The United States two -party ruling in the past eight years is not only highly consistent in diplomacy, but also in the internal affairs that it is much more consistent.None of the basic systems, values, and regulations in the United States have been destroyed.Interestingly, from the perspective of Wans and Harris, the so -called top -level design about the new generation of leaders of the two parties seems to have "advanced with the times."

I am a criminal in (Lianhe Zaobao June 20th Edition) One article has lamented that this year's US presidential election is extremely unprecedented, and constantly challenging the ability of voters to respond.In the past few weeks, emergencies have continued to record one after another.President Biden announced another climax.

First review: For the unprecedented judgment of the New York District Court of the New York Court, President Trump made a fake account because of the sealing fee and committed 34 so -called felony.Another judge recently ruled that the special prosecutor was a "illegal appointment" and unconstitutional position, and refused to trial another criminal prosecution on Trump's Secret documents.Of course, both rulings may still be overthrown in the appeal.Trump's third criminal charges are trying to overthrow the results of the 2020 election, which is still under trial.A 78 -year -old old man, at the same time, faced three criminal lawsuits, and he also wanted to serve the people firmly.

On a television debate on June 27, Trump, as always, opened his river as always, saying that he would not do it at all, or he couldn't do it.Political opponents (he also said to Hillary during the debate in 2016).The 81 -year -old Biden seemed to be old -fashioned, unclear, and chaotic thoughts; some of them had a stubbornness and misunderstanding defects, which was even more obvious.Many media and even the Democratic Elderly, almost immediately called for Bayeng to refund the election.

Then there is the violent incident of nearly the plot of the novel.On July 13, Trump encountered assassination bullets at the political rally of Pennsylvania, one of the key swing states.Fortunately, he was just injured in the auricular.The high image of the former president's face with blood and punching calling for "Fight" will undoubtedly give his campaign a lot of points.As a result, the gunmen who died and died were only 20 years old. They were born in a middle -class family; they were registered as Republican voters, but they also donated $ 15 to the Democratic Party.He was killed on the spot, and the motivation of the stab was yet to be investigated, but he had been severely condemned by the correct politics of the two parties.

In the end, Biden, who was infected with crown disease, announced the withdrawal.Firmly believes that only by themselves can stop Trump's current president, because of the problems of old age and health, "for the sake of the party, for the country", give up the pursuit of one of one of the 7 billion people around the world.Regardless of whether people recognize his policy, there are various pressures behind it.The old Knights of Biden made American voters no longer trapped in a feller (Felon) or a century problem that was old.

Biden and Trump are both strong and competitive people; they are private and public, and they have been struggling for more than eight years.Both seemed to think that their own policy was the best, and they were the only leaders who led the American people and even the benefit of humans; they also agreed that the other party was a dangerous figure that harmed the United States.However, as many Americans have already said, if it is the least impact on the American political system, the best for the American people, and everyone's effort and effort is also the simplest and most feasible, that is, the two oldest candidates in history have retired at the same time.Biden (or the president of the next party) can also use the presidential power to exempt all the criminal prosecution of Trump in order to seek party reconciliation.The two parties each advanced the new talents.Although the election date is approaching, other democratic countries can complete the right to pass the election in a short time. For example, it took only one and a half months from the announcement of the British to the leader to change the post.

Now Biden takes the old retirement election, taking a big step unprecedentedly and entering history.Trump is also exiting "high wind and bright festivals", so that the number of republicans with countless talents has other candidates, eliminating the choice between the American people on trusting the judicial system and the charm of the charm of trust.Affects his historical status.

Of course, the best and simpler options in politics are often the most difficult and complicated in practice.At least Trump has not given a defeat four years ago, and now I am afraid it is difficult to take the initiative to give up the opportunity to hate this snow.

Whether the Democratic Party can seize the opportunity to be observed

Democratic high -level seniors now seem to be "united" quickly, and accept Vice President Harris Shun as a candidate.Although the victory of the Democratic Party's election should now increase significantly compared with Bayeng, whether it can seize the opportunity is yet to be observed.

The novelty of this year's election is endless, and it is difficult to predict.However, no matter who is elected, there will be no major changes in the promise of both sides of the campaign slogan.I believe that a president can be restrained or destroyed in the United States in four years. It may be how the "most bad" political system has fallen and tough to this day.

Many Chinese friends may often project their understanding of the supreme imperial power to the US president.In a huge system of multi -decentralization and complex balances, different presidents can make very different meaningful decisions. In addition to the part of the parliamentary funding he can control, it is actually only diplomatic.In terms of foreign policy, from Asia -Pacific to Europe, from strong army to anti -terrorism, the two candidates currently have only some small tactical differences.The author had a presidential election class in a school that had a relationship with Bai and Special Elderly. Remember that the professor said: Being a president must have a revolutionary new proposition; as for how much it can be achieved after becoming, in fact, it is not allowed to achieve it.He is not important.

Trump is regarded by many Americans as "disruptor" and even dictators; the style of speech makes many people who value the traditional "gentleman" and have appetite.In fact, his last four years in power can be said to be thunderous, the rain is small, and most of them can only abide by the law in the action; his preferential measures are either restricted or resolved.The two -party governance in the past eight years has not only consistent with the high diplomatic degree, but also in the internal affairs that is far more consistent than different.None of the basic systems, values, and regulations in the United States have been destroyed; various interest groups, including ethnic minorities, are playing and gradually playing, seeking to maximize their respective interests.There are almost no major changes in controversial issues. It is estimated that it will be the same in the next four years. Only illegal immigration issues may become an exception.

Interestingly, the so -called top -level design of the new generation leader of the United States seems to be "advancing with the times."At the National Congress of the Republican Congress, which ended on July 18, Trump chose the Federal Federal Senator Vice President Vice President Candidate for the first election two years ago.The crushed family of grass -roots white people from the contempt of Wanz has risen from poverty. Through a quite traditional but not easy way every step, participating in the army, college and law schools, business entrepreneurship, and writing in politics, it has quickly realized the realization of politics, and quickly realized it.Your American dream.From the perspective of his resume, he looks like Clinton and even Obama with the Republican version.In terms of politics, Wans seems to be conservative and pragmatic, which is quite flexible: he once opposed and despised Trump in 2016, but four years later, he turned 180 degrees and became Trump's loyal followers.He has an extraordinary reputation, but his wife is "foreign" American Indians.

The Democratic Party's Harris even reflects the diverse, tolerant, and still full of vitality and opportunities in reality.She is a non -seal mixed -race from the middle -class immigrant family and has worked hard all the way; her husband is a Jew, and a Chinese name is He Jinli.

Bayeng wrote him half in highlightsThe last page of political career in the century; and the two and a half century of American democracy opened a new chapter.

(The author is a professor at the Narn International Affairs College of Georgia University of Technology)