The political elites and most people of Western countries hope that the United States will continue to perform the responsibility of the great power.However, in their national elections, they do not want their government to place the interests of other peoples on the interests of their country, which can be known from the results of the European Parliament's election.Anyone with common sense now knows who is preferred.

Among hundreds of global elections in 2024, the American election is really related to the future fate of the world.Both the United Nations and the European Union and the United States hope that American voters will put the climate, allies' security (actually the assistance of several wars), and progressism such as progressive future destiny.It shows that Americans are now mainly concerned about "Kitchen-Table Concerns".

The so -called "kitchen -dining table problem" is actually issues related to people's livelihood, mainly including economic employment and inflation; social security, illegal immigration, children's education, medical care, etc. All people's livelihood issues.The previous category is the main issue of globalization, and the latter category is the focus of the people's concern.In terms of Chinese political terms, it is the struggle of two routes.

Everyone knows that after Trump entered the White House of the year, he "retired groups" among various international organizations, and one of them was to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.This incident was hated by the United Nations governments and global environmentalists from all over the European Union.Because this industry is different from other industries, there is only investment, no output and benefit measurement standards, and you can spend money open.The United States is the biggest investment in this treasury. Once the exit is exited, this capital chain will be less than tens of billions of dollars per year.

Immigration, climate, and assistance in the poor country are the three major businesses in the United Nations. As the Secretary -General of the United Nations, Gutres, of course, hopes that the United States will treat these as the first topic of elections.He told reporters on June 5: "We are playing with our planet to play with Russia's gambling. We need a highway exit to climate hell. In fact, we control the steering wheel." Global environmentalists agreed thatThe duel between the Democratic President Biden Biden and the former Republican Party Trump will not only affect the climate policy of the United States, but also affect the climate policy around the world.

In mid -June, the climate change transmission project of Yale University and the Callene Movement Communication Center of George Messon University announced in a report that 62%of registered voters supported candidates who promised to adopt a climatic action.Lesvitz, the director of the project of Yale University, told the Peninsula TV: "Democrats generally hold this view, and the same is true of independent people.P>

However, all polls starting from 2023 are different from the polls of Yale -George Mason. The kitchen table is still the most concerned about voters.Go in the top ten.

Various polls show: Americans care about dining tables

U.S. polls are Lin Li, the most authoritative is Petou and Gallop.On May 24 this year, the Gallop Pin "The most concerned issue for American voters" showed that the most important voters in economic issues ranked first, accounting for 36%;%; I think the third place is important for illegal immigration, accounting for 18%; the fourth place is concerned about inflation and high living expenses, accounting for 12%; those who care about environment and climate change are only 2%.The conflict is still a percentage point.

NBC News Channel recently plans to issue seven major issues faced by the 2024 election. It is believed that in the seven aspects of abortion, illegal immigration, medical care, taxation, judges and Supreme Courts, trade, foreign policy, Bidden and TrumpThe policy comparison between the between is intensifying, which is the key consideration that determines who voters will vote.There is no place for environmental and climate change in these seven issues.

Biden Economics has been abandoned by the people

Yougov, a British international online market research and data analysis company, launched the "Most Career Issues for the United States Elections in the United States in 2024".The results of February show that 8%of voters believe that climate and environmental issues are the most important; the investigation in June is subdivided into party factions. 15%of Democratic voters believe that climate change issues are the most important. Independent voters are 9%, and Republican Party only has only the Republican Party.1%.However, no matter which poll company, the gap between the "62%" claimed by the Yale investigation is too large.

Since the appearance of "Abe Economics", the US media likes the economic measures of the government's favorite government leaders, such as "Keqiang Economics" and "Biden Economics".The US economy was bright during his term, but the media did not want to give him this honor.

In addition to the long -term "Abe Economics", "Keqiang Economics" appeared in the term of office of the Deputy Prime Minister.Short life, was abandoned in less than one year.The Wall Street Journal loves this name, but in 2023, it has to be announced: Why is American voters who are not satisfied with "Biden Economics"?It is pointed out that Biden's economic achievements are mainly three legislation, which involves infrastructure, semiconductor production and renewable energy.Although facilities related legislation, although it brings the prosperity of the employment market, it is accompanied by inflation increase; in the future, chip and science bill and inflation reduction bill are introduced.Therefore, Biden Economics is not welcomed by Americans, which seriously affects Biden's election.

Retirees are affected by high inflation affected life.

The above polls have proved that the open border on the open border of globalization and the well -being of human beings welcomes illegal immigration, environmental and climatic policies, and protecting the security of allies.They are concerned about kitchen problems, especially retirees are affected by high inflation and their lives are difficult.

The Wall Street Journal in the US retirement life (February 2, 2024), which is only relying on social security funds, quotes the data of the US Retirement Association (AARP), and among those who receive social security benefits at the age of 65 and aboveAlmost all the income from about seven in about seven comes from benefits.Because they could not maintain their lifestyle before retirement, they repeatedly cut budgets, moved into smaller houses, or rely on relatives' help.Among the people interviewed in this article, a lady moved into a low -income elderly apartment after her husband died, abandoned cars and fixed telephones, and learned how to use new methods to make budgets and arrange life.Another one can be very satisfied if you can eat chickens and eat chicken every month every month.

Is the primary responsibility of the President of the United States, is it the people of the country or the well -being of the world?

From the perspective of people outside the United States, the United States is a golden empire and the world's largest country. It should continue to bear all the responsibilities of maintaining global order since World War II.They rarely thought that the implementation of the responsibility requires a huge money support, even if they thought of it, they would not think of what the American people would take on.

On May 21 this year, the Federal Reserve issued a report of the US family's economic status in 2023, showing that although the inflation in the United States slowed down in 2023, it continued to severely crack down on Americans' livelihood.The total cash reserves of American households have fallen from $ 18 trillion in the end of 2021 to US $ 17.8 trillion in the second quarter of 2023, and residents' savings rates still decline.The survey results show that in the year of October 2023, 17%of the interviewed adults said that they could not pay all the bills in full.63%of adults said that the cash on hand was enough to pay an emergency expenditure of $ this case,American voters regard the "kitchen -dining problem" as an important consideration for elections, and it can be understood that those unsatisfactory climatic issues related to the future of human beings, as well as unlimited acceptance of illegal immigrants in the rear options.

The political elites and most people of Western countries hope that the United States will continue to perform the responsibility of the great power, hoping to claim that the Trump defeated in the United States, and hope to put the interests of the American people at the last Bayeng or DemocratContinue to be president.

But in their national elections, they do not want their government to place the interests of other peoples on their own voters, which can be known from the results of the European Parliament's election.Anyone with common sense now knows who is preferred.As long as the 2024 election returns to normal, it will not repeat the operation of the Democratic Left Alliance four years ago (large -scale mailing votes, non -verification of voters' identity, unlimited extension of time ticket time after the election date is stopped).Voting results of most Americans.

The author is a Chinese economist in the United States