Source: Bloomberg

This week, more and more national leaders across the country realized that Trump's re -entering White House seemed to be a foregone conclusion, and everyone prepared for this.

Trump's second time on stage may cause destructive power to be worrying. Leaders who have doubts about Trump are looking for other ways to alleviate the impact, and at the same time, they are also calculating the opportunity to benefit from it.

Most government officials said in private that Biden should not run for presidents. From Britain to Japan, all countries are now fighting or reconstructed network relations with the Trump camp, because they know that Trump attaches great importance to the people who attach great importance to it.personal friendship.

Richard Grenell, who once served as the US ambassador to Germany during the first term of Trump, said in an interview this week that "Trump's non -according to cards is a positive factor for us."However, he suggested that government officials, especially European government officials, "relax" at a routine meeting.

Grenell said in the gap between the Republican National Congress held by Milwaukee, "You know what the second term will look like, because you know what he is in the first term.What accident.

Trump's foreign policy policy has almost no change at the first term. When he was nominated by the Republican presidential candidate on Thursday, he said that the United States has "become a garbage dump in other countries in the world" and "they will not be freeIt's too long. "He also repeatedly attacked Biden.Right now, Biden was under tremendous "replacement" pressure from the party, and some reports stated that he might withdraw from the election within a few days.

Although there are still many things that may change before the November election, friends and enemies in the United States are preparing for a period of "more transactions". Compared with ideology, Trump pays more attention to doing it.Profit in the transaction.Although this style of behavior may mean greater volatility (some people worry that he will abandon Ukraine, weaken the relationship with the allies and impose a 60%tariff on China), it also brings the possibility of making breakthroughs in diplomatic negotiations.

World leaders are starting to consider what they can deal with Trump, whether to increase national defense expenses, or make major technology companies increase investment in the United States, or buy more American products.Compared with the first term, Trump's current campaign focuses on the "take advantage" by the United States and the largest trading partners in the United States and the largest trading partner, as well as protecting Ukraine and Taiwan to bring economic costs to the United States.

Drew Thompson, a senior researcher at the School of Public Policy, Singapore, said, "Trump believes that he is a negotiating veteran.Smooth value, no matter who the next White House owner is ".

Although Trump's approach is very different from Biden, many regions in the world, especially many emerging economies known as "Global Southern", like him.Although the major member states such as Brazil or South Africa (both members of the BRICS Alliance with China and Russia) are more politically shot with Biden, they are on the left on the issue of invasion of Ukraine in Putin, and will end Trump's end.The position of war is considered a possible area of ​​common interests.

Two African officials said that in Africa, many countries are disappointed with Biden's foreign policy, and some are because the White House requires them to choose between the United States and Russia.EssenceThey believe that these two things have destroyed the status of the United States in the world, giving Russia with the opportunity to provide African countries with security assistance, weapons supply and humanitarian support, and weaken the influence of US and European sanctions.

HASSAN KHANNENJE, director of the

Horn International Strategic Research Center, said that people's reactions to Trump's re -administration are "fear, unwillingness, and contradictions, and at the same time, they have some hope for more substantial contact. Bynden Bayden.The government's attention to African issues has always been unsatisfactory, which provides Trump with an opportunity to open up a new situation. "

It is another code for Europe.As the Russian and Ukraine War was not over, they should be alert to the United States raising trade tariffs on Trump, withdrawing from climate agreement and weakening relations with the European Union.

Trump has a cold attitude towards NATO, and his campaign partner has publicly opposed to assist Ukraine and advocates returning to Asia.At a meeting hosted by the new Prime Minister Stano on Thursday, this became the most concerned issue for more than 40 European leaders.

At the same time, Europe also realized that Biden's situation was not good.A senior French official who supported Biden said the President of the United States had not performed well for a long time, and they should not pretend everything.The official said that although American allies respect Biden in private, his physical and political influence is increasingly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly impact.

Some European officials are considering joint debt to increase national defense expenses.Previously, it has proposed to issue a total of 100 billion euros of national defense bonds. Some people now say that if Trump comes to power, this number may increase by twice.

Although Europe is worried about the prospects of Trump's victory, some Middle East countries are almost drought and floods. No matter who wins, it is beneficial to them.

According to a senior official in Saudi Arabia, as a firm supporter during Trump's first term, Saudi Arabia has maintained the best relationship with Biden and his government so far, although the middle twists and turns have been discounted for three years.Although Liadh is now facing a situation that he has to turn to the Trump -Po -World Outlook, as Trump said in an exclusive interview with Bloomberg Business Week in the near future, in the past six months, Trump and Crown Prince Mohammed Ben Salman in the past 6 monthsInteraction makes the process smoother.

Saudi believes that even if they have not formally established diplomatic relations with Israel, they can continue to cooperate with Trump on the US-Saudi Defense Treaty, because both parties have seen the benefits of strengthening the relationship.Trump wants to limit China's role in the Middle East, and the United States and Saudi Arabia can achieve this purpose.Trump said, "They always need to protect, I will always protect them."

Israel is the same, and Neitaahu was invited to speak in the US Congress next week.Although Bayon's support for Israel has benefited Nataniaho, he has been working hard to improve his relationship with Trump behind the scenes.After the Trump lost to Biden in the 2020 election, the relationship between the two worsen.

Some of these efforts are being achieved.On July 16, 48 hours after the attempted assassination, Trump reposted a video greeting from Neitanahu on Truth Social. The Israeli Prime Minister and his wife wished "President Trump's early recovery".

However, many other parts of the world may soon face the indifference of "introverted" in the United States, or they are requested by the United States more.

Taiwan is an example.Although Trump has benefited from Taiwan with a trade war launched with mainland China during his first term, he told Bloomberg Commercial Week in an interview that Taiwan should pay protection fees to the United States.Taipei officials have made progress in military expenditures and recruitment.

However, the bigger problem may be that if Trump has promoted Putin to win in Ukraine, what kind of consequences will have.

CHEN FANG-YU, assistant professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of East Wu University, said that this situation may also deepen Taiwanese suspicion of the United States.

In South Korea, concerns about Trump's reliability as an ally, which once again triggered a debate on whether to obtain nuclear arsenal in addition to the U.S. nuclear umbrella in addition to the US nuclear umbrella.According to local media reports, South Korea is seeking providing funds to the U.S. military to speed up andWashington's negotiations can be reached by the end of this year.

In terms of economy, South Korea recognizes that companies must make new and larger US investment commitments to meet the Trump administration's requirements, but this is not easy.Due to Biden's inflation reduction bill, South Korea and other foreign companies have invested billions of dollars in the United States.

Compared to South Korea, another important allies in Asia, Japan, Japan is not so worried.Previously, the Japanese deputy prince of Japan visited Trump in April, trying to follow the high -level contact established by Abe Jinsan through Golf.

The Japanese Ambassador to the United States had no reason to worry about Trump because he was very clear about what kind of people he was.Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi did a lot of things in the direction that Trump liked, such as increasing national defense expenses and buying Tomahawk cruise missiles.Trump calls on the depreciation of the US dollar to improve the competitiveness of the US manufacturing industry, which may be a good thing for Japan, because the yen is now at a historical low, and the depreciation of the US dollar can alleviate the pressure of Tokyo.