This time we can be said to pass by an environmental crisis, but the attention caused by the incident when the incident occurred, but it was not as good as the recent "smoking young and beautiful.The controversy caused by red headscarf "murals.

A few days ago, I went to the East Coast Park as usual, and saw a group of young people who looked like a group of students fishing on Bedok Jetty.:/News/Singapore/Story20240615-3932918 "target = _blank> A oil leakage incident has occurred at the southern coast sea recently .

In the past few weeks, a bunch of oil dirty sandbags appeared on the beaches and grass in the park. From then on, it can be imagined that clearing offshore oil pollution is a big project.

On the afternoon of the 14th of this month, VOX Maxima, a dug -in mud ship registered in the Netherlands, hit MARINE HONOR, a Singapore registered refueling ship that was parked in the Perseid Pier, causing a fuel cabin of the refueling ship to break down, about 400 metric tons of low -sulfur fuel fuel.The tide flow spreads to the nearby coast, and the two ships involved are currently mooring in an anchor in the west.

At the beginning of the incident, the pollution was relatively serious, including Sentosa Danjo Beach and Bara Bay Beach.Light pollution areas such as Xilezo Beach and the Beach of the East Coast Park.

Oil leakage accident at sea, without timely rescue, will trigger a major crisis of environmental pollution.Although this type of maritime incident is not the first time in the near -shore waters, each rescue process is different.This time the government launched the crisis processing mechanism. The Minister of Transport Xu Fangda, the Sustainable Development and Environment Minister Fu Haiyan, and the National Development Minister Li Zhisheng's Meeting , let us think of the 2019 crown disease crisis treatment model.The relevant minister stood to the front and answered the doubts of the Chinese people through the media.They must master the actual situation in time, and cannot hand over the work that communicate with the public to the affairs officer, reflecting the style of Singapore's crisis.

The rescue project involves laying 3.4 kilometers long fence at the place of the accident to prevent leaky oil from rushing ashore with the waves and even entering the inland waterway.More than 700 people participated in the work of cleaning up oil stains. From the perspective of rescue timelines after the accident, whether the rescue efficiency of the contractor's rescue work meets the official requirements, it may have to undergo a review to make the correct assessment.If you compare similar examples in the past, you need to consider different tidal conditions.

The treatment of the oil leakage accident at sea is currently only a paragraph, and the next "hand tail" is quite long.The problem is that natural ecology is inevitable, and these impacts will not appear immediately.Li Zhisheng said that Dannamra's tide habitat was affected by oil leakage in 2010. Monitoring and research showed that seagrass and coral reefs did not see recovery one year later.

The government has begun to meet with communities and natural groups, scientific communities, veterinary communities, higher education institutions, and grassroots groups to discuss the impact of how to deal with oil pollution on coastal habitats and marine life in the next stage.

More than 1,500 public enthusiastically signed up to assist in the management of oil pollution, and more than 2,000 people said they were interested in learning the latest situation and future volunteer service opportunities.Each crisis response allows the public to have a sense of participation. It is good for the government.During the three -year crown disease, folk cooperation is a favorable factor for us to accelerate the crisis.

Sea oil pollution accidents are cross -border, and floating oil is also found this time in Johor's waters.Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia have long been arranged and procedures for oil pollution.In 1981, the Three Kingdoms established the Revolving Fund Committee to quickly respond to oil pollution incidents that may occur in the three parties or other waters; the three parties can also make requirements and support for the oil leakage and cleanup work of the two strains.

This time we can be said to pass by an environmental crisis, but the attention caused by the incident in the society is not as good as a "smoking youthful beauty red headscarf" mural recently appeared in the ox cart water.Disputes caused.This is because people are not aware of maritime environmental protection, do not realize that the oil leakage incident lurks more environmental crisis, or is people confident in the government's crisis, and people have to participate in their hearts?

Singapore is a maritime shipping hub in the region.In any case, the latest oil leakage accident gives us a lesson that in addition to reviewing the control of the traffic safety of the Harbor, we must also strengthen public education in this area to increase people's understanding of marine environmental projects.Environmental protection is not just retaining the original ecology of the land, protecting wild animals, and rescue historical celebrities.

Dr. Tani Tanzil, director of facilities of St. John Island National Marine Research Center, pointed out that the oil leakage incident happened just in the small tide period, which was a great fortune in unfortunate."If it is leaking oil during the tide, the water level will be very low during the tide. The seagrass and the coral will be exposed to the air, and the floating oil will directly pollute them, which will endure more marine life and ecosystems." In June of each yearIn the season of real estate, many beaches are contaminated, which may affect turtles to go ashore for delivery.The situation that experts are worried are also an indicator of serious pollution.

In addition to the marine biological environment, it takes a period of time to observe, Singapore's water supply and hygiene and the livelihood of neighboring fishermen may have been affected. Fortunately, these serious consequences have not happened.Three points depend on luck.

The author is a special commentator of the United Morning Post