"The United States' assassination of Huawei's attempt is counterproductive", which is the title of British economist on June 13.The article pointed out that the United States' against Huawei has evolved into a comprehensive war. Although Huawei was severely damaged under the violent attack of the United States, it has not been defeated, but has flourished again.

Looking back at the road that Huawei has been on by the US government has been on, it is indeed full of hardships, challenges, and more confident.

First of all in 2012, the U.S. government claimed that China used Huawei to engage in the so -called "spy activity" and began to set defense, targeting, and obstacles to Huawei. By 2018, it would be used to use forced means to ask Canada to arrest Huawei chief financial officer, andHuawei founder Ren Zhengfei's daughter Meng Wanzhou.By 2020, the United States has reached a very crazy level. Most American companies will be banned from doing business with Huawei, and forcibly force other countries to not use Huawei devices on the mobile phone network.To this day, the US government is still attacked and targeted.Just last month, the U.S. government also revoked Qualcomm and Intel's export license to Huawei.

The US government's target and blockade of Huawei has indeed hit Huawei.In 2021, Huawei's revenue fell by 30%, and the net profit fell by nearly 70%in 2022.However, Huawei is like a "Xiaoqiang" who can't die. In accordance with the requirements of Ren Zhengfei "there is a future", in accordance with his goals, increasing independent innovation capabilities, and continuously increasing R & D investment. In 2023, the research and development budget is as high as US $ 23 billion(About S $ 31.2 billion), give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of each Huawei employee, and use collective power to fight against the US government. Finally, it has gone through the most difficult moments and ushered in new hope.

In 2023, Huawei's sales revenue reached about $ 100 billion, about twice the Oracle of American technology companies; in the first quarter of this year, Huawei's net profit increased by 564%year -on -year to 19.7 billion yuan (about 3.68 billion new new newYuan).Especially the mobile phone business has returned comprehensively.Chinese consumers are also using action to support Huawei to respond to the US government, buy Huawei mobile phones and Huawei products, and work with Huawei together.

It is worth noting that the U.S. government thinks that the use of national power to target Huawei can set up Huawei to death.Unexpectedly, not only did Huawei not be defeated, they were stronger, more confident in development, and more believed in themselves.Because, in the early days of the US government, many people worried whether Huawei could survive this level, and some even predicted that Huawei was going to fall.However, in the words of foreign media, "Uncle Sam failed to kill Huawei, but made it stronger."Obviously, this has made the US government embarrassed, annoyed, and more worried.Because Huawei's experience and lessons will allow more Chinese companies to learn and learn, so that more Chinese companies can firmly believe that they can do it.

The use of government forces to target Chinese enterprises will indeed have a significant impact on Chinese enterprises, and will slow down China's development pace in the high -tech field; however, it will also make more "Huawei" appear on the land of ChinaLet more Chinese companies stand as self -reliance, self -innovation, and self -creation like Huawei, forming greater collective forces.On the contrary, due to the US government's targeted, especially forcing domestic enterprises to restrict and prohibit Chinese enterprises such as Huawei from exporting related products and related equipment to Huawei, so that American companies will lose opportunities to expand the Chinese market and lose their opportunities to expand their product influence.At the same time, it will also make these American companies unable to fully understand the advanced nature of their products and technology, and to fully understand the ability and level of Chinese enterprises in technology and product development.At that time, American companies may become blind, and they can only guess.If you want to take it back, there is no possibility to get it back.

The current China is facing the powerful target of the United States. More Chinese companies will experience the process of Huawei.However, as long as confidence is not reduced and determined, Chinese and Chinese companies will go through this difficult day, move towards the goal of Chinese -style modern power, and show the Chinese -style modernization of thousands of weather.

(the author is a Chinese financial commentator)