Good quality artistic criticism and public discussion from knowledge and theory. It has nothing to do with interpersonal right and wrong, but it can improve the overall literacy of society and expand the space of thinking.

Because of a red head scarf mural, The local public opinion circle has recently become lively .Different from previous arguments such as the creation of ox carts and water decoration, this discussion is very lively in the Chinese and English circles, and the views of the two sides are available in both Chinese media, which is really fair.

There are very few major issues on weekdays in local public opinion fields. This is not a bad thing from one aspect, which means that there are not many things that the national society is annoying.In other topics, Chinese problems are also easy to cause discussion.But on the other hand, this means that the people's living is comfortable, and it also means that in many countries, some of the political, legal, and even social issues that are prone to explosion of saliva war are not large in the local market.Many people do not care much or have not much opinion outside work and life. To some extent, this can be regarded as trust in the government. I believe that the government will not do bad things, or at least it means that those issues are not so big or or at least.It is so bad that people must leave work and life to ask.

The government does not do bad things or dare not do bad things. Of course, it is related to the approximately effective checks and balance mechanism in our democratic system. It offsets or hedge the evil side that wants to do bad things in human nature.However, after several generations of people, there are no major things to worry about, and the people's thinking ability to think of the state firm has improved or retired, but it is worth thinking about today.

Generally believes that, as the level of education is generally higher than the previous one or two generations, it should be more thoughtful.However, we are talking about the ability to distinguish between complex topics.This is not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also requires logical analysis and critical thinking ability.In this regard, we must be trained from an early age, and this is what our education has been encouraged in recent years.

Of course, the criticism and analysis of many affairs may not be educated by the school. Generally, the general affairs are inseparable from the common sense and logic of people.Like many policies, in the process of explaining, the government can see the logic and common sense laws in the process of explanation. This is probably why many people can accept (not necessarily satisfied) after understanding.Of course, there are some policies or measures that are considered unreasonable, but that may involve more complex policy backgrounds, which are not the purpose of this article.

This kind of speculation and debate ability is indispensable for individuals or society.In an increasingly complicated situation, from society to neighborhoods, more transactions often have multi -facetedness, not as clear as black or white, but with different degrees of gray.When people must face it, how to grasp the core of the problem and make correct decisions or judgments, it is likely that they are not enough with intuition or common sense.

There are too many examples in history. Ordinary people face the choices of the Great Era, even if they are about life, because of insufficient information or reasoning ability, or based on prejudice and imagination, they make mistakes.EssenceState leaders are more likely to delay the country based on personal subjective consciousness and cognitive deviation.

Whether this kind of public affairs and arguments involving public affairs can have good quality, so it is important; and good quality must be fully prepared based on the national overall knowledge level, speculative ability and morality."Listening to the government and following the government" may be right, but it is by no means a long -term correct option; it is not uncommon for countries and people to be betrayed by the government and politicians.

The popularity of the red headscarf mural incident is a good educational opportunity for society.

Local lack of artistic criticism education, especially public education.Like literary criticism, art criticism does not rely on instinctive emotional response, but requires a lot of knowledge and even academic intellectual activities; at the least, it must have rigorous logical analysis ability.From describing the work itself, analysis of the details, etc., to interpretation of creation and proposing their own evaluation, the goal is mainly based on the work, telling the viewers where it is not good, and what the reasons for the commentators.For viewers, critics themselves have yet to be reviewed, but response also requires basic knowledge and cultivation.Only in the process of interacting such back and forth can society learn from each other and improve the appreciation ability together.

However, we see that more criticisms are based on people and clouds, and even denyed their works in the extremely subjective abuse of "prostitutes" that the "certain" critics that the "certain" critics that were released by the Urban Reconstruction Bureau.

The good artworks in history have experienced severe reviews to varying degrees. Some are the reasons for the times (later generations interpreted as the preparation), and some are reasons for interpersonal circles. In shortabsurd.

But good criticism must be focused on works, not creators, nor the other attributes of creators -including personal background and life experience.The latter's reason is extremely clear: because the experience can be made up by learning, otherwise there will be no story of a living person who can draw or write heaven and hell; as for the denying due to personal background or conditions, it is said that the serious point is a near fascist subconscious subconsciousPsychology is just like people in the past based on race, gender, class, education, family, etc., thinking that some people should not do or do something well.This kind of subconscious prejudice that has hostility to the "others" is actually an instinct that human nature cannot deny or change, but good education can make people know how to suppress it, and even sublimate it with a more cultivated temperament, so that it does not emerge as it does not appear as a use of it.Weapons for rational discussion.

Good quality art criticism and public discussion come from the accumulation of knowledge and theory. It has nothing to do with interpersonal right and wrong, but it can improve the overall literacy of society and expand the space of thinking.In the local area, courage may be even more indispensable, because the circle is small and interpersonal interaction is more frequent.However, this kind of locking topic is the core of the topic.Maybe one day, we need to analyze a more worthwhile path for ourselves in multiple sensitive gray states, not just a woman on the wall.