The Singapore Election Bureau announced on June 18 that Complete the revised voter register .

Although the amendment of the voter roster has always been the routine work of the Election Bureau, the Prime Minister of the Finance Minister Huang Xuncai After receiving this instruction , people can't help but feel that the footsteps of the national elections have approached further.

This is the second time the government has revised the roster of voters since the 2020 election. The last time was July last year , only a month before the presidential election of the same year.

Of course, the national election is different from the presidential election.The former has a key step, that is, the establishment of the regional review committee.This is regarded as an important vane of the election.Looking back at the three elections in the past three sessions, from the establishment of the committee to the nomination date, the shortest three months, the longest is nearly 11 months.

The time point for revising the roster of voters is not as important as the time point for the establishment of the regional review committee, but there is no room for interpretation.

In the past three elections, the election bureau has revised the roster of voters three times between the elections and the election, and the third revision has been the establishment of the selection committee.

It is worth mentioning that in the 2015 election, the Election Bureau only revised the voter roster in April 2015.The scope review committee was established every other month, and the Election Bureau revised the roster in July, and the election was held in September.

The 2015 election has been the fastest in the past three elections, so it is difficult to imagine that the timetable can be further compressed.At this speed, the Election Bureau has only revised the voter register for the second time this month. The election can only be held in five months, that is, November this year, rather than the spread of September.

Although the term of the next election is held in November 2025, various signs show that the election machine has been operating -the new faces of the People's Action Party, which have been unveiled at the end of last year, and to the Singapore Embassy in Singapore to remind the travel abroad SingaporePeople are registered as overseas voters, and then frequent bidding activities for the Election Bureau in the near future.

Even if the election war drum has not officially sounded, in the past few months, whenever the ruling party has a little movement, the social circle will spread the saying of "election to come", showing that the Singaporeans have felt that they feel their body.The atmosphere of the election is a period of time.If this atmosphere lasts for too long, it will not be known whether it will cause the fatigue of election, but the ruling party may be alert to this.

Regarding whether the general election will be held this year, Premier Huang neither admitted or deny , can, can be, can, can be able to .Is it regarded as a deliberate room?He mentioned that everyone can speculate based on the date he attended the international meeting, but this only excludes early and mid -November.

This year is the historic "global election year". More than 50 countries have held important political elections, and the number of voters with more than half of the global population.This does not include announced the Lightning election France .

Of course, we don't need to rush to this wave of election, but I can't help but think that if Singapore can hold a election before the end of the year, it will leave a clean end for this year of the leader.If the DAP successfully continues the governance, it can also open a new page with a new commission in the new year.

Although so, Singapore's election at the end of the year is not common. The last time was 2001.At that time, the world was shocked by a terrorist attack, which exacerbated the global economic slowdown.Under these clouds, then Prime Minister Wu Zuodong decided to seek the people's commission to reorganize the economy and update the political leadership team.

In the 2015 and 2020 elections, the establishment of the selection review committee was asked by the questions of parliamentarians.Congress resumed on July 2nd, whether related questions will appear in the parliamentary agenda issued next Monday (1st), which is curious.

(the author is a senior manager of the Chinese Media Group's regional strategy and cooperation)