Source: China News Agency

Reporter: Li Yang

June 26 is the countdown of the Paris Olympic Games.The focus of French politics has shifted to parliamentary elections.What kind of impact this unexpected election will have on the Paris Olympic Games has attracted the attention of the outside world.

It is currently less than a week before the first round of voting in the French parliament election, and the major parties have stepped up the election campaign.According to the recent polls, the support rate of the French Right -wing Party Piece National Alliance exceeds 30%, and still leads other party factions; the support rate of the left -led league led by the extremely left is nearly 30%; the support rate of the French ruling party camp is about 20%.Locate third.

French Prime Minister Atar On the evening of the 25th, on behalf of the ruling party camp and the leader of the Right -wing Party National Alliance, Baldra and the extremely left -wing party "Unyielding France", Bangpar, to launch a fierce TV debate.Differential differences show the profound contradiction between the ruling party camp and the extremely right and extremely left -wing party.

French public opinion generally believes that if the French ruling party camp loses the parliamentary election, President Macron may have to appoint party leaders from the opposing camp to serve as the prime minister, which will bring not to the preparation of the sprint stage of the Olympic Games.Determination.

The Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Bach still expressed his full confidence in the French Olympic Games, pointing out that parliamentary elections will not affect the Olympic Games.Estanga, chairman of the Paris Olympic Organizing Committee, also shows an equally optimistic attitude.

But the preparation of the Olympic Games currently has many difficult tasks to be completed. The most tricky is still security issues.The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on July 26 will be held on the Sina River as planned. A large number of police and security forces personnel need to be dispatched to ensure safety.Vice Chairman of the Paris Council, Bashnal, was worried about the relevant issues brought about by the mayor of the government and its management team due to the possible changes in parliamentary elections, although the Minister of the Interior Dalmarin said that people do not have to worry about it.

The 28 -year -old national league leader Baldra may be closer to the Prime Minister's throne than ever.Agence France -Presse and other media have listed him as one of the popular candidates after parliamentary elections.If he serves as the prime minister, it is expected that there will be a series of government personnel appointment and removal. It is unknown whether the current Sports Minister Castra, who is responsible for the preparation of the Olympic Games, will be reserved at that time.

In addition, if Baldra is the prime minister, it may also cause controversy related to the Olympic Games.The province of Sainan-St.di in the Paris region is a place where the Olympic venue is relatively concentrated, and the province's left-wing forces have always been strong.Donas, the chairman of the Provincial Council of Saint Dansi from the Left Socialist Party, has clearly stated that not only should he prevent Baldra as the Prime Minister, but also to prevent him from participating in the Olympic ceremony.

Baldra himself does not oppose the current government's arrangements in the preparation of the Olympic Games. He has stated that he has "confidence" in serving the national department of the Olympic Games and declaredThe work arrangement has changed and emphasized that the Olympic Games "must achieve significant success."


The ruling party camp hopes to fight for the support of voters in parliamentary elections through the Olympic Games, which is also considered the initial consideration of Macron.Macron said earlier that he did not think that voters wanted a "look bad" Olympic Games; "the French care about the image of France."However, it is difficult to say how much votes can win for the ruling party camp.During the on the evening of the 25th, the television debate between Atar and the extremely left -wing and extremely right -wing party, the main concern was almost all on the issue of people's livelihood. The Olympic Games was not the focus of debate.

The French Parliament Election will hold two rounds of voting. The first round of voting will be held on June 30, and the second round of voting is held on July 7. After the second round of voting, there are less than three left before the opening of the Olympic Games.week.A stable and able to ensure the coherent government team will undoubtedly play an important role in the smooth organizational of the Olympic Games, and this depends on what the results of the parliamentary election are.