The more our two countries can maintain positive and stable, the less politically, the less the people of the two countries can benefit.

The bilateral relations between Singapore and Malaysia are positive, and our cooperation is still expanding, and we continue to develop in new areas of the two countries.Xinma has always been the largest economic partner of each other.Singapore is the largest source of foreign investment in Malaysia.Except for a small number of major powers such as China and the United States, we have more trade than trade with any other country.Xinrou Changdi is one of the busiest land levels in the world, with more than 300,000 people crossing the country a day.Kuala Lumpur -Singapore route is one of the busiest international routes in the world.

In 2025, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of bilateral relations.Over the past 30 years, I have worked closely in different ways to promote bilateral relations.The first is to work closely with the Malaysian armed forces in the Singapore Armed Forces to strengthen mutual trust and understanding between the New Malaysian army.We also carry out multilateral cooperation to strengthen regional security, especially under the IADS framework of the Five Kingdoms Lianwei (FPDA) and the IADS framework called the comprehensive air defense system at the time.

As the Minister of Trade and Industry, I have worked closely with the Malaysian International Trade and Industry, including Rafida.We have expanded bilateral economic cooperation, especially between Singapore and Johor.We have promoted regional projects, including the Asianiman Free Trade Zone and the new Growth Delta in India.We have reached consensus on multilateral forums such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) -s such as the General Agreement and Trade Agreement (GATT), and both countries support trade and investment liberalization.We support each other because we all agree with more free trade and speak for the rights of small countries and developing countries.

Later, as the Prime Minister, I cooperated with a number of Malaysian Prime Minister to strengthen bilateral relations.We have achieved a lot of results.For example, in 2007, Prime Minister Abdul and I held the first informal summit for the first leader.This has become a platform for the leaders of the two countries to regularly discuss bilateral issues, establish trust and close personal friendship.In the second year, Dun Abdullah and I accepted the international court's ruling on Baijiao, and agreed to continue to carry out the maritime industry work around the white reef.This is a task that is still ongoing.At the subsequent 2010 informal summit, Prime Minister Najib and I broke the 20 -year deadlock and solved the problem of railway land for the Malaysian Railway Corporation for a long time.Najib and I formulated the way forward, we continued.We have reached an agreement that has been fully implemented -the land is completed, and the joint project has been completed.There are two joint projects in Singapore, one in the Binhai ONE in Binhai, and the other in Wugosi's DUO.On the side of Johor, Malaysia, there are two projects in the Isenada SAR, one is Avira, and the other is the Afiniti Medini Wellness Projects in the Isenkida Special Economic Zone.Both sides are happy with the results.This makes both of us very satisfied.We not only achieve the results of win -win, but also achieve this result in a constructive and friendly way, thereby enhancing their trust and confidence in each other.This allows us to continue and do more things.

Recently, I worked closely with the leaders of the other shore during the popularity of crown disease.When the border is closed, we will help each other to take each other's citizens who stay in neighboring countries.We exchanged epidemic information and cooperated in vaccine, because from the perspective of disease control, it is difficult to separate Malaysia and Singapore.When mobile control is inevitable, we do our best to deal with challenges to the greatest efforts -re -contact the family to help stranded foreign workers.After the situation is stable, we work together to reopen land traffic and rebuild the supply chain.Looking forward to the future, there are several big and available joint projects.For example, Xinrou Metro (RTS) is progressing smoothly.If you go to Johor Bahru to see the Johor Strait, you will see that the bridge that is under construction has been connected and the project is progressing smoothly.In January, Prime Minister Anhua and I witnessed the completion of the bridge body connected to the international border viaduct in the middle of the Strait.We hope to complete the RTS connection by the end of 2026.This will make cross -border travel more convenient, and it should significantly alleviate the congestion of the new soft dike.Another project that is available is the proposed Rouxin Economic Zone (JS-SEZ).Important details are still in discussion and need to be reached.When it realizes it, the Special Economic Zone will attract a large amount of investment and create business and employment opportunities for Ma Xin.

Of course, for many years, we must also deal with more difficult and sensitive bilateral issues -water supply, airspace management, and seas.Generally speaking, the discussion is quietly carried out behind the scenes, and I expect some time to draw conclusions.But in all, in the past few decades, both sides have made significant development in our relations.We should understand the hardships and preciousness of each other -the specific results we have achieved, and the overall good state of each other.This is not taken for granted.

Tight and complex relationship

Malaysia and Singapore have a close but complex relationship.Therefore, the leaders and governments of the two countries must start from a strategic perspective, focusing on the overall relationship between the two countries, and closely cooperate and deal with various problems.They must clearly understand potential difficulties and hidden dangers, but at the same time, they must realize that as long as we can overcome problems and cooperate together, we can get huge returns.Then, we must be able to focus from the overall bilateral relationship and guide it in a safe and wise direction.We have achieved some success in this regard, and I hope we can continue to do this for a long time in the future.

Why do I say that the relationship between Xinma is very complicated?

The most fundamental reason is the establishment of the two countries.We have a common history: we came together in a difficult environment, and then experienced the separation of trauma to both parties.The two countries became one country, and then one country became the two countries.These are unforgettable experiences for older Singaporeans and Malaysians.Today, that generation is passing away, and the strong emotions of the 1960s and even 1970s have gradually disappeared.Perhaps the offspring can look at these things with a more transcendent vision.However, we must understand that although this emotion may subscribe, the fundamental problem that complicates our relationship has not disappeared.

What are these fundamental problems?

First of all, the social structure of the two countries has a clear comparison, and we have taken a very different way to manage this long -term structural reality.We are all diverse ethnic society, and we are proud of this.But our society is the background of each other, that is, the incomplete inverted scenes -Singapore is mostly Chinese, and the Malaysians and other races are a minority; Malaysia is the majority of the Malaysians, and the Chinese and other races are minority.EssenceIn addition, the two countries have adopted a completely opposite strategy in the construction of a diverse ethnic society.Therefore, even if one party does what it takes for granted, it may easily cause the other party's side eyes and misunderstandings, and occasionally misunderstandings and dissatisfaction will occur.

Secondly, in addition to this structural difference, there are some difficult and essential sensitive problems from time to time, and it is difficult to find a win -win solution.I mentioned three long -term problems -water supply, airspace management, and seas regulations.We have always discussed these things and made progress.We have continued to make progress, but these problems have existed for many years.It is impossible for them to simply "solve" through an informal dinner, or even a durian feast.These issues need to work hard and seriously to find out the long -term and feasible methods, control the continuous problems, and take care of each other's important interests.You can control them, you can make progress in solving the pain points, but you cannot let them disappear.This is a difficult task, but even if we face such a difficult task, we can still find constructive methods to make progress together, just like we are on the land issue of the White Reef sovereignty and the land issue of the Malaysian Railway Company.What you do.As we did in terms of water resources, at the time we reached an agreement to build a Lingui dam. This project has benefited the two countries for nearly 30 years.It is necessary to consider domestic political emotions, because these emotions often make these problems more complicated and delicate.

Therefore, if the timing of making breakthroughs on some tricky issues is not yet mature, the governments of the two countries will continue to do their best to control the development of the situation, so that our wider cooperation will not be affected by these unreasonable issues.We cannot make the problem inadvertently and exaggerate, or to poison the overall relationship, making things more difficult, causing serious damage to the two parties.This has come to the second problem. Some problems are difficult to solve, and they need to pay hard work and political courage.

Third, there are always factors in neighborhood competition between close neighboring countries.This is inevitable, because our geographical distance is close and has a common history.Recently, we have celebrated the 100th anniversary of the opening of Xinrou Changdi -100 years of affection, 100 years of common bonds, and 100 years of cultural integration.100 years later, the new Rou Changdi still stood still.This is a great achievement, but if you look back and think about it, you will realize that this is not a trivial matter.Because it may not continue, many things may be wrong.But it still stands.This means very close interaction, so we cannot avoid occasional competition awareness.Irving Berlin has a song: "I can do better what you can do, and I do better than you."Sometimes, people on both sides of the Changdi take this attitude to each other -occasionally, not always, but occasionally.Therefore, we can make a very fierce debate on football, songs (such as Rasa Sayang), or food (such as who invented Ladsa, where fish is derived from, and who is the best of Malaysian coconut milk rice).These are friendly competition, some of which are good things -it adds some additional vitality to our relationship.When we sit down and drink a cup, there will be some new topics to discuss, which will also inspire us to surpass each other and promote the development of the two countries.But we must also ensure that emotions will not be out of control.

Therefore, we are different society, have complex bilateral issues, and have the dispute between hands and foots -these are some reasons why there is a substantial sensitivity and complex relationship between us.But despite this, both sides know that we must cooperate together because we have no choice.We may like each other, we may feel unhappy with each other, but we are always the closest neighbors.Singapore cannot be moved away, and Malaysia cannot move away -we will always be in front of each other's house. I think we will live better in harmony.We can refuse to deal with each other, and we can end up with endless titles.But this is unwise and feasible for both parties.We will bring endless trouble for each other and lose many opportunities for win -win cooperation.None of us will get any fun or benefits from it.

Therefore, I am very pleased that even if it cannot be reached on every issue, the top leaders of the two countries can focus on the overall situation and make good progress.As I said earlier, I have a good relationship with many Malaysian leaders, including the Prime Minister Anhua, who has known for a long time.I am very happy that when Prime Minister Huang Xuncai and my successor in Singapore conducted power transfer in Singapore, bilateral relations were stable and positive.Premier Huang had an introduction to Malaysia last month.He emphasized that his primary task was to establish a good working relationship with Anwar.Anhua received him very enthusiastically and expressed the same view, emphasizing that he also expects to establish a very healthy and firm relationship with Singapore's New Prime Minister.I am convinced that Premier Huang will cooperate with Anwar to promote our partnership.As a state -owned capital, I now play different auxiliary roles.I will do my best to further strengthen the relationship between the two countries and help build new relations.

Regional cooperation outlook

In the future, there are reasons for the two countries to continue to build our relationship.We live in a more turbulent world, conflict in Europe and the Middle East, and competition between big powers, especially between the United States and China.This affects international trade and global supply chains, which has a serious impact on Singapore and Malaysia, two open and dependent trade economies.This also affects regional security -we see tensions on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and the South China Sea.The development of these situations has made small countries more difficult in maintaining their own safety and improving people's lives.Therefore, the Asianan country must work together to strengthen regional stability and integration, and respond to regional challenges.The positions of Malaysia and Singapore are very similar in Asia, so we all strongly support the Ayaan.Malaysia will serve as the chairman of the Asian Danu next year, and Singapore will give full support.

We also cooperate with a wider range of Asia -Pacific regions.We are all members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) and a comprehensive progress agreement (CPTPP) for cross -Pacific partners.These are the trade agreements, and we participate in it because we believe in free trade.Free trade is weakening and split, and we think these can protect our interests.Despite the trend of globalization and decoupling, we also believe that we have developed with neighboring countries and carry out more cooperation with them.

Common progress

In fact, if we look at nearly 200 countries in the world, although there are all complexity and differences between us, Malaysia and Singapore have more in common than most other countries.Our interests are often the same.We all hope that the world we live in will maintain stability, openness and interconnection, promote Asianima as our base, carry out more business and trade between each other, and strive to improve the lives of the people of the two countries.This has continued to work closely for the two countries to seize many new opportunities.For example, in the field of renewable energy, Sarawak is keen to export water and electricity, and Singapore is happy to buy.If there is also green energy on the Malaysian Peninsula, we are also willing to buy it.More widely, in the field of digital and green, there are many opportunities for growth in the economy of the two countries, such as artificial intelligence or decarburization.

As a member of the Kuala Lumpur Commercial Club, you must be glad to hear that we hope to develop bilateral relations and maintain stability and friendship in political relations in order to create a favorable business environment.The more stable the political atmosphere, the easier it is to business people to carry out business.We hope that both the two parties can use the opportunities on both sides of the Xinrou Long embankment.Many Singapore companies have been seeking expansion opportunities in Malaysia, as well as many Malaysian companies.When I arrived on Friday, I received about 200 Singaporeans in Malaysia, and they took their family.Some from Kuala Lumpur, some of the Kota Kinabalu from more than a farther place, and even the east coast.Many of them are doing business here. Many of them are married to Malaysians and live here. Some have lived here for 30, 40, and 50 years. Howevercontribute.The more our two countries can maintain positive and stable, the less politics, the more people can benefit.


The continuous progress and prosperity of the two countries and people depends on whether we can maintain a win -win, equality and mutual respect.I hope we can achieve this goal together, and hope that our people will continue to enjoy the peace, harmony and friendship we have worked hard with the previous generations.Thank you so much.

(This article is a statement of speech on July 21, 2024 at the speech festival of a speech at the Kuala Lumpur Commercial Club)

Golden Shun Translation