As more and more people get information and news, through social media, it is no longer a formal paper newspaper, newspaper webpage or official news push.The formation of established impression is even rigid.

In the past year, because of the reason for academic leave, I have the opportunity to go to all parts of the world to conduct a long time of visiting or research. Of course, meetings and tourism are indispensable.Because of this, it is no less time to stay abroad than in China.One of the biggest experiences is: reading thousands of books, but also to do thousands of miles -especially in this fake information era and virtual space.

Yes, now we are too easy to mistake us to read thousands of rolls of small red books, and to travel the Internet, we can be unobstructed in the information age.I even thought that I was able to get overly overwhelming information on social platforms such as the Internet, Douyin, Weibo, Facebook, IG, WhatsApp, etc., which is equivalent to having a high -eye point of the world, or the thousand miles of perspective, and even opening the nodules of ancient people and the knot of ancient people.Golden key with blind spots.

In fact, the opposite is the opposite. Such self -righteousness and thousands of miles are the biggest blind spots and pseudo -super capacity, and even let us have less cautious identification and intention to the world.Of course, I dare not say that what I see or walk around or walk around the place is all the truth or more comprehensive, but the contrary is that these experiences can teach me more objectively and more openly to face these.Perhaps the phenomenon and appearance may be comprehensive, or maybe.

Social media spreads the situation of Hong Kong and Taiwan with inferiority

Take some examples.For example, before the meeting in Hong Kong recently, a lot of online social media spread the news that had faced great economic challenges, and even the most serious economic atrophy since entering the Asian financial turmoil. Especially after the 2019 anti -repair storm, there was a crown disease epidemic., Worsen the snow.Some also said that there were more merchants who withdrew from some malls than the merchants who stayed. The hot money was withdrawn, the rich people moved out, the streets were deserted, and even more Mandarin said in the society than Cantonese.

In fact, when I arrived, I found that this is not the case.With the growth of Hong Kong's economic growth in the first quarter of this year, we still see the lively scenes and vitality of the market economy in some malls. We still witness the busy and hurried color of Hong Kong people.Crowded.Perhaps it cannot be compared with the most prosperous time in the past, but it is indeed very different from the depression impression spread by social media.But at the same time, I found that the city was beautifying, the volume of the local people was lower, the service attitude was improved, and the patience was more patient after asking the road -these adequate progress was almost completely circulated in international social media.I also made a smile when I heard one or two sentences in Cantonese.

Indeed, we also encountered many tourists in the Mainland to go out and exit in various attractions, but to a large extent, there is no probability of hearing Cantonese. The exchange of Cantonese is still intimate and comfortable.What's more worth mentioning is that we also see more cultural activities and cultural spaces, such as the wonderful M+Art Plaza and the huge exhibition space of the West Kowloon Cultural Zone (where pure art and auction house are coefficient, rare functions complementary functions complement each other), There are also Hong Kong Palace Museums and Rusty Cultural and Art Activities.Of course, we know that Hong Kong still experiences a huge change after leaving the colonies and returning to China. All aspects of them should have sufficient face -to -face.

Then talk about Taiwan's impression.In recent years, Taiwan seems to have fallen into the stereotype or fixed impression of "the era of the four small dragons in Asia" in social media -that is, more than 20 years of economic slowdown, low salary, delayed development, and high inflation, and young people go out.Economy and people's livelihood environment is not as good as before.However, we went to Taiwan several times after the epidemic to meet and communicate, and found that although there are many places to be improved in the society such as city, housing, transportation, etc., people do not have the impetuousness of the foreign passage, and there are no collectives of young people or talents.Loss out.

The number will speak.We have seen the economic development in Taiwan in the past eight or nine years, with an average growth rate of 3.1 %, even higher than that of countries and regions that have been tied with four dragons.It still strives to get out of its own path in the old and innovative, such as the old -fashioned shop, the former residence of celebrities, and the form of old art.Or the leadership of the semiconductor and chip of cutting -edge technology.Taiwanese, Hakka, and Chinese are still full of vitality, and they are also protected and inherited in the next generation.It is learned from the new and old rain that many people are still working ideal efforts, and they also work hard in the future, and they are full of enthusiasm for culture and art.When we talk about the chaos in Taiwan, we must also talk about the order of chaos, talk about their dilemma and challenges, and we must not talk about the positive energy and possible way out of its culture.

True and prejudice

Talk about South Africa.Before leaving Singapore to go to South Africa, almost all friends who have been to or have not been to have been watched with ears and watched us to be careful, and even say that you should never leave the tour group, or never take the hotel for half a step, as if the crime is there there there, where is there where the crime is there.Air.The words of the speaker also revealed a kind of care but worried look, which made people unconsciously nervous and vigilant.As a result, we were doing the camp all the time, and even inexplicable.

However, we always feel that the whole process seems to see only in the huge bubbles of Johannesburg to see mountains and water -seeking wild creatures, which are similar to white people in South Africa living in high -surrounding walls and wire mesh, but they are different from the real soil in South Africa.EssenceUntil the last day of the trip.We finally decided to step out of the bubble comfort zone to leave the team and truly enter the lives of South Africans in Cape Town.

We and a local black tour guide entered the museum recording the history of black people, and led by young people from 800,000 black towns (Township, some translated into slums), and went deep into the residence of black black people in South Africa.Looking at the three families in a total of more than ten families, living in a temporary room that is equivalent to the size of our house room (speaking temporarily, but waiting for a house for 20 years!), Three small beds for three families for three families, three families, three families three families.Use for couples, and all children can only be squeezed to the ground.Even if we see a harsh shortage and barren living environment, they welcome each other with sincere smiles, and even communicate in a way to fully feel peace of mind and trust.When it comes to the struggle and oppression of racial isolation, their eyes are glowing, but when they talk about the expectations of political reform and signs of the improvement of the future, they immediately shine.The emotions of shocking and peace of mind are constantly swinging in our hearts.

The reason why the above will be briefly described that the above must be regarded as one -sided impression. In fact, what I want to introduce is that the impression of others in our island nations must be the same.For example, when visiting New York and Boston in the United States, I talk to Singapore with local strangers. Most of them have heard of it. At most, I will mention the recent CEO of TIKTOK, who has recently confeed in the United States Congress.China), or the stereotypes of the rich people in Singapore (I also need to emphasize the mansion in the movie in Malaysia to shoot at Malaysia).The situation in Toronto, Canada is slightly better, but also knows the geographical location of Lion City and the impression of urban islands.

When visiting Japan, of course, the locals know Singapore. However, several impressions of Singapore are the same word -expensive.Hearing Japan, the first country labeled in Asia, and Japan, the fourth largest economy in the world, said so, really lamented the rotation of Feng Shui.One of the scholars from well -known Japanese universities said that they could not come to Singapore to participate in important seminars in their fields because Singapore's travel expenses far exceeded what they could bear.Indeed, paying attention to current affairs in various placesThe academic and Wenyou will say that Singapore is the most expensive place in the world.The lower and lodging options I shared with them is that they are completely unknown or have a different impression with social media.

When exchanging visits throughout China, the most commonly mentioned is that Chinese tourists have crowded Lion City attractions in recent years, Singapore is small and difficult to do, and Singapore's bilingual education, especially inquiring about various public and private schools in Singapore.The situation.I suddenly became the most reliable island tourism and education agencies.

As more and more people (please note that not only young people are just young people) to obtain information and news are through social media, and it is no longer a formal paper newspaper, newspaper webpage or official news push.There will only be more and more established impression, or even rigid.Social media, for the sake of traffic, and because of a complete and objective grading or review system, it will definitely cut off, and the more eye -catching content and presentation will definitely be selected.So the position is biased, and the colored glasses are even more colored, and the faith is really real.

This is why I have academic holidays a year, and I realize it -read thousands of volumes (objective medium) books and newspapers, and walk the road of thousands of miles (personally experienced, open horizons).The era when black and white is difficult to judge simply, it is even more critical and rare.

(the author is engaged in Chinese teaching and local culture)