Source: Bloomberg

Author: Jordan Fabian, Josh WingRove, Hadriana Lowenkron

A consultant of Biden said on Thursday that there was nothing wrong with the US President's new crown virus test the day before.But compared with the health situation, his way of running can be described as flowing.

More and more senior Democratic members of the Democratic Party publicly spoke publicly, which made Biden's efforts to repeatedly frustrate. Now it can be said that it has been the most dangerous time since he and Trump debate.Before Trump made a speech on the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday night, Bayeng would be refunded, when will retire, and how to retreat became the focus of discussion.

The people of Biden insisted that the president's determination was "unwavering" during the Republican Congress, and he was still devoted himself to the election.Nevertheless, Biden's pressure is constantly accumulating.

The heaviest blow to date is from Obama.According to the Washington Post, the former president said to his allies that the road to victory to victory was narrowed, and he believed that Biden needed to seriously consider the feasibility of continuing to run.

Then, the New York Times quoted a number of people close to Biden that he had begun to accept the concept that he might not be able to win, so he would need to withdraw.

A senior assistant in Biden insisted that the president is still running and his views have not changed.Other allies who are loyal to him suggested to carry out a artificial pressure exercise.But even the people around him for a long time have admitted that the support of the party is rapidly dissipating.

According to ABC news reports, Biden still plans to have the original ticket trip next week.The report also said, but the president was also willing to hear the voices of the refund, and asked the vice president Harris to conduct polls against Trump.

Senator John Hickenlooper from Colorado is the latest Democrat in the Senate that Biden should be retired for national interests.House leader Hakeem Jeffries, the leader of the House of Representatives, had previously joined the Senate's major party leader Schummer. In the public statement, he did not deny that he had pressured his president to refund the election.

The executive of Blackstone Group and the Democratic Gold Lord Jon Gray said he hoped that Biden would consider that the presidential position was "very challenging physical work."

According to a senator assistant who is unwilling to be named, the Democratic Senator who is currently in the fierce campaign is about to call for Biden to withdraw. The only question is when and how to declare their position.

A close relationship with Biden revealed that more and more of his allies now feel that the date of retirement is coming, or it is inevitable.However, a person familiar with the matter said that because Bayon is now separated from the crown disease, and he is increasingly dependent on a small circle composed of a few loyal consultants, it is difficult to say how he will look at the latest changes in the situation.

The person who criticized the Cendon campaign urged him to come up with evidence to prove that he could compete with Trump and continue to do it for another four years, and the crowning disease was obviously worse for Biden who wanted to refute the voice.

Such a political environment made Biden's assistants angry, and it seemed that there was almost no chance to get rid of this death spiral that was devouring them.

AXIOS reported on Thursday morning that Democratic seniors believed that the pressure from members of the party and close friends would persuade Biden to withdraw from the election as early as this weekend.

In Milwaukee, the frustration of Queentin Fulks, deputy election manager of Biden, is easy to see.In an interview with reporters, Fulks accused the media of always focusing on Democratic colleagues requested Bayeng to refund the election.He insisted that Biden is currently "good" and can continue to call and work.They "did not consider any situation of Biden on the votes."

Dan Biden confirmed that the crown disease may make him absent from the next few days of campaign.As the Democratic doubts about his qualifications of his campaign are getting deeper, Bayeng's fading out of the public vision at this time is not conducive to his disadvantages, and more and more well -known people within the party are also urging him to let Xian.

Shortly before the diagnosis of crown disease, Biden was interviewed by Univision on Wednesday. He said that he did not think those who wanted him to retreat betrayed him.He also admits that these doubts after the "bad" debate make sense.

Byden said, "So people say now, okay, that's just one thing, but he is 81. If he is 84, 85 years old, what will happen."

If Biden could not "turn overcast" for a long time, he would be unable to participate in the activity, interviews, and other Democratic colleagues urging him to participate.Even if he can restore the campaign or be interviewed at home, if the symptoms of cough, fatigue, and nasal congestion are still there, it may be worse.

Even a few days before the diagnosis, Biden could not change this situation.

HICKENLOOPER said in an interview with Reuters on Wednesday evening that he believed that Biden was thinking about whether he continued to make a decision.

When asked if Biden is likely to refund the election, Hickenlooper said, "This decision must be made by himself, but there must be more and more signs that the replacement is the most in line with national interests."

According to ABC News reported earlier Wednesday, Senate's major party leader Shu Mo told Bayon to end the election for the Democratic Party.Jeffries, a minority of the House of Representatives, told Biden that he dragged the Democratic Party's campaign in Congress.According to CNN, Perlis, Speaker of the House of Representatives, told Biden privately that he would not be able to defeat Trump.

When asked about ABC News reports, the comments given by the Jeffries office have hardly brought comfort to the president.

The office stated that "After extensive discussion among colleagues, he informed the president on behalf of the Democratic Party of the House of Representatives to the future path of the future.The statement did not issue a signal that supported Biden.

Bayeng seemed to be weak when he was isolated from his home in Tellawa.When Las Vegas boarded the Air Force No. 1, he stepped on the escalator slowly. After landing, he seemed to need help when he sat into an SUV.Presidential Doctor Kevin O’Connor issued a statement on Wednesday saying that Biden had symptoms of runny nose, cough and general discomfort.

On Thursday, the Washington Post quoted Democratic officials reported that Perosi told some members of the party that she believed that Biden might soon be convinced to withdraw from the election.