Beijing scholar Yang Jun's choice of the history of the article published in the Lianhe Morning Post is to stand on the right side (July 15th Edition), mentioning Serbia.I have studied Serbia's politics and history for decades, and I am more familiar with this field.Yang Jun's expression has factual errors.

Kosovo was originally a province in Serbia and was independent.Serbia and Russia have very deep historical origins.Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Serbia's basic attitude is to support the integrity of Ukraine's territory; avoid publicity and direct criticism of Russia, and oppose sanctions.

Kosovo resolutely supports Ukraine.Ukraine's attitude towards Serbia was dissatisfied, but the two countries continued to communicate.Ukraine appreciates Kosovo's attitude, but still does not recognize Kosovo as a sovereign country.The relationship between several parties is intricate.

Recently, the media revealed that Serbia's ammunition flowed into Ukraine through third parties.In this regard, Yang Jun quoted the news report in detail in the article.However, this did not change Serbia's position on the Russia and Ukraine War.Yang Wen said: "Even Slovakia, Serbia and Hungary, which were firmly rose, began to turn to Ukraine." The so -called Serbia "has previously been firm Russia" and "sharp turn", which is not in line with the facts.

Earlier, why did Yang Jun publish in the Lianhe Zaobao why Russia's decision -making is wrong and then wrong?(March 27th Edition), Russia proposed that Russia decently withdrew, but did not give any specific suggestions.In this regard, how do I write an article for Russia to withdraw troops?(Speech version on April 10) clarified, stating that "Russia's biggest interest is Crimea and Wudong", "No arrangements for Crimea and Wudong, Russia will never lose the war without losing the war.Withdrawing in the case. "

Yang Jun finally accepted me and acknowledged the importance of Crimea and Wudong.He said in the text: "If Russia can immediately withdraw from the east of Wudong and the Crimea region, it will be returned to Ukraine after five to ten years, and the post -war limited compensation will be negotiated to negotiate with Ukraine.It may be possible to obtain Ukraine to ensure that the NATO will not be added, and the main conditions of the Russian military and political officers in the name of war criminals, as well as the relative favorable conditions such as the discharge of conditions and deadlines.

Regarding international custody, there are two cases involving Serbia.In 1995, Croatia launched "Lightning Action" and "Storm Operations" to occupy a large territory controlled by the Series.The Saitan signed a contract with Croatia to hand over East Slavonia to international custody and return Croatia two years later.Hundreds of thousands of Croatia were forced to leave their ancestors' homes for centuries.This is the biggest failure in Serbia's history.

In 1999, NATO Air strikes Yugoslavia (consisting of Serbia and Heishan), and Serbia agrees to hand over Kosovo to the United Nations custody, and the future status is to be determined.Under the mediation of the international community, Serbia and Kosovo have negotiated for decades to end with failure.In 2008, Kosovo announced its independence.Some countries led by the West recognize Kosovo, and some countries represented by Russia and China do not recognize it.

The two international custody occurred in the case of defeat of the Series, which was extremely detrimental to the Series.Russia has not yet defeated and will not accept the above two modes.I still think that "Crimea belongs to Russia, and Wudong returns Ukraine but autonomy is the most realistic solution."

Under normal circumstances, the worst result of Russia is the Ukraine occupation of Crimea and Wudong.As long as the Russians hold the territory of their country, Ukraine is unable to ask Russia to compensate, nor can they arrest Putin and others transferred to the international court for trial.

The three leaders of the Sai tribe -Mirosvic, Kara Jidic, and Mradic were all tried by the International Court for war crimes.However, the three people have different historical positioning.Milosvic was considered the loser because of losing Croatia's Saidi land; Kara Jidic and Mrasdic were regarded as heroes by many Cyprises because they kept the Said Republic.Undoubtedly, Putin also cares about his historical positioning.Crimea and Wudong are both the core interests of Russia, but also have a historical status of Putin.Neither Putin and other Russian leaders will not give up easily.

Can Trump be elected president of the United States and is a major variable of the Russian and Ukraine War.Trump was shot, won sympathy and established a tough guy image, and increased the possibility of election.In the last term, the policy was conducive to Serbia.The Serbians want him to come to power, as is the Russians.Obviously, Russian leaders such as Putin are paying attention to whether Trump can come to power and what changes in the US policy in the future.Before that, don't expect the Russians to make fundamental compromises.

The author is Shandong scholar