Source: Bloomberg

Author: Amanda L Gordon, Heather Perlberg

For some Democratic donors, Trump's attempts encountered attempts to change their views on the re -election of Biden's election.

For them, the truth is very simple. Biden should let Xianxian, so that the Democratic Party may still have a chance to win in November.

One of the people pointed out that now more needed a new candidate than ever before to boost the election.Another person said that those who still supported Biden after the debate on June 27 have begun to give up their support slowly.Some people threatened that if the names on the votes are still Biden's name, they will deduct millions of donations to the Democratic Party, but they also admit that the money may not be enough to stimulate the Democratic Party.

This article interviews a dozen Democrats and funders who require anonymous Democratic Party. From their attitudes, it can be seen that the rising support rate of Trump after the assassination of Trump has exacerbated the pessimistic mood within the Democratic Party, but it also eased the worship.The pressure of refund.

The press conference of the frequent interlaces last week and the rare speech in the elliptical office that urged unity in the oval office did not alleviate the concerns of donors to Biden.More importantly, his requirements for ease of words may weaken a common theme of his campaign, which is Trump's threat to American democracy.And this is an important factor for donors to support Biden.

Democratic strategist and political scientist Rachel Bitecofer said, "It will be very difficult to regain a narrative method. I don’t know if there is no new event catalytic.start".

She said, "Whether you change or change Bayen, there is no winner in this war, especially when the more and more time, the damage caused by unity."

A representative of the Biden campaign team pointed out that the president has repeatedly rejected the refund requirements and has "went all out" for the election.Biden once said that he "do not care about what millionaire thinks", he is "the most qualified to be the candidate for this job".The Biden team raised $ 127 million in June, which was the best month in the election cycle.

Don't wait at time

There is not much time for changing the Democratic Party, unless Bayeng voluntarily gives a throne, it is almost impossible to replace people.According to the current situation, he will be officially nominated before this month, the Democratic Party National Congress in August.

Elected officials are not only worried about losing the White House, but also worried that the status of most parties in the House of Representatives and the Senate is not guaranteed.At least 19 Democrats and Senators of the House of Representatives called on Bayeng to refund the election.Although this call has not been strengthened in recent days, before Biden became the party's nomination, there may still be a wave of climax requesting to withdraw.

Donna Brazile, the temporary chairman of the National Committee of the Democratic Party, said that the primary selection procedure began a few months ago. The party has a clear charter regulation in the next step after the primary election, but few people take it in their hearts.

In an interview, she said, "I have never seen such ignorance and disrespect in my life. For those donors, media, some activists and experts who require us to deprive us of the 2024 Democratic voters' election rights, IHope they read these rules well. "

Possible path

The gaming market and the financial market are increasingly believed in two things, and Democratic Party donors are worried that these two things will be interconnected, that is, Biden will become the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, and Trump will win 11Monthly election.

The strong Democratic Democrats interviewed by Bloomberg acknowledged that their influence on Biden was limited, and it was further weakened after the Trump's assassination incident.They regret that the Democratic Party did not take decisive actions within two weeks after the end of the election debate.

One donor hopes that Biden can withdraw from the election for reasons for the reasons of maintaining the unity of the party to allow another candidate.But at present it seems that everything has been put on hold, and the situation will not change before the party's congress.

Another donor said that a way that Biden can adopt is to recognize age constraints and pass the torch to a younger candidate.

But there are others who can't understand how to compete in the party in the context of promise unity, and they can't figure out how can anyone want to take over the mess now, instead of retaining political capital to prepare for the 2028 election.

Before the shooting at the Pennsylvana rally on weekends, the donors privately believed that the Democratic Party members would unite to open their voice and persuade Biden to withdraw from the election.

But many donors are now choosing to wait and see like other people in the United States, and wait for the shocking attacks to change the candidates after the storm has passed.

Some people insist on waiting for the results of new polls to pass the signal to Biden, because Bayeng has hinted that if the polls show that he cannot win, he will re -consider the campaign.Some people are expected to have a new Democratic candidate to appear, such as Vice President Kamara Harris, the newcomer will basically insist on the same policy as Biden. Trump himself is in an exclusive interview with Bloomberg Business Weekly.It also implies this.

"Many elites in the Democratic Party think he is impossible to be elected," Bitecofer said when he talked about Biden."But the most likely situation is that if you recommend another candidate, the result is still the same."

"That's because the protagonist of this election is not the Democratic Party," she said."But Donald Trump, he or him."