81 -year -old Biden made a major political decision: withdrawing from the 2024 presidential election and fully supported Vice President Harris to run.At this point, the Presidential Election of the United States, the fierce disputes between the Democratic Party and the American society's age and health of Biden, and finally ended out.This also heralds the beginning of a big game of a new round of short soldiers in American politics.

Although Biden's decision is late, it is still effective.After weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the US senior politicians, they could finally defeat the temptation and expansion of self -expansion, and retired rapidly in line with the opinions of the party and the mainstream of the society.Although this wise choice is not as proactive and far -sighted as the founding President Washington that year, it is still worthy of the back of the princes and models, making its own valuable contribution to the sustainable development and progress of the American democratic system.

Bynden's refund for the Democratic Party was actually retreating. The passive helplessness in the previous period changed the new horn of the campaign opponent to launch the Jedi counterattack.

At present, the other American Republican Party of the election can be regarded as a rainbow. Former President Trump has risen in popularity because of the recent attempt of shooting, and also took the opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of lawsuits on disadvantages.He officially became a presidential candidate at the recent party congress held by the Republican Party, and chose a young senator of the traditional industrial rust area in the Midwest as the deputy.Trump's choice of Wans did not take care of the so -called political correctness. Instead, he took the main purpose of winning the campaign and used the influence of Wans to win the people's hearts and votes of those "swing states".Straight, decisive, do not play cards according to conventional, these are the characteristics of Trump's politics.

After Bynden's withdrawal, there were two ways to choose from within the Democratic Party.The first road is relatively short and fast, that is, the whole party quickly selected Harris as a new candidate, and started to re -assemble around her to organize a new team and campaign strategy.However, there are two risks of this path: first of all, the process of crossing the candidate of the party's universal candidates. Although it saves time and effort, it has also buried hidden dangers that cannot be convinced, including maybe other candidates with potential.It is not good for Harris to effectively consolidate the power and will of the whole party and fight against competitors.

The second road is still going to take the party's universal election procedures, so that candidates outside Harris also have the opportunity to stand out.The final candidate depends on the results of the party's universal election.The Democratic Party will be held on August 19 in Chicago. At that time, a platform that is in line with the party's universal election can be provided; and once the candidate is determined, the conference can fully condense the will.The end point sprints.But the risk of this path is not waiting for people at present.If the party's choice takes too much time, the procedures are complicated and causes out of control, which will cause candidates to be difficult to give birth, which will directly affect the final sprint and victory.

That is to say, before mid -August, the Democratic Party must confirm its campaign path and strategy, and immediately implement it at the subsequent party congress.This is also a key moment to test the wisdom and determination of the Democratic Party's core circle and decision -making layer.Biden himself and former President Clinton, Obama, and former House of Representatives Perosi, the current leaders of the Democratic Party of the two House of Representatives, etc. are all core decision -making characters.

Harris is going to be in the first history

If the Democratic Party will eventually launch Harris to run, it will start a major precedent for American politics and history.As a woman and ethnic minorities (African and South Asians), Harris has been shocked by the presidential president. Whether it can be successfully elected in the end can be described as Guan Shan Wanzhong and challenge Lin Li.Eight years ago, the Secretary of State Hillary, as a white woman, ran for the first time to run for the President of the United States, but lost to the political amateur Trump.Among them, Obama and the Democratic Party have been in power for eight years. Generally speaking, party rotation occurs.However, American voters were not prepared for female presidents at that time, and it was also one of the main factors of Hillary's defeat.Can American voters accept a woman and a minority president?It's hard to say, but it seems worth trying.The world's democratic lighthouse should dare to be the world.

At present, the Democratic Party's campaign policy and policy orientation are generally conforming to the trend of the times and the trend of public opinion, but it must also curb the extreme left thought tide and flooding tendency.There are more colors.

Stepping on the brakes in some aspects is not unnecessary, and it is also part of the "necessary tension" mechanism of the democratic system, but you must be careful when you drive the car.Discipline is not the right choice to the United States and the world, and it will eventually damage the core interests of the United States and the civilized world.

For example, in an interview with the media recently, Trump talked about Taiwan's issue, and sacrificed his businessman as the old man who said that Taiwan would pay "protection fees" to the United States, and accused the developed semiconductor industry in Taiwan.Opportunities in the United States.At a state of election recently, the same Trump, the same Trump claimed that "if Chinese military force attacks Taiwan, it will order bombing Beijing."It can be seen that Trump is a layman in international politics and games, and often comes to see where you say.However, after all, the United States is a democratic system, and the president himself cannot be arbitrarily arbitrarily. He also has to listen to public opinion, the voices of the party and the staff, and the influence of the influence of judicial power, legislative power and international allies.

Trump's deputy Wan Si has condemned Trump at first condemned Trump and took out a posture with Trump, but then the situation was stronger than people.Become Trump's campaign partner.For example, the current position of the Russian and Urotic War that Wanus is currently expressed, and it is quite cynical and ambiguous.However, if Trump began to adjust his attitude towards Ukraine under the influence and constraints of all parties, Wanz estimates that "special regulations Wan Sui".

In short, as a major decision made by Biden's withdrawal with Biden, US democracy has entered a new chapter and fast lane at the same time.The November election will be a major test moment.The people's country and destiny are dominated by the people. To this end, the US democracy has taken the right and critical step. The direction and results of the next three months are worthy of continuous attention.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy in the United States