Citizens must first distinguish between right and wrong, and respect the basic facts, and pursue the truth and truth, is the root of the democratic republic to restrict power and protect their rights.Effective restrictions on power can allow citizens to enjoy the freedom of expression and invention, safe and dignified life.

Former US President Trump was shocked and shocked the world.Many comments believe that the incident reflects that the political tearing of the United States is too deep, and even questioned that the US democratic system is sick.However, if you look back at history, the democratic system causes violence due to failure, which is not only new, but may be the inevitable of institutional genes. Reporting on July 15th, , in the history of the United States alone, there are more presidents who have assassinated presidents.Ten people, on average about every 25 years, four of them died; the most famous was Kennedy in 1963 and Lincoln in 1865.

Trump is regarded as the representative of global populism.Popularism is generally considered to be alienation of democracy, because the mainstream elites that represent public opinion should gradually form a small group of extra interest, selfishness, lose their public mind, and make the grassroots feel betrayal.They call on radical and comprehensive reforms to naturally threaten the interests of traditional elite groups, and they must be removed.When contradictions are hot, political assassinations will easily occur; if the contradictions cannot be resolved, the next step will be a more destructive revolutionary riots.

The famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato didn't take it seriously about the democratic system.In Plato's historical philosophy, political evolution is a reincarnation of fate. Politics has evolved from the monarchy to the aristocratic system, and then evolved to the democratic system. It was finally replaced by dictatorship and finally returned to the monarchy.Plato hates the democratic system, describing Athens' democratic system represents the chaotic class confrontation, cultural degradation and moral corruption.The most unavoidable disadvantage of the system of the number of people is undoubtedly the "tyranny of the majority", which has caused the interests of a few people to be sacrificed.At that time, the populist of Athens encouraged the "class struggle". It was necessary to legislate to increase taxes to the rich through the majority of the parliament, and even violently confiscated their property to achieve "rich rich".At the expense of opening the door, the King Philip of Macedonia in the north is welcome to occupy and implement dictatorship.

In order to reduce this disadvantage, the modern democratic system is actually not completely relying on the majority of decisions, but more focuses on the checks and balances of power. In addition to the legislative power of the parliament that follows the majority, it is divided into relatively independent administrative power and judicial power; the United States; the United States; the United States;Local decentralization in each state is also implemented to further decentralize and check and balance power.

Whether it is the Ximin Temple system of the British and Commonwealth countries, or the US triple power separation system, the administrative power and legislative power depends on the election of the whole people.Emphasize the professionalism of judges.

Of course, there is the so -called media fourth power to supervise any abuse of rights against judicial justice and moral customs.This set of intertwined institutional arrangements, especially the reliance on the spirit of the Constitution, belongs to the republican system.

Therefore, political literacy Americans will emphasize "our republic", and only kitsch politicians will open their mouths and keep their mouths "democracy."Although the British implement the constitutional monarchy, the actual operation is also the republic spirit of respecting the rule of law and freedom of press.Most European countries and even the Anglo -Saxon countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and economic developed countries such as Japan and South Korea have implemented a republican system that respects the objective spirit of the rule of law to varying degrees.The fourth power of independent and fair judicial power and supervision power depends on the professionalism of practitioners.This is reflected in citizens' absolute respect and persistent pursuit of truth and truth.

In the recent poor performance of democracy in the United States, in addition to the two major parties increasingly lost their demeanor spirit and democratic grace, from politicians to constantly incite supporters to hostile opponents, the fall of the fourth power may not be blamed.On July 13th, Trump was shot incredible. Some large media in the United States reported the first time that there were a lot of overwhelming, light -writing title, deliberately hiding the important news elements of the shooting.Trump was taken away by the special service personnel after "falling".This kind of approach to the truth of the facts because of ideological prejudice, many news institutions in the United States are used to criminals.

The performance of Biden, who was re -elected as the president, was surprised by the first debate on June 28, which surprised the audience who watched the live broadcast more than 51 million.He did not match the preface for many times, and the old -fashioned Longzhong performance made American voters aware that he was afraid that he could not be the president's burden; especially if he had symptoms of dementia of the elderly, his health would definitely deteriorate, let alone the next four years.Enter the White House.The mainstream American media, which had been concealed by Biden's health, and jumped out after the paper bag could not help the fire.Many Americans began to realize the serious consequences of the media's malfeasance at this moment.

The founding of the United States has a deep awareness of the new political system created.When Franklin was asked what kind of government to build in the United States, he answered loudly: "The Republic, if you can keep it."This "you" refers to the people who constitute the government.Because the republic is easily threatened by corruption and tyranny, it is necessary to have the continuous efforts and vigilance of citizens to keep it; and the duty of citizens is to actively participate in public affairs and accountability to the government to ensure that the Republic is exempted from tyranny.In other words, the morality of citizens is very important.The founding President of the United States said in his leaving speech very clearly: "virtue or morality is a necessary source of the election government."

As a result, citizens must first distinguish between right and wrong, and respect the basic facts, and pursue the truth and truth, is the root of the democratic republic to restrict power and protect their rights.Effective restrictions on power can enable citizens to enjoy the freedom of expressing objections and inventions, and live a safe and dignified life.Looking at the moment, most of the countries with the best social and economic development are concentrated in Europe and the United States, and most of them implement a democratic republic.This is why global immigrants flow to Europe and America.The famous saying of the British World War II Curchill: "Democracy is the worst political system, except for those systems that we have already tried no matter what we have used." It is still correct.The current political chaos in Europe and the United States may represent the illness of democratic politics, and the root cause may be in the lack of citizen virtue.After all, the system is dead, talents are alive, no matter how good the system is, there must be people who are worthy to run.