Source: Bloomberg

Author: Philip Heijmans

This week, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang each ended in the Southeast Asian countries. Regional countries have expressed their willingness to join the BRICS countries and regard this as a bridgehead in response to the Western leading system.Essence

Malaysian Prime Minister Anhua announced the intention of joining the BRICS country in an interview with the Chinese media before Li Qiang's interview with Li Qiang.After successfully attracting the southern countries (including providing financing channels and a political platform independent of Washington influence), the size of the BRICS countries has doubled this year.

Thailand announced last month that he also hopes to apply for a BRICS country.The country's foreign minister Marry told reporters last week that the BRICS country "is a South -South cooperation framework that Thailand has always eager to participate."

In the context of the increasingly fierce competition between China and the United States, it is a kind of attempt to add the brick to the country that wants to alleviate economic risks.Many countries in Southeast Asia rely on trade with China, and also support the existence and investment of security in Washington.

However, a member of a member of the BRICS country also reveals the depression of the international order and important mechanism led by the United States.Hold down.

"Some of us, including people like me, believe that we need to find solutions for unfair international financial and economic structures," said in an interview in an interview. ""Therefore, the BRICS is likely to be one of the ways to play a certain balance role."

BRICS expansion

For many years, only five members have ushered in the addition of Iran, the UAE, Ethiopia, and Egypt in January this year. It is mainly the result of China's attempt to improve the international influence.

The momentum of adding new members is still continuing.Although the United States and Europe tried to prevent other countries from contacting Russia, 12 non -member representatives participated in the BRICS dialogue in Russia this month.These include Cuba and Venezuela, which have long -term poor relations with the United States, but also countries such as Turkey, Laos, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Kazakhstan.

Vietnam also attended.Vietnam upgraded the relationship with the United States last year and was regarded as a counterattack on the increasing influence of Beijing in the region.The country's official media Vietnam said last month that Hanoi has always followed the progress of the organization with "strong interest".

"Vietnam is ready to participate in the multilateral mechanism of global and regional and make positive contributions," said a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam at the time.

After expanding this year, the BRICS plans to invite non -member states to participate in the next summit held in Kazan, Russia in October.Just holding this event allows Russia to have the opportunity to show the world. The country has not been isolated by the West because of the Russian and Ukraine War.

"Washington does not like BRICS, this is not a secret, especially its members include Iran and Russia," said the former US ambassador to Indonesia, Myanmar and Asian Ambassador Scot Marciel.

He also said that the larger the scale of the camp, the less the possibility of reaching consensus on key issues."My feeling is that Washington may not be happy to see the joining of Thailand and Malaysia, but I don't think this will cause huge resentment."

Officials from the US State Department did not immediately reply to the evaluation request.