Why are there so many people who support him?From Trump to take office, to now want to make a comeback.It's eight years, I can't figure it out.

The shooting of American time last Saturday (July 13) seemed to understand for a moment.It is not reasonable to understand, but it is more a response to the senses.Repeat the video of one minute before and after the shooting. Every Trump's move is a heroic demonstration of textbook -level heroes.The bullet flew over his ears. He touched his injured ears with his hands and calmed down after seeing blood, and lay down under the podium very sensitively.The special service staff flocked up, but he insisted on wearing shoes first, and then worked hard to find room in the moment when he was surrounded by leaving.! "(Battle), the supporters who were still in the scared one second ago were suddenly ignited by a enthusiasm, and the enthusiastic applause was echoed.

It is really the emperor's general spirit, the true life son who is not dead.At this moment, he can see his scene in November.

The hero's instant was fixed by the photographer, and it appeared over the social media.The arms in front of the national flag are exactly the same as the French national treasure -level famous painting.However, it is precisely the painter Dracolova's painting in 1830. It pulled back to reality with romantic fantasies of all Heroes of Trump.

Because of the world of 200 years, we should know how the real heroes are out of what they are; what kind of spirit is the real blood spirit.Heroes are not a performance that highlights self, but a journey to throw themselves.The charm of the hero is used to encourage, not confused.

More than 200 years ago, it was also in Pennsylvania.Not far from the shot, the Philadelphia meeting witnessed the birth of the US Constitution.This is a small city that witnesses the great.The founding of the founding of Madison, Hamilton, and Jay of the year, would it foresee that the United States today is the United States today?

Madison, who later became the fourth president of the United States, insight into the government's constraint on human weaknesses in his 30s and believes that the government's rule is to "eliminate universal self -interest."In the era of enlightenment from chaos, the concepts of federal systems and the separation of the three powers came into being. The sages learned from the history of the Roman Empire, laying their ideal systems, strive to in the long -term future, avoid the emergence of a Caesar Emperor.The charming leaders who are so negligent will also hope to avoid concentration of interests, party games, and mobs gathering in the parliamentary system that is related to layer.

Their philosophical thoughts are already ahead, but they are still unable to foresee that the system of strict silk will be broken one by one by one day.The old Trump, such as the golden boy, ignored the more refined political system for more than 200 years. He said that everyone wanted to say what they dare not say, and do what everyone wants to do.He knew everyone's secret human nature and then endorsed it.Trump seems to be the boy in the new clothes of the emperor.

Why do so many people support him?The answer is called out.

At the just -concluded Republican National Congress, Trump was immersed in cheers without unexpectedly.Many former opponents have now standing for him.Hei Li, the opponent in the party's primary election, said: "You don't have to 100 % agree with Trump's point of view before he voted to him."

This sentence almost summarizes all reasons to support Trump.Heroes are crazy for his personal charm; practicalists take their own needs, and common interests are the best binders.

However, how many people can think soberly in fanaticism, is Trump the boy in the new clothes of the emperor, or the native emperor itself?

Waiting for the answer on November 5.