Japan and the Philippines held a "2+2" meeting of Foreign Minister and Minister of Defense in Manila on July 8.The first "2+2" meeting of the Japanese Philippine was held in April 2022 in the former Philippines President Duterte in power, and the second session was held under the administration of Magaks.Taking this meeting as an opportunity to take the peace and stability of East Asia, it takes a key step towards unprecedented high -level security guarantee cooperation.

At this meeting, Japan -Philippine Four Minister of the Fourth Minister of the Fourth countries that belong to the marine countries, sharing basic value and principles, and in accordance with the principles of legal rules, in order to maintain and strengthen free and open international order, promote security defense to security defenseThe cooperation confirmed.In addition, the Four Ministers expressed strong opposition to the situation of the East China Sea and the South China Sea through the attempts of the status quo through strength or coercion unilaterally.

In addition, the Four Ministers also named China ’s legal rules for contempting the ocean, trying to change the status quo through strength.The joint news publication issued by the meeting pointed out: "The danger and upgrade operation of China in the second Thomas Reef (China Celebrate Renai Reef) hinder the freedom and supply line of navigation, improve the level of tension, and indicate serious concerns." Also, the four ministers stated that the four ministers stated that the four ministers stated: "The arbitration court's decision on the South China Sea in 2016 is the final result. It has legal binding power to the country of disputes and requires China to obey." In the joint statement issued at the "2+2" conference in 2022, it did not haveIt can be seen directly that it can be seen that in the past two years, Japan -Philippine has deepened their concerns about China's actions in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

In order to fight against China, which changes the status quo through strength at sea, Japan and the Philippines agree to further strengthen cooperation in security guarantee.So far, Japan has provided 12 patrol ships in the Philippines, and also sold the equipment required for the Philippine Coast Guard and the military capabilities.Japan has stated that in the future, it will use the "government security and guarantee capabilities to strengthen support (OSA)" to lead the coastal monitoring radar system to further support the ability to strengthen the Philippine army.

At this "2+2" conference, in addition to equipment supply in Japan and the Philippines, Japan and the Philippines also aimed at improving the mutual application ability of the Japanese Self -Defense Force and the Philippines.EssenceThe two countries have signed a mutually beneficial access agreement.This agreement refers to the procedures and legal basis for the formalities and legal basis when sending troops.For Japan, the Philippines is the third mutually reciprocity agreement signed by the United Kingdom and Australia.According to this agreement, the Japanese Self -Defense Forces and the Philippine Army have increased their interviews and joint training opportunities.

Japan helps the Philippines to improve the coast guards and army's ability to prevent China from further changing the status quo in the South China Sea with its strength.At present, the actual control of the Philippines for the Second Thomas Reef is suffering tremendous pressure from China.The China Maritime Police Ship not only fired a water cannon to supply the Filipable Army, but also inspected the Filipino boat and destroyed it.

This behavior of China is a clear challenge to the legal rules related to the ocean. If this situation is tolerated, it may be made in the East China Sea in the future.Japan's support for the Philippines to fight against China in the South China Sea is also related to the legal rules of the East China Sea and protecting their own safety.

In addition, improving the mutual application of the Self -Defense Force and the Philippine Army also helps strengthen the cooperation between the United States and allies and gay states in the first island chain to improve the sense of presence.The Philippines is an important component of the first island chain, but it is the most weak in military.The U.S. military is also strengthening support for the Philippine Army and striving to improve its sense of existence. The Self -Defense Force can help its power through strengthening cooperation with the Philippine Army.In addition to the cooperation between the three countries and the Philippines, if the joint training with the Philippines as the Philippines as the Australian, New Zealand, South Korea, and NATO countries can alleviate the pressure from China and maintain the free and open East Asian maritime order based on legal rules.EssenceIt is particularly important to strengthen the Philippines's coerce of China. Strengthening support for the Philippines is especially important.

The author is the theoretical research director of the Japanese Institute of Defense