There is also a conventional habit of Thailand's political circles. No matter how a coup, there are two kinds of people who must not offend: foreign capital and tourists.

Thailand is a very interesting country. It is located in the core area of ​​Southeast Asia and has relatively complete infrastructure and economic strength. Therefore, it has always been regarded as an important market.To enter Asia, the preferred place to be used as a pilot is not Hong Kong, Shanghai or Tokyo, but Bangkok.Because this is one of the most international cities, people from all countries bring together, and the middle class with quite consumer strength; if you achieve good results in the competitive Bangkok, theoretically copy to other Asian cities, and the opportunity will be much greater.Essence

From the perspective of "internationalization".You can search for various data by yourself, such as the number of tourists each year, the total number of foreigners holding a work visa, or there are several embassies and international non -governmental agencies (NGOs) in a single city.Schools, how many international students and other indicators are recruited each year, you can refer to it.I believe that in the above -mentioned evaluations, Bangkok can definitely rank the top in Asia.However, I want to measure it in a simpler and rude way, and everyone can test it in person in those big cities that are very internationalized.

Find a cafe with floor -to -ceiling windows in the city. It is best to be located in a busy business district or transportation hub. You can order a cup of coffee and stay for two hours."Non -local nationality" passers -by, whether he came to sightseeing, work or other reasons.Taking Bangkok as an example, I chose the cafe on the first floor of Lane 24, Su Kunyi Road. After 10 am from 10 am to 12 noon tests, every 10 pedestrians passing by in front of me, there are actually five or six foreigners.EssenceThis is just what I can distinguish. Those residents of other Southeast Asian countries that look similar to Thai people are not calculated.

The same test I have also done in Central, Hong Kong, and Shimotu, Tokyo, and Shinyi District of Taipei.Hong Kong's numbers are about four or five, about three in Tokyo, and one or two in Taipei.This is enough to show that Bangkok has sufficient diverse people and their respective tastes. Therefore, any business model is easy to accept challenges from different ethnic groups, and then quickly correct the model.

The second support Bangkok is the most international argument in Asia and its historical status.Thailand has never been colonized by Western forces, and in World War II, he also adhered to the role of neutrality.This made Bangkok the center of intelligence, news and information at that time at that time.According to statistics, Bangkok is a single city with the most embassies and consulates throughout Asia, and there are also a large number of international NGOs and private sector (such as the Agoda headquarters of the booking platform) set up the regional headquarters in Bangkok.In addition, the United Nations Asia -Pacific headquarters is also located in the old town of Bangkok.For the reason, Thailand has not had many enemies. Important international organizations are located in Thailand. There are many opinions of Asian countries.Then, Bangkok's cost performance is also high, with relatively complete infrastructure construction, but the cost of living is not high. Therefore, it can attract many institutions to establish the stronghold here.Develop.

The Thai government knows its own advantages, so it sacrifice a series of auxiliary policies, and even Thailand's political circles have a conventional habit. No matter how a coup, two kinds of people must not offend: foreign capital and tourists.Therefore, even though the Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts were unable to do with it, the commercial activities and tourist crowds in the Greater Bangkok area remained.

In terms of individual advantages, although Thai workers are not the cheapest in Southeast Asia, the quality and ability are still in the middle, and they can bear certain technical work; plus in the automotive industry, design and art, entertainment industry, tourism services, internationalsThe exhibitions and conferences, the green economy and the Asianan transportation hub, etc., have made Bangkok really among one of the most important cities in Asia. Every year, there are always various teams to come here, hoping to make a situation.

As mentioned above, Bangkok's internationalization is the most, and there is another angle, which is the ecology of the catering and tourism industry.Most countries' catering and tourism industries basically rely on a certain percentage of local customer bases to survive, otherwise it is easy to fall into the risk of insufficient revenue, such as the industry and merchants that depends on mainland China in the past.If you don't come, you will be destroyed by devastating.However, the situation in Bangkok is different. Because there are enough foreigners, many restaurants or places where entertainment consumption can basically rely on a certain nationality to live in Bangkok and continue to operate.For example, the CALM restaurant located in the Shenxiang, East City, Bangkok, was operated by a French and a Brazilian youth. Basically, there was no Thai local customers to spend.According to the observations of several visits, the customers are all French or Brazilians. The number of meals on weekdays is small, but the weekend can be full.

Of course, there are still risks to do business. Although there are many opportunities in Bangkok, there are also many people who have no good operation.The taste of local consumers in Thailand is changing, and although the acceptance of new things is high, the boredom will come quickly.In contrast, non -Thai residents have different cultures, habits and life models. It is necessary to accurately establish a loyal customer base. It really needs to work hard and have sufficient research on the market.