Seven years ago, when people said "volume", they must think of book scrolls, that is, the "volume" of reading thousands of books and thousands of miles.Volume phenomenon.But the word "inner roll" that people often talk about now is not born from China, but in the internal curling of philosopher Kant.From the perspective of the history of the Internet, the results related to the word of the inner volume on Baidu appeared in 2016, and the time of the word volume broke out in 2020.

Today's Chinese society discussions are more and more frequent. From central media to self -media, from enterprises to individuals, it seems that the word has penetrated into everyone's hearts, and people are deeply anxious and lacking theirself.In order to resist the inner rolls, people began to discuss how to lie flat, how to lie flat, and even half -lying flat at 45 degrees to fight against this demon style.But why did the word inner roll suddenly fire, and why could it go deep into every corner of society?

From this, we must talk about this from the historical background of economic and social development.

In 1978, China decided to carry out reform and opening up. From the age of distribution to more labor and loss, people need to actively participate in labor and use intelligence and labor in exchange for their own beautiful life.In December 2001, China officially joined the World Trade Organization and began to export and cheap products in the world through labor -intensive industries. The rapid progress of China's economy was replaced.RMB, about 1.64 trillion yuan, the same below), rose to 126 trillion yuan in 2023; per capita disposable income from 3721.34 yuan to 39,218 yuan today; two tax income also ranging from 126 trillion yuan to today181 trillion yuan.

It can be seen from the above data that the Chinese economy has developed rapidly since its entry into the WTO.However, development is imbalance, GDP has increased 13 times, and the two -tax income is 13 times, but the per capita disposable income is only less than 10 times.Economic motivation.

All these have become more unsustainable as the trade disputes intensify and the growth rate of fixed asset investment has declined.Since the Sino -US trade war in 2018, the supply chain has begun to move from China, and the profit of large -scale industrial enterprises has begun to move slowly or even negative growth.During the period, the world was affected by the epidemic, and the stability of the Chinese epidemic caused corporate profits to rose briefly. In the later period of the world, the profit growth rate of Chinese companies fell to 4%in 2022 and 2.3%in 2023.For two consecutive years of negative growth and trade disputes, Chinese enterprises have begun to rescue themselves, and layoffs have become the most important way to rescue self -rescue in the enterprise.Just the tip of the iceberg.

As the profitability of enterprises is becoming more and more difficult, the recruitment demand has gradually shrinking, but the labor army has grown every year. Fresh graduates have increased significantly from 8.74 million in 2020 to 11.79 million today.More and more people need to work, but more and more people are unemployed, because at this time the enterprise is cautious and the requirements for job seekers are more.The official suspended announcement of the unemployment rate from the ages of 16 to 24 in August last year, and the last data stayed at 21.3%.

In order to cope with the employment market with more porridge and less porridge, in order to keep their jobs, people in the workplace dare not say no; in order to obtain work, job seekers have gradually decreased.In order to keep the market share, companies began to reduce the price of goods, and it was better to keep the proportion of the market, sacrifice profits, employee benefits, and compressed operating costs.As a result, the inner -volume society kicked off, and the competition between enterprises to thin -profit sales or even lost money, for this time, compressed the cost of manpower operation, which made the competition between workers more intense.In the end, the enterprise saved costs, but the income of the workers was reduced. The group with the consumption capacity of the company's products also narrowed, the cycle was recovered, and the market economy was destined to decline. Everyone would become the victims of this series of acts.

Now, what society needs is the power to get rid of the inner roll, not the behavior of continuously aggravating the inner volume.The inner roll will not make the Chinese life better, it will only make everyone involved in it anxious and painful.Getting rid of the inner volume requires the participation of every subject of society, from income distribution to monetary policy, from the business model of business owners to the mentality of workers.Only in this way can the society restore vitality, and every talent has a better future!

The author is Guangdong Advanced Software Engineer