The last election of Malaysia was in November 2022. According to the provisions of up to five years, the united government led by Prime Minister Anwar may only consider the election in 2026.However, one of the united government UMNO has now publicly discussed whether the next election will continue to cooperate with the hopes of the alliance.

Simply trace back to the beginning and end of the National Front of UMNO and the Pakatan Harapan.After the last election, the two major camps that won the most national seats -the Pakatan Harapan and the National Alliance did not obtain the government of the government.The BN supporting Anwar, coupled with the Sabah and Sarawak Political Party, can form a united government.

There were different voices within UMNO.It is regarded as a non -mainstream faction that does not support the Ahmad Zhashi faction. For example, former Prime Minister Isemi Sabiri and Available Minister Kelly, all opposed to the Pakatan Harapan, especially the Anwar and the Democratic Action Party.They insisted that since the selection should play the role of the opposition party, he has the opportunity to win the support of voters again, and Dongshan will come back.

But Ahmad Zahi is lonely.At that time, public opinion believed that this was the life -saving straw of Ahmad Zahi, who was entangled with a corruption lawsuit; only by assisting Anwar as a prime minister to become the prime minister, can Ahmad Zaji be able to escape the prison.In the end, the Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan, which have long been biting each other for a long time, formed the current unity government.

However, since the beginning of the stage, the Barisan Nasional members, UMNO, MCA, and the Indian National Party, have frictions from time to time with the Pakatan Harapan's People's Justice Party, the People's Bank of China and the National Integrity Party.For example, the UMNO Youth League has publicly requested that the DPP party withdraws the accusations and apologies to UMNO to completely eliminate suspicion between the two parties.

A few months ago, Lu Zhaofu, the Secretary -General of the People's Bank of China, bluntly stated that he did not like MCA on a podcast show. It said that Mahua was a "head house party" and only took care of rich people and status.This remark caused a strong rebound in MCA leaders and grass -roots levels, which also shows that even if the two parties cooperate for the political interests in front of them, they cannot really have no suspicion.

If the Barisan Nasional and the Pakatan Harapan are unprecedented, it is not too much.At this stage, cooperation governance is only an appropriate measure, but Ahmad Zahi not long ago, without discussion of members of the Barisan Nasional, unilaterally announced that the coming election will continue to cooperate with the Pakatan Harapan, which will not only cause the MCA and the Indian National Party to dissatisfy dissatisfactionIt also caused controversy within the UMNO party.

UMNO Acting Chairman Mohamad Hashan more publicly expressed his opinion with Ahmad Zhashi, saying that the incident has not yet been finalized, and UMNO's next election may not cooperate with any political party.

The dissatisfaction of MCA and the Indian National University is not difficult to understand.The MCA's elections have been suppressed by the People's Bank of China in recent elections. If the next election is still unable to compete in the same constituency because of cooperation, it will only be difficult to regain the confidence of the Chinese community.

As for the Indian National Party, it may be available in the united government.Only after being separated from this large alliance and drawing the line with the Pakatan Harapan, it is highly valued in the Barisan Nasional.

But UMNO is different, united the government needs it as the Malay group, especially the relatively conservative representatives.The Pakatan Harapan also needs Umno to assist in conservative Malay votes. Although the effect is not satisfactory, it is better than nothing.

For the Pakatan Harapan and UMNO, especially the power of Ahmad Zahi, continue to cooperate to take their own needs.Perhaps because of this, Ahmad Zahi announced that he would cooperate with the Pakatan Harapan early election early.

However, in the long run, if UMNO wants to create a glory in the past, it will not be able to live under Anwar and Pakatan Harapan for a long time.How to go in the future, UMNO may not think about whether to cooperate with the Pakatan Harapan, but whether the party needs a more far -sighted leader.