Source: China News Agency

The British Minister of Justice Mahamid said on July 12 in a prison in England that the British government plans to expand the scope of prisoners in advance from September this year to respond to the crisis of overwhelming prison.

Mahamand said that at present, the prison in England and Wales can accommodate hundreds of male prisoners. It is expected that they will be full in the next few weeks. After that, they have to use the police officer of the police station.

According to the British Ministry of Justice, criminals who have criminals with severe violence and sexual crimes of four years or more will be automatically excluded from the plans released in advance, and criminals who are imprisoned due to family violence and related crimes will also be prison.Excluded.

It is said that Britain is the country with the highest prison rate in Western Europe. The progress of building new prisons is slow, the British prison has more and more population, and the prison system capacity is about to overload.The British government reports that by 2027, the number of prisoners in England and Wales will reach 95,000 to 114,000, exceeding the prison capacity of 7%to 28%.

British Prime Minister Stano said that the prisoners are all overcrowded one of the biggest problems facing the new government, which is blamed as a "mess" left by the Conservative Government.Before the election, the Labor Party promised to complete the construction plan of 14,000 new prisoners.

At the same time, public opinion believes that the new British government does not have much room for public finances.According to data from the think tank of the British Government Institute, in the next few years, British prisons have obtained budget expenditure 5.9%less each year than the required funds.