In the past 10 years, China, India and Japan and other countries have also taken a solid step in the exploration of planet, and the curtain of the space competition has opened again.In this context, former US President Trump decided to implement a new moon landing project, the Argismus plan in 2017 to prove to the world that the United States is the leader of space exploration.

July 20th is the 55th anniversary of human beings.In the past half a century, many people including the United States have questioned the authenticity of the United States' moon landing. These questions are either out of publicity or false information based on false information.But there is a question that has a particular market: the current level of science and technology in the United States is several times more advanced than in the 1970s. Why can't you go to the moon now?If you can't go up now, the moon landing in the last century can only be false.This question is at least using logic, but their logical foundation is wrong: the United States is not now on the moon.

To answer why the United States no longer continues to land on the moon after 1972, we must first understand why the United States landed in the moon in the 1960s.This problem is clear, and the previous problems are solved.

Why should the United States go to the moon at the expense?After the Second World War, the focus of the United States did not include magnificent space flight plans, because the US government had many more important things to be considered.

After the Soviet leader Khrushchev came to power, in order to show his scientific and technological strength, the Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial earth satellite on October 4, 1957, thus sounding the American and Soviet space competition.The horn and won the first victory.This launch has deeply stabbed the self -confidence of the American people and the government: the United States in its dominant field -Modern Technology -was defeated by the Soviet Union!

After the Soviet Union launched a satellite, US President Eisenhower was under tremendous pressure from all aspects of the country, so he had to adjust its strategy to start the satellite launch plan.In 1960, the Democratic Presidential candidate John Kennedy continued to attack Eisenhower, saying that he had repeatedly challenged the Soviet Union's leadership in the United States, especially the aerospace field.Kennedy emphasized that the Soviet Union has created a "aerospace gap" with the United States. If this gap continues to exist, it will be "the worst failure that the United States has suffered for many years."He promised that his government would make the "American giant" stand up again.

After taking office, Kennedy delivered a speech at the joint meeting of the Congress on May 25, 1961, formally put forward the US lunar landing plan.He said that it should be "time for a new American career ... I think our country should guarantee such a goal: before the end of this 10 years, send an American to the moon and make him safeIn this period, no project is more unforgettable for humans. For long -distance space exploration, no project is more important than it; and no project will be so difficult and expensive to cost high"

In order to achieve the challenge plan proposed by Kennedy, the American Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has launched the "Moqiuli" Shangtian Plan, the Gemini Constellation Plan and the "Apollo" moon landing plan.From July 1969 to December 1972, the United States carried out seven -man manned moon landing mission, six of which were successful, and a total of 12 astronauts conducted scientific investigations on the moon.

After 1972, why did the United States no longer continue to land on the moon?

After winning the space competition with the Soviet Union and boarding the moon, American competitors are gone. Whether it is the US public or the US Congress, they have lost their interest and support for continuing to land on the moon.The moon landing is a high -cost and high -risk space flight activity (due to the explosion of the oxygen tank of the spacecraft, the three astronauts of Apollo 13 died in space), and the management of NASA became more and more conservative and lostAt that time, the enterprising spirit of daring to meet challenges and courage.

Under the common action of these two factors, the US -manned space -space plan has returned to the Earth's orbit (such as space stations and aerospace aircraft), and the long -space exploration tasks are handed over to the robot to complete (such as Mars Exploration)EssenceThis view is fully confirmed in the biography of the moon landing astronauts and the commander of the moon landing flight and the report of consulting experts.

Why do the United States return to the moon now?

After the

"Apollo" lunar landing plan was completed, the U.S. government shifted the attention of planet exploration to Mars at 225 million kilometers, and launched multiple Mars probes.In the past 10 years, commercial aerospace companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin have emerged in different troops, and Musk also proposed a grand plan for Mars immigration.This puts both the U.S. government and saw the opportunity.Internationally, China, India, and Japan have also taken a solid step in the exploration of planet. Especially after China proposed that before 2030, China had opened the curtain of space -bearing the moon landing on the moon.In this context, then US President Trump decided to implement a new moon landing project in 2017, the Artemis (Artemis is the moon god in Greek mythology, the god of the sun god ApolloralTwin sisters), the purpose is to prove to the world that the United States is the leader of space exploration.

According to NASA's latest plan, the United States will first send two astronauts (one of the women) to the moon's Antarctic region in September 2026;Humans land in Mars to prepare.At present, NASA has successfully completed the manned of Argyz No. 1 to fly around the moon, laying a solid foundation for the Artemis 2 manned on the Month of the Month of 2nd.

Therefore, since 1972, the United States has not continued to land on the moon. It is not unable to continue to land on the moon, but the domestic and international environment that has not continued to land on the moon.Now, this environment has been formed, so Artemis returned to the moon plan.

The author is a retired American lunar history researcher in China