In the "Family Requirement Survey" and "Basic Demand Public Cognitive Survey" completed by the Institute of Policy of Singapore and Singapore, an important result shows that if you need to re -assign government resources, most people believe that priority can be given to artistic reduction of art priority to reduce art priority to art., Sports and cultural expenses.

This result is reasonable, after all, everyone knows "no food to talk about art", and it seems more reasonable to solve the basic needs of those who cultivate athletes.However, can we really reduce the country's cultural and artistic sports budget alone based on this survey result?

Historical Records of Guan Yanliu mentioned "Cangxian is solid, knowing etiquette, knowledge and disgrace of clothing and food", which is about the relationship between food and clothing and culture.After satisfying the basic needs of survival, the educational and shame of the people to educate the people is the way of governing the people by the rulers.People often mistakenly think that this is the policy basis for the first food, clothing and then culture, and deliberately ignore the last sentence in the text: "Four dimensions are not open, the country is destroyed." Four dimensions refer to the root of etiquette, the foundation of the country, the surpassing food and clothing beyond food and clothingValue concept is a cultural level.Of course, food and clothing are important, and cultural identity and building a tree are more important.

The development of culture relies on the economic foundation, which is understandable, but the relationship between the two is by no means a one -sequential relationship, but the promotion and coexistence and win -win.Poor countries must also develop culture, invest in art, and retain heritage, because culture is a process of continuing evolution and constant inheritance.

You can't say that you only pick papaya without spend time and energy planting papaya trees.You can't say that the whole people have refrigerators washing machines, and culture and art can fall from the sky.Yes, you can buy foreign paintings, music, and TV series, but you can't buy the sense of recognition of the country and the sense of pride of the people.

These must be based on the cultural and artistic sports of the people of the country.Joseist's Olympic gold medal is enough to celebrate the people of the country; a statue of a Raffles tells the world of small red dots in the world for hundreds of years.If we no longer spend money to invest in any sports, let all museums die for themselves, and no longer allocate funds to support various art groups. What will Singapore look like?

In Singapore, "refrigerators and washing machines" and cultural development are by no means a problem of fish and bear's paw, but the problem of lip and teeth.We must have "refrigerators and washing machines", but also our own culture, sports, art, and inheritance.If unfortunately becomes a cultural desert, Singapore will become a resort, and it will be a scattered sand during the crisis of the country.The lack of investment and construction of mother tongue culture, new immigrants cannot find the bond of culture, they will be difficult to take root here.Investment in culture, art and sports helps to establish a golden signboard in Singapore, indirectly promote foreign investment growth, increase employment opportunities of Chinese people, and help more people to achieve basic living needs or meet better quality of life.

Of course, each country has a disadvantaged group, and they are still running three meals a day, and Singapore is no exception.Of course, we must think for them, support them to support them, and let them follow the pace of national development.

But Singapore's forefront of the world's developed economies should not sacrifice the budget of cultural sports and art development in order to help this minority group.France's wealth is lower than Singapore, and Per capita GDP is probably more than half of us, but the French government is used in the budget of culture, art and sports, and 1.5 times higher than Singapore.

I hope that the public can correctly interpret the results of this survey.We also believe that decision makers can weigh the long -term interests of society and the country and make wise choices.