A Mentalians of Muslim in Indonesia recently released a video. The core figures of 16 Muslim Prayer Group announced the dissolution organization and returned to the Indonesian national system.

The notorious Muslim prayer group is a terrorist organization from Indonesia. The statement read out the first statement of the head of 2021. The first announcement of the core member of these core members promised to abide by Indonesia's national law and remained consistent with the mainstream laughes faith in Indonesia.The content of its religious boarding schools will also be consistent with the orthodox Isfuling and removing extreme content.The video was shot at the Indonesian national anti -terrorism agencies, showing that this is the result of the Indonesian government's efforts to transform religious extremism for many years.

The most important terrorist organizations in Indonesia and Southeast Asia have claimed that they want to change their evils. This progress is undoubtedly a major event worthy of attention, but international counter -terrorism researchers have pointed out that although these years of core leaders are the backbone of praying groups, theyThe willingness to invest in the Indonesian government does not mean that the threat of terrorism has faded, but it may have more difficult changes.

The Muslim Prayer Group established in 1993 belongs to the Southeast Asian branch of the International Muslim Extreme Organization Kaida. It is still deep in the trees and the cell units spread throughout Southeast Asian countries.After the 2001 U.S. September 1st incident, the Qi Qi Group created multiple attacks in Indonesia and the Philippines. The most serious is the Bali Island explosion that caused more than 200 people.During the period, the Hui Quan group also tried to make destruction in Singapore but was disintegrated in time.

Terrorist organizations have used the relatively loose laws of Indonesia to exist and solicit members. For more than 10 years, with the efforts of the Indonesian counter -terrorism department, many leaders have been arrested or died, and Indonesia's political and economic environment is relatively stable.Attack.However, terrorist groups are good at cell division operations, and they are turned into zero, and they are separated at any time. Therefore, it is generally believed that today's "old leaders" have announced their dissolution and return to the system, which is not equal to their subordinates or branches in various places.Anti -terrorist experts pointed out that in the past 10 years, the seemingly silent return group has not been completely diluted. After the core elements announced the dissolution, other peripheral organizations may rise to the situation to form more and more unpredictable new threats.In addition, the Hui Qi Tuan did not leave the relationship with the source Kaidda. In the statement, it only mentioned that the return of the Indonesian national system, and did not explain the branches and members of other countries in Southeast Asia.In May this year, a police station in Johor, Malaysia was terrorist, causing two police officers to die. Although it was regarded as an "solo wolf" attack, there was obviously marks of the ideological influence of the ideology of praying groups.

The terrorist organizations such as Hui Qi Group claim that they have disbanded and must have more substantial actions in order to obtain the trust of the regional people.In particular, it is necessary to completely withdraw from the Internet world, and no longer preach errors, distortions and extreme ideas through the Internet, or provide a connection platform.What is worrying is whether the core "old leaders" of the Hui Qi Tuan can still control or direct the operation of the entire organization and the cell tissue in various countries.

Over the years, there may be a route struggle within the back of the prayer group, including this public statement. Experts believe that the core leader is a decision to discuss and prepare for a period of discussion and brewing in prison.Some studies believe that Abruusdan is a gentle school for the Hui Tuan, and they may be willing to give up force and return to the system.What cannot be ignored is whether the younger believers are willing to obey, or continue to indulge in violent attacks under the brainwashing of the Internet and ambitions?

In conjunction with religious international terrorist activities, behind it is a series of extremist thinking and actions. They connect each other, continue to maintain or expand their influence. Internal molecules often split at the time of maturity and support the hills.Their main purpose is not to build a country or seek social stability, but to use violence to continuously cause destruction, panic and psychological threats to individual countries, forcing state leaders with unsteady will to compromise or even yield to win the mainstream society for their extreme claimsSurvival space, then promote extreme political processes.Before they are willing to accept secular political ideas and order, the international community should always be alert that the threat of terrorism has not disappeared, and may even intensify.Whether the return group really disbands or no longer operates, it is necessary to continue to observe carefully.