Singapore Chinese culture has unique features, but it is never isolated, but a diverse and wonderful puzzle in the global Chinese world.

Early immigrants from south of China to Singapore are the main body of the Chinese workers who are engaged in hard work.Their fascinating process of their horizons and sorrows has been contained in the history of history, and they are also entered into poetry.The deeds of "passing guests", "bitterness", "red headscarf" deeds that affect people.

In addition to traditional Chinese workers, from the end of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, several waves of immigration in the south ocean also brought many scholars. Among them, literati, educators, newspapers, artists, missionaries, etc.Many cultural identities are one of them.Compared with the hard work, their deeds may not be so crying, but they are undoubtedly the cultural pioneer, which has a profound impact on Singaporea society.Labor and industrial and commercial classes work hard at mines, rubber gardens, agricultural land, and shops; the workers are mostly living in schools, associations, newspapers, cultural institutions, and large and small business banks.

In that colonial era, the original intention of the cultural people to go to Nanyang was mostly "educating the diaspora" to enhance the connection between the diaspora and the motherland, but they also enhanced the cultural level of the local society.Among them, some of them are rushing passengers, shortly sending Xingzhou, and some stay here. They can see their figures.For decades, the cultural seeds of these "cultural sowers" have gradually grown into seedlings and dense branches and leaves, which are now fruitful.

In the concept of the local, local Xingzhou

This is a journey of more than a century, and the founding of Singapore has been nearly 60 years.In recent years, Singapore Chinese Cultural Center, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and many Chinese communities and cultural and educational organizations have carried out the review and record of the evolution of local Chinese culture.In this process, it is not difficult to find that about a century ago, the period of the Republic of China in the Republic of China, and the British colonies in Singapore, the concept of "local" began to emerge in the Chinese community.What does a cultural person think about the so -called "Nanyang" mean?What kind of meaning world will you reach on the land of Nanyang?This may be the opportunity of the native Chinese culture context.

At the time in the business world, the idea of ​​landing rooted began to sprout.For example, in 1933, the Directors' Meeting of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce recorded the text modified by the charter, changed "our overseas Chinese" to "Chinese", and "Chinese overseas Chinese businessmen" to "Benpo Chinese businessmen", indicating that local Chinese businessmen have gradually implemented local identity.Essence

A lot of literary and historical workers have studied the origin of local awareness.Their discussions are found on book newspapers, historical documents, and "Singapore Chinese Cultural Encyclopedia" knowledge network.

The newspaper person and scholar Du Nanfa once wrote an article in newspapers, mentioning the origin of local consciousness in New Malaysian literature.He said that this can be divided into two stages."First of all, it was proposed by Nanyang color. In 1927, Zhang Jinyan, an editor of the New National Daily Literature and Arts, first proposed that the color of Nanyang should be established in Nanyang's works."

"Followed by 'local consciousness' proposal: In 1934, the writer's abandoned name (Qiu Shizhen) asked the question of Malaya 'local writers' in the deputy publishing of the Nanyang Commercial Daily, and directly raised the 'Malaya Local Literature and Art'For the first time, Malaysia (including Singapore) calls for the first time. "

"Encyclopedia of Singapore Chinese Culture Encyclopedia" article shows that in the late 1920s, local literature began to have the clue of the transformation of diaspora literature to local literature in the subject matter; Zhang Songjian's article also emphasized "the localization of Xinhua Culture",There is a continuous development clue.The articles of art critic Zhang Xiazheng traced the buds of local consciousness in the art and literature world.An example in the article is: In 1928, an editor Xu Jie said at Yiqun Daily, "Nanyang has the history, customs, human feelings, and scenery of Nanyang.Literature theme ".Yao Mengtong's article shows that the pioneer painter actively painted the southern scenery and responded to the voice of "painting should be local".

In 1938, when the founder of the local art, Lin Xueda, founded the Nanyang Aesthetic College, stated that running a school was "to communicate with the art of east and west and the establishment of a new Malayan art."He advocates that works should be "reflected in local reality" and expressing "local tropical mood".To this end, he encouraged teachers and students to visit and explore all over Singapore and Southeast Asia.

By the 1950s, textbooks used by local schools also began to show the phenomenon of "Malaya".Scholar Li Jinsheng pointed out in the article "Singapore Chinese Culture Encyclopedia" that at that time, an joint venture publishing Co., Ltd., which was composed of the five major book bureaus of Singapore, hired well -known cultural and educators who settled in Malaysia to write textbooks to realize the content of Malaysia, emphasizing that the Chinese culture retained Chinese cultureAt the same time as the background, the focus is on Malaya to cultivate the sentiment of school children to love Malaya.

In the 1950s, the local style of local Chinese songs became increasingly obvious, and creative skills became mature.Local composer Pan Yaotian mentioned that the local creation of songs, such as Mo Zexi, and my mother, depicting the hard life and local feelings of the rubber -cut workers.

The above -mentioned explanations, before the founding of Singapore, before the leaders strongly stimulated patriotism and shaped national identity, the people had always had the bottom -up force to automatically promote the recognition of local culture.

This phenomenon has its objective laws and inevitability.Cultural people and artists have their own unique internal creative motivation, and they will want to open up the artistic style different from the hinterland of the Central Plains; they will naturally take materials on the spot to reflect the real life of the location and express their emotions for the society and land.

Record the organic ecology of Singapore Chinese Culture

In the past one or two years, in our land, different cultural coexistence coexishes; whether it is a person of knowledge or the general public, it recognizes "beauty and beauty" and also respects diversification. Therefore, ourCulture, art, language, food, food, food, housing, and festival customs have the "Singapore characteristics" that can be described.Culture is a matter of long water flow, and cultural characteristics are the organic process of precipitated for a long time.

Singapore Chinese culture has unique features, but it is never isolated, but a diverse and wonderful puzzle in the global Chinese world.The "Singapore Chinese Culture Encyclopedia" recently opened is characterized by bilingual, cultural phenomena and development context as the main axis, and use different themes to explore the continuous evolution and unique local culture.The Singapore Chinese Cultural Center will also continue to cooperate with local Chinese communities, universities, media institutions, and folk cultural and historical organizations to enrich the content of the website and continue to develop more themes.The topics of conceived and organizing include the founders of Chinese schools, Nanyang University, traditional Chinese industry, and local food culture.

Culture must be continuously compatible and stored in order to have vitality.It can be expected that while the people who cultivate the culture continue to be based on the native, they will also look at the world. From multiple aspects and different cultural ecology, draw nutrients, nourish the "Singapore Chinese culture" fertile soil, and shape the unique culture belonging to Singaporeans.conscious.

The author is the research director of the Singapore Chinese Cultural Center