In charge of the culture, community and youth ministers and law of law, Tang Zhenhui, in charge of the Huahe Liaison Group, said in an exclusive interview with Lianhe Morning Post at the end of last month that the local Zongxiang Guild Hall faces the pressure of inheritance, coupled with the fact that many countries in the world turn to interior and resist rejection and resistanceDiversity and opening up make the Chinese News Agency constructing a unique identity of Singapore Chinese people is more important.He believes that the government must continue to play a leading role, consolidate the majority of Chinese society, and strongly support the construction of the Chinese identity identity in Singapore.

Then, Prime Minister Huang Xuncai said at the 100th anniversary of the Huang's General Assembly that the Chinese News Agency still played an active role in condensing the country and society.He promised to continue to introduce new members to the China News Liaison Group and update existing members to ensure that the younger generation leaders can establish close connections with the Chinese Society.

The Chinese Society Liaison Group was established in 2000 and consisted of government officials and members.In addition to promoting the relationship between the government and the Chinese society, it also strengthens the government's understanding of the Chinese society.Yan Jinyong, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade and Industry, Chen Zhensheng, Minister of Education, and Minister of Health Wang Yikang, who are proficient in Bilingual Political Leaders, have led this group.

To construct and consolidate the identity of the Chinese community, the government's support and promotion are important, but the Chinese society itself must work hard to play a complementary effect.Although the population of Singapore is the Chinese nationality, not all Chinese are of course members of the Chinese News Agency.The trend of the strong position of English in the local area, the diversification of modern society, and the globalization trend makes it difficult to define the definition of the Chinese News Agency, and the connotation tends to be rich and changeable.

State -funded Li Xianlong pointed out before he was stepped down as Prime Minister that the Chinese News Agency has always been not a unit, because the definition of the Chinese News Agency has divided a large part of the Chinese.He said that those Chinese who have no Chinese school background or Chinese family background, or are not active in the Chinese society, are not regarded as a member of the Chinese News Agency.

However, Li Zizheng said that even if the major environment of society has changed, the Chinese have not lost their own culture and historical traditions.The younger generation understands the importance of Chinese and Chinese.They are willing to pass on the fire to pass the Chinese culture to the next generation.Although they may feel that their Chinese level is not in place, they hope that children will be better than themselves.

identity is the concept of psychology and sociology, which refers to the manifestation of a person's self -characteristics, and a manifestation of the concepts of the national or cultural with a certain group.It will change due to historical, regional and political factors.This provides a large space for the construction of identity.

Culture is an important foundation for identity, and language is an important carrier of culture.Traditional Chinese agencies, including chambers of commerce, Chinese media, Zongxiang organizations, and literary groups. It is necessary to re -examine their positioning and role in cultural heritage and language promotion to meet the needs of the times and in a rapidly changing environment.Occupy a place.

In Singapore, the strength of English and the influx of immigrants means that traditional Chinese agencies should expand the scope and functions.New immigrants.This will help the inheritance and enrichment of culture and the update of the leadership of the Chinese News Agency.

In addition to the long -established Chinese agency, the Singapore Zongxiang Club United Federation, the Singapore Chinese Cultural Center, the Chinese Self -help Council, and the Singapore Chinese Orchestra can actively play a positive player in promoting Chinese cultural activities or the use of Chinese Chinese.The role.In addition, grass -roots organizations such as temples or song platform hosts are an important force in inheriting cultural customs.

The promotion of culture and Chinese, it is indispensable.The joining of the younger generation of Shuang culture can promote the inheritance of culture.In terms of the identity of the Chinese News Agency and the national identity, the Chinese Pao has always played an important role. In addition to reflecting the voices and positions of the Chinese News Agency, it has also promoted cultural undertakings and highlights the interests of Singapore Chinese Society and the national interests.Support and play an indispensable role.

The construction and consolidation of identity identity is a long -term process that requires the joint efforts of families, schools, communities and governments.But more importantly, the Chinese Society itself must be correct, embrace the traditional values ​​of mother tongue and the traditional values ​​that meet the needs of the times.It is necessary for the Chinese Society to keep pace with the times and promote Chinese learning and inheriting cultural traditions through innovative methods.On the occasion of deepening the Chinese culture with the local Nanyang characteristics, the Chinese News Agency also needed to accept Haichuan, embracing new members and new cultural elements from all over the world, to enrich its own tradition.

Singapore is a diverse society. The Chinese, India and Malay people have absorbed nutrients from China, India and Arabic civilizations, and developed their own unique and identification of border culture and identity different from central culture.The bond of culture makes the island country in Singapore connect with the main civilization of the world; but the unique border culture and identity allows it to keep it in the space of independent operation.Various races coexist on this land, and each generation continues to inherit and enrich their parent culture, and can gradually construct Singaporean national identity.