On the 14th of this month, the Bar ways collided with two ships, which led about 400 metric tons of low -sulfur fuel.Although the accident did not affect the normal operation of Hong Kong affairs, the impact on the environment was great, so it also attracted widespread attention.After two weeks of fighting, the oil pollution cleanup work has entered the end of the final stage, but the subtle cleanup may have to last for several months.

During the resumption of Congress on July 2, several members will ask questions about the oil leakage accident to understand how the relevant government departments ensure that the affected beaches and marine creatures are thoroughly cleaned and protected.Oil standard operation procedures; quickly clean up the coordination of the ocean and beaches; how can the public help clean up and what preventive measures will be taken to avoid the occurrence of future accidents.These are all subjects that the people care about. I believe that the answers of the ministers then can relieve various questions in the public.

The official preliminary survey showed that the crash accident had nothing to do with the congestion of the port. The digging ships of the accident suddenly failed due to the sudden failure of the engine and steering wheel, and they ran out of control into the refueling ship.In any case, the accident process is still under investigation. At present, the most important thing is to do a good job of removing oil stains.

From the news reports in the past few days, the information that the public can obtain is that after the accident, the official launch the standard emergency procedure, and believes that the results of the response are effective, and the response time also meets the standards of the world.For example, the patrol ship of the Maritime and Port Authority rushed to the scene 11 minutes after receiving the accident report, and sprayed oil from oily oil to the sea to prevent a large amount of oil leakage from being quickly condensed into pieces.At the same time, the official soon notified the contractor responsible for laying the fence bar.

Although the general public knows the difficulty of responding to such a large -scale maritime oil leakage accident, there is no doubt about the reaction speed of the enclosure of the oil bar.It is known that the accident occurred at 2:22 pm.The work of laid a fence on the sea surface around the accident was completed around 5 am.What people feel puzzled is that the accident happened at the port and left the shore not far. Can the response time be shortened?

Due to the turbulent currents of the strait, although the fuel leaked to the sea was treated by the oil consumer agent, it quickly drifted to the beaches nearby with the tide of the sea, causing a large area of ​​pollution.EssenceHowever, a statement issued by the Maritime Bureau on the evening of the accident said that the oil leakage had been controlled, which made people mistakenly believe that the situation was not very serious.Perhaps the official initially pays attention to the normal operation of the port, the sailing, mooring, and the safety of the personnel, so they did not have time to consider the speed and influence of oil stain diffusion.

In any case, we believe that the official should be able to learn from many valuable lessons from this practical experience. At the same timeThere is something to improve.As one of the busiest seaports in the world, the probability of accidents at sea must increase with the increase of the number of ships in Hong Kong. Although it is impossible to completely avoid the occurrence of accidents such as such accidents, it must have the most meticulous prevention measures and the most effective emergency actions.In addition, how to improve the transparency of emergency during the crisis, soothe the public's anxiety, and believe that it can be done more detailed.

Although the main tasks of cleaning oil pollution have been completed, the next more subtle cleaning coastal work may have to last for several months.This is also a stage where public people who are enthusiastic and concerned about environmental protection can participate more directly.After the oil leakage accident occurred, more than 1,500 public signed up to assist in the cleanup of oil pollution, and more than 2,000 people said they were interested in understanding the latest situation and future volunteer service opportunities.This shows that the public's awareness of environmental protection has been significantly improved over the years, and officials must make good use of this shareholder resources.Many environmental protection organizations and related groups can also use their expertise to participate in environmental assessment work in the final stage.