Author: Bloomberg

Author: Enda Curran, Viktoria Dendrinou

Less than four months before the US election, the Democratic presidential candidate suddenly replaced, which brought new uncertain factors to the economic policy prospects in 2025 and later.

The unknown is now the popular picker of the US President Biden, whether Harris will re -adjust the Democratic Economic agenda.Economists and investors have been looking for clues from her resume from her as a US senator and a former California prosecutor.

Although many market participants have previously assumed that former President Trump has obvious potential to win in the November election, a wave of enthusiasm caused by Harris forced predictors to re -calculate the probability.

Wells Fargo economists said that there will be "huge uncertainty" in the future.GaveKal Research, Global Economic Research Company, describes US political situations as "extremely unpredictable."

Clay Lowry, a senior official of the Ministry of Finance and the current vice president of research and policy, said in the Bush government. "The dramatic incident we have witnessed in the US presidential campaign in the US presidential campaign in the past month, in the past monthThey are all never seen before, which increases the uncertainty of the election prospect and may damage confidence -a key pillar of investor emotions "

Trump's agenda includes tax cuts, tariffs, and strict migration, and many economists believe that this will re -ignit inflation.

Although Harris has not yet set her suggestions in detail, economists expect she to roughly adhere to the current policy portfolio of Bayeng government.These include providing a lot of subsidies for green energy, focusing on solving the problem of high living costs and maintaining tax reduction and exemption to low -income households.

But it is expected that she will also send her own policy signals in some areas, including personal income tax rates, climate and consumer protection.

"As far as her economic policy is concerned, she is a typical progressive club as a whole," "In the Bayeng government, he has been a senior official of the US Department of Finance until last year's Ben Harris."She does not have much view of progress that deviates from standards."

Harris, who is currently working in the Brucks Society, said that the vice president is "even more left than Biden."He pointed out that the measures she supported in the past included financial transaction taxes and proposals to increase the company's tax rate from the current 21%to 35%.(Biden supports 28%.)

In terms of trade, the record of the vice president shows that she prefers protectiveism and is more in line with Biden's approach compared with the Obama or Clehlinting government who is pursuing a free trade agreement.Biden maintained the Trump's tariffs on tariffs on China.

In 2016, Harris opposed the cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). It was an Asia -Pacific trade agreement that Obama advocated at the cost of sacrificing China at the cost of sacrificing China.

When running for the United States Senator at the time, Harris told the Los Angeles Times, "Although I support trying to increase the export of American goods and expand trade opportunities, I will oppose any trade agreement that does not consider the best interests of workers." Harris has won the support of multiple trade unions since it was announced to run for president.She touts unions to bring economic benefits to union members and non -union workers.