Source: Bloomberg

The performance of US President Biden in the debate with Trump has stimulated a new problem: if the 81 -year -old old man no longer thinks or can not run, then the Democratic Party has other other voting in Novemberchoose.

Given that Biden has locks in the Democratic Party in advance, the possibility of replacement is weakening.

Bynden's voice was hoarse in the debate on Thursday, and according to his assistant, he suffered from a cold.He spoke stutter, and sometimes he didn't even match the preface.This expression only stimulates people's concerns about whether he can do it for another four years.Biden later told reporters that he would continue to fight for re -election.

"With the deepening of the debate, he really became stronger, but I felt that the panic's mood had been fixed before that," David Axelrod, the candidate strategist of the former President Obama, told CNN, "And I think you will listen toDiscussion, but I don't know what the results will bring.

The following is the result of these discussions.

Is there a precedent?

Yes.The last time was President Linden Johnson.As the protests against the Vietnam War heated up, he decided not to seek re -election in 1968.Johnson unexpectedly announced in a speech at the oval office: "I will not seek or accept the party's nomination of my re -elected president."

But that's at the end of March -and even in modern nominations, it is not too late to be like today.Unlike Johnson, Biden has locked enough votes to get nominations.

Can I delete Biden from the votes?

That's difficult.The challenges faced by Biden in the preliminary election of the party were minimal, and 99%support was received among the representatives of the Democratic Party National Conference who had made a commitment.The reason for these representatives to a large extent depends on their loyalty to the president.If there are no special circumstances and there is no backup plan, they are unlikely to remove Biden from the votes.

Any challenger of Biden must declare himself for the election before the formal vote.

How fast do you have to make decisions quickly?


The National Committee of the Democratic Party has plans to finalize the nomination of Biden by calling by phone before the conference, to meet the August 7 -day period for Ohio to vote.The Ohio Parliament held by the Republican Party delayed this period, but the Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison said the party would count the votes in advance anyway, so the National Conference opened on August 19 was just a pass.

What should I do if Bayeng retired after the conference?

The decision of replacement may be made by members of the National Committee of the Democratic Party.But then the party will face another obstacle: the voting of Biden's name has been printed.

If Biden is no longer nominated, how can the votes vote for him calculate?The laws and regulations of each state are different.But at the election group meeting, the ticket to him may be counted as his successor.

Who is the possible successor?

Vice President Kamara Harris is the most logical successor, but she will not automatically become a nomination.

Other candidates who followed the Bayeng order and continued to support his support include Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, JB Pritzker, Governor of Illinois.

Bloomberg News/Morning Consult's polls on seven swing states shows that none of the above -mentioned people such as Trump have a better chance than Biden.

What about money?

The modern presidential election is a huge project, and the role of financial resources cannot be underestimated.

As of the end of May, Biden's campaign team and Democratic Party had $ 212 million in cash at hand. If Harris took over the money, she would be repatriated.For any other candidates, they may have to start another stove.

Biden's campaign team and the Democratic Party have spent about 346 million US dollars for re -election.Selecting another person may need to spend more money to introduce new faces to voters.