art Center Drama Hall, admiring the red -headed Cantonese opera performance from afar, it should be safeA gentleman not far in the front row, one foot high, one foot high, the whole drama opened his mobile phone and kept looking at the photos of himself traveling around the world.After watching the Cantonese opera, the impression I left was that the red headscarf was not the south ocean, but the world has traveled around the world.

The above examples have made this good 3C product become bad 3C behaviors- "CIVIC-MINDEDLESS" (no public morality), Compulsiveness (difficulty), and conflicing.As a result, this rose to becoming a social problem, and even happened every day in you and me, which caused adverse effects on the public, crowded out the legitimate space of public resources and others, formed noise pollution, and even brought bad social atmosphere, triggering corners and even fighting.The fighting incident hinders social harmony.

Daily crowded commute and dining time, we can only like slowly cooked frogs, accepting powerful mobile phones, and increasingly invading and capturing our quiet space and city.There are so many bad 3C sitting examples in life, the most important thing about personal moral cultivation is related to public morality, but it is also related to no one stands out to stop similar incidents, so the more like a snowball rolling, the more, the more, the moreRolling is not without heaven.

The reason why we call mobile phones "personal mobile phones" seems to be completely personal.But is this true?Use personal 3C products in public space -mobile phones, tablets, MP3 players, etc. If it disturbs others, it is not as simple as personal freedom.Strictly speaking, can it be regarded as a criminal of public order and harassment law on public space expansion playback videos and open screens on performance and movie playback space?It seems that because there is no precedent, or everyone is more unfamiliar with the scope and implementation of this decree. When you encounter similar incidents, you will endure it or avoid it away. With a kind of ostrich -like forbearance.As a result, it became a worse 3C phenomenon.

urgently need to rectify bad 3C phenomena

Is there any way to face the trouble of this bad 3C?How can the comfort and balance between people, people, and machines be guaranteed and balanced?How can I retain and protect the time of reading and thinking at the time of commute time, or the time of dining?In fact, this respect for others, the use of 3C products for civilization is the basic public morality and politeness, and it should be developed from an early age.Of course, today we say that young people and children are electronics aborigines. They have used 3C products from an early age. Most of the elderly and adults are new immigrants of electronics. They use 3C after adulthood.As a result, we often see the use of mobile phones or swiping mobile phones on the performance hall audience, and more older electronic immigrants.Then you must not make excuses for them with less or mischievous.As an electronics new immigrant, we really have to fight against the province. From ourselves, we have learned good and elegant use of mobile phones from the villagers.

Secondly, in addition to the self -improvement of personal consciousness and cultivation, the situation is so serious that there must be a collective social response.The softer method is to promote the use of elegant 3C products through a movement, and change the current bad habits to improve the living space with more civilized order.We probably need that polite movement to promote elegant 3C use, such as recalling the polite ambassador "Xinya" to warn and guide, reward and guide one by one.Or start a enhanced version of the mobile phone movement by the Singapore Good Movement to teach everyoneWhen using 3C products in commute or other public places, you must wear headphones, otherwise you can turn off the sound directly, and you can only watch the silent film or read subtitles.In the movie theater or theater hall, in addition to mute, you must not open the screen.

The third is the severe punishment of legislation.Although today, Singapore and the education system that has become the top of the first world country is among the best in the Economic Organization Organization, and we need to legislate to eliminate these evil habits. Maybe it means that the distance between us from civilization. Sometimes it is not GDP to simply make up for it to make up for it.Come.

In fact, there are many places around the world, and there are already related bills.For example, last year, Mumbai, India, had prohibited using mobile phone calls loudly, and could only use headphones.This year, there are media reporters in Urumqi to investigate the phenomenon of outside mobile phones in public places such as subways, buses, and hospitals. 60 % of the citizens said that "very disgusted" and 90 % of the citizens supported the sound of mobile phones in public places.The release of traffic management regulations is prohibited from using electronic equipment in the stations, carriage and rail transit facilities.As early as 2020, Shanghai has legislated to ban the use of audiovisual mobile phones on the bus.Earlier this year, the Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau also joined the use of electronic devices to play sound.In addition, Brussels also discussed the mobile phone expander on the bus. Many schools even banned the use of mobile phones. Like European countries, they are re -reviewing the use of 3C products such as mobile phones, including schools in the Netherlands and Britain.Essence

We still do n’t know how much the official tolerance of the phenomenon of bad 3C, or we are already planning countermeasures; what we know is that noise pollution is the second largest damage faced by human physical and mental health after air pollution.EssenceThe technology research and development of Hao 3C products has been used for thousands of years, and the derivation of the bad 3C phenomenon has been highlighted in less than 20 years.If it is never eliminated, the ideal of Singapore as an elegant city will gradually go away, and the protection of the public space of the people will become more difficult.

I suddenly thought of Singapore in 1992 for environmental hygiene and became the world's first country to issue gum ban.Now we do not want to issue a ban on 3C products, but the elimination of bad 3C behaviors may also have the courage to pay gum.

The author is engaged in Chinese teaching and local cultural research