Today's news has been different in the past, receiving any information -whether it is mainstream or social media channels, and whether it is from the West or the Eastern camp, it should be skeptical and criticized.If you realize that you have been trapped, you can escape.

The geopolitical storm changes color. The most intuitive manifestation is that the international and Chinese colleagues sorted out every day. We joked the news report of the "menu".

In the past, the contents of the country and the country, the contents of your meters, have been squeezed out by hatred, attacking, and various decoupling chains in the past three or four years.EssenceIn the Cold War, I haven't joined the industry yet. It is estimated that there are not so many bad things.At that time, there was no Internet and social media, and the ordinary people of the East and West camps did not get in love with each other. Maybe there is still a bit of beauty?

The subject matter changes to one of them. In terms of writing, everyone tears the professional veil and opens the cognitive combat mode of the Lord.International news sent by Western news agencies, ten sixty -seven or eighty -nine, are their standing team positions and inertia thinking. The difference is only high or unsightly, whether it sells hard or silently brainwashing.

The first thing that made me open was the Russian and Ukraine War, and then more than half a year of Gaza war.Although the impact of the latter is not like the former, it is enough to change the trajectory of human destiny, but the people's hearts stirred around the world, as well as the moral argument, are unprecedented.Therefore, using Gaza as a case, it can explain the purpose of Western media reports, as well as how objective and authenticity is easily compromised.

Western discourse rights plus the talked horsepower

Confucius said that it must also be known. In fact, Israel and Western media people also know this. The day after being attacked by Hamas on October 7 last year, the future military operations were called "The war between Israel and Hamas, the opening of the Mingyan shows that the target of accountability is Hamas elements, not the Palestinian citizen.But the fact is that Yijun used a 2,000 -pound bomb, and the whole building was gone directly, and the attack was as different.So far, the number of deaths has exceeded 36,000. If only Hamas is locked, then Hamas has been destroyed by the regiment.In short, this must be a "Eva" war, not for Ha, the object of Israel's killing is the Palestinians after all, not just an armed force representing them.

In addition, "XX war" is not accurate.The premise of the war is that the strength of the two sides is basically symmetrical, or at least four or six, seven or three.Ukraine is a small country relative to Russia, but at least there is a national status and a regular army. The key is that NATO is the big rear. Therefore, although it is hard to support it, the invaders can still suffer.Gaza is just a "open -air prison" blocked by sea, land and air all year round. The weapons must be stolen through the tunnel. There is no empty defense on the top of the head.But it became a dead soul.Obviously, in the balance of power, even the Israeli is not even one to nine. It is said to be the "XX war".The Palestinians are more likely to say that this is a slaughter, or the uprising, resistance movement and the like -although it is destined to end in failure.

In short, both sides are qualitatively qualitatively used as their respective perspectives, and the difference is only that the voice of the weak will not be heard; and those who have the right to speak, before they write history, know that the media is overwhelming.Each report repeats the narrative that is more favorable to yourself.The word "The Harbin War" is deeply embedded in people's cognition. Of course, the Israeli version of the "from the river to the sea" land occupation and racial extinction cannot be rationalized, but there are still somewhere to cover or mislead.

Western foreign news reports are more obvious, and it is a modifier that appears frequently (that is, grammar attributive).For example, the following sentence is what I read almost every day: "... Between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist Group Hamas, ..." Yes, Israeli is Israel, but Hamas is written before, and the previous one will always press and press.On the word "Islamic organization".The Islamic organization is okay. Sometimes it depends on the context of the words. It will be replaced by Islamic terrorist organizations, extreme organizations, radical organizations, and even adjectives such as brutal and unmanned (Savage).

Is it necessary to leave the accuracy and be unnecessary, just talk about it, why not add the "Jewish country" in front of Israel or the "Jewish regime" behind?It is really unnatural, so why is Hamas's so righteous?Is it echoing the "fear of recovery" and various prejudices that have always existed in Western society. Do you think such a reminder is necessary?

Foreign Electric will never put oppressors, intruders, or "those who pursue racial isolation policies, implement racial extinction ..." are set on Israeli or its government, but the fact is that since 1948, this country has beenI keep doing these things.Of course, when the first class of the news is written, the teacher will always tell students that it is good to state the facts objectively and accurately. Do not use value judgments, and there is no need to use modified sexual words.But the same rules will be thrown away when they write Palestine or Hamas, so that they will not change.

Conflict began on October 7 last year?

Last weekend, the four Israelic hostages were miraculously rescued. They all named their surnames and age in the reporting reports. This kind of processing is desirable. It makes the news full.During the news, this personalized element also often appears, but when did you read the names and identities of the Palestinian who were detained or used as the release?In fact, how many people are closed, I believe you and I do n’t even have a general number concept, right?Because in the eyes of Western reporters, this is not important at all, and I am not interested in investigating reports.In the final analysis, the level of respect and nourishment given by people is different.

The news must be provided as much as possible.So earlier, the foreign electricity was written in Gaza, and it would always be cut and passed on October 7 last year Hamas's big killing and hostage at the music festival.This explanation is right, but if you trace up again, it is very uncomfortable for some of their supervisors.As a result, the subtext is: Hamas is the initiator of the conflict, and then guide the reader to be convinced that "whoever does it first is wrong! Even the sin is deserved."As for Israel's earlier decades of doing what they did in Gaza and the West Bank, most people did not ask for it, even blank.

At the beginning of the war, the "self -defense right" was once a high -frequency word in Western reports, but it was only applicable to Israel, and ignored the Hamas terrorist attack.Some people even agree with the principles of super proportions and deterrence that Israel have always preached, but with the rapid rise of Gaza's death, it has reached 1 to 30 to this day, and this recognition has become extremely political and correct.Imagine that if the other party is also pursuing the same crazy principle, Israel must lose money by 30 and 1 million!Of course, Hamas has no ability.

For the fallacy and various words on October 7, last year, the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres had the following flat speeches:

"... equally important, we must also realize that Hamas's attack is not coming out of thin air. The Palestinian people have suffered 56 years of suffocating occupation." Then he pointed out: "The dissatisfaction of the Palestinians cannot be rationalized.Masus's terrible attack; on the contrary, this appalling attack cannot be rationally punished by the Palestinian people.

Western reports are often mixed with lies or semi -authentic or even anti -common sense narratives.Like a news that "Irrilla to the authentic system of Israel to Hamas", I don't understand why "water" is used in all chapters, because fresh water is extremely scarce in Gaza, not to mention fighting., And I have seen the information faintly, saying that the sea water is gone, the groundwater is quiltPollution will cause threats and incompetent environment for the survival of generations.Young colleagues looked at the foreign electricity several times, saying that they did write "water".Later, we made "seawater" directly in the title and text.After get off work, I went to the Israeli Times website to read it. Sure enough, their own headlines wrote sea water.As a result, I was determined in surprise: Foreign Electric reporters or their supervisors, I don't mind being an idiot, I can really treat everyone in the world as an idiot.

What I want to ask now is: Are these strong right to speak and speak, do you have to achieve the goal as always?

Of course, there are many people who are fooled, and there are many people who walk with their noses.However, it seems that the number of sober people is also growing every day, like the waves of fighting for the waves of campuses in various places is evidence.In the network space, more and more people sing against.

The emperor who did not wear new clothes in politicians and the media?

Western media machines, why is it a bit confused this time?The reasons are complicated, limited to space, just briefly mention two points of observation:

1. Social media played a substitution.Because the coverage of 100 million Muslim groups and the coverage of English and English, it is not limited to the Palestinians' Gaza stories and information -because it also includes the indignation of sympathy of various places, all this support volume is infinitely magnified on various social media platforms., The infectious power has continued to spread geometrically, and eventually forms some kind of global justice connection. No matter how the mainstream Western media tries to guide, how Jewish Losamin Groups are forced to seduce, and how the legendary "deep government" exerts the strength.

On Facebook, IG, TIKTOK and other platforms, the content of the Pakistani and the amount of transmission are overwhelmed, and some people are forced to make a review request.Another contrast was Ukraine and was invaded, but their suffering pictures and voices were far less than Gaza.reason?First of all, it is naturally that there are much less population than the global Muslims. Then, it is difficult to spread by Ukraine.

2. The same is related to the misfortune of Ukraine. It occurred at the same time in two wars, causing a dilemma to the West.After all, while condemning Russia's bold aggression, while conditing Israel's crimes in Gaza; while preaching the legitimacy of the Ukraine's defending the country, while fighting against the Palestinians -in fact, it was more persecution, plunder, and race cleaning.Such a dual standard is really difficult to explain.

The embarrassment and desert of the United States are particularly prominent.When President Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Neyarhu, when he did not do enough to protect the protection of Gaza "and later proposed the" red line theory ", the transport aircraft was transporting a large number of heavy ammunition to Tel Aviv.Obviously, the former is more public relations, and the main considers are votes.Yes, the United States does not have international pressure, only domestic pressure, but hypocrisy has been completely exposed and consumes the reputation of the country.

The dilemma of Western politicians is also the predicament of the media to a certain extent -in terms of professional ethics, the emperor has not dressed, and has gradually been seen by everyone.

But it must be said that in the press room, self -reflection, refusal to be cowardly by capital and political backstage or guiding chess.Like the end of last year, 200 employees of the Public Australia Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) expressed dissatisfaction with the editorial policy of Israel too much at an internal conference.Essence

From this abstract, outsiders know that their "family rules" are quite a lot. Like the news must be mainly used by the source confirmed by the side, so as not allowed to use the words Palestine of the country to "not encourage"It is involved in Israel with the crime of war, racial extinction, cleaning, isolation, occupation, etc., but it is a consistent attitude towards the label to the Pakistan.Not long after the outbreak of this "internal anti -" incident, one of their radio anchors was fired in advance because Israeli "deliberately dealt with Gaza civilians with hunger" on IG.Before the incident, there was the pressure of Jewish external forces. As a result, with the support of the trade union, the female anchor told the employer. The lawsuit was believed to soon start a trial in the federal court.

Therefore, it is good to wake up: Today's news has been different from the past, receiving any information -whether it is from the mainstream or social media channels, and whether it is from the West or the Eastern camp, it should be skeptical and criticized.If you realize that you have been trapped in the cocoon room, you can escape quickly. The way is to improve media literacy and more diverse contact. Of course, the knowledge reserve is thicker and better.

Otherwise, in the cognitive war, you don't have to wait for the enemy to fight, and you will fall first.