All citizens should take Singapore's interests as the primary consideration.Although the Chinese in Singapore belong to the same race as other Chinese people, some Chinese also think that everyone is a dragon's heir, but we must keep in mind that we are the Singaporeans first.

Mr. Cai Qisheng, the president of the Singapore Zongxiang Club, Mr. Gao Quanqing, president of the Singapore Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, the leaders of the halls and business groups, representatives of Chinese society, guests, good at night!

Tonight, I sincerely thank the Singapore Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and the Zongxiang Club Joint Association jointly organized this dinner.Thanks to President Tsai and President Gao for speeches and blessings, and thank you for the wonderful performance of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra.

Here I gathered with you, and reminded me that when I first took office in 2004, you also hosted a thousand -person banquet for me.A glance, 20 years have passed.Many Chinese community leaders, like me at that time, are now good.But I am glad to see that everyone is still concerned about national affairs and Chinese affairs.It is my duty and my honor to be able to serve the people as the Prime Minister.

Thank you for your support!During my term, I have been closely related to the Chinese News Agency.The Chinese Liaison Group led by the Minister also understands the Chinese News Agency and cooperates with many parties to shorten the distance between the government and the Chinese organizations.Over the years, we have established a good foundation for mutual trust and good, and have overcome various challenges.Whether it was the global financial crisis or the crown disease in recent years, the Chinese News Agency focused on the overall situation and actively cooperated with the government to spend difficulties together.The leader of the Chinese Society is even more laborious, thank you!

Most of the local Chinese society organizations have a long history and deep foundation.Looking back at the road of the founding of Singapore, the leaders of the Chinese Society and people from all walks of life play a pivotal role.Since more than 200 years ago, we were the British colonies and later became an autonomous state and merged with Malaysia. After that, the process of new horse divisions and independence.Country.

During my tenure, I witnessed the continuous self -renewal of the Chinese society and keeping pace with the times.Every time I attended the inauguration ceremony of the Director of the General Chamber of Commerce, I had the opportunity to communicate with the new directors to understand how they developed vision and strategy.Each director will do its best to ensure that the General Chamber of Commerce can help new enterprises and seek business opportunities for them according to the needs of members.At the same time, the General Chamber of Commerce has spared no effort to help local business group transformation and upgrading, and assist enterprise employees to improve their skills.

The General Chamber of Commerce also cooperates with government policies to assist Singapore's small and medium -sized enterprises to expand its business and enter overseas markets.President Gao said that he was sorry to sing "I am a little bird."In fact, many of the "birds" of that year were full of wings, and they had sufficient ability to spread their wings in the vast sky. They made a new world in domestic and foreign markets, becoming a household name Singapore brand.However, every year, there are still some new "rookies" that require the abundant resources and connections of the General Chamber of Commerce to break through the limitations and strengthen their strength.Of course, the government will continue to help them through various measures.

The vitality of the Chinese community in Singapore.We introduce many new immigrants every year. The Chinese News Agency actively accepts them. Welcome to inject vitality into the Singapore's economy and make local culture more rich and diverse.The Chinese organization is an important bridge for new immigrants into Singapore society.The Chamber of Commerce and the Hall help new immigrants enter the countryside in a subtle way, so that they can make new friends from all ethnic groups locally.Over time, these new immigrants will also cultivate the unique identity of Singapore Chinese, and they are increasingly attributable.This is very important for the cohesion to promote Singapore.

Special Singapore Chinese identity

Singapore is the only Chinese in the world, but it maintains a variety of races, diversified religions, and equal people.We did not do it logically because most of the Chinese people were used as Singaporean culture.The Chinese culture in Singapore is built in a multicultural environment. We accept and respect other races and cultures, and at the same time continue to communicate with major races.This is very valuable and one of the characteristics of Chinese Chinese.

All citizens should take Singapore's interests as the primary consideration.Although the Chinese in Singapore belong to the same race as other Chinese people, some Chinese also think that everyone is a dragon's heir, but we must keep in mind that we are the Singaporeans first.

Recently, a reporter who once stationed in Beijing talked about his experience in hostage.He said that when he was in China, someone often told him: Since you are Chinese, you will naturally understand and support China's position.However, the reporter does not think that the same race will definitely accept each other's opinions.He pointed out that he would have a sense of belonging with the same growth experience.He firmly stated that I am a Singaporean and this is my motherland.I agree with this reporter's view.Singapore has its own considerations and a position to maintain.For a Singaporean, such a mentality is natural and deserved.

At the level of culture, we are integrated with Chinese and Western culture, and are also affected by Southeast Asian culture, which has formed Chinese culture with local characteristics.In 2017, with the support of the Chinese News Agency, the Singapore Chinese Cultural Center opened.After some efforts, the Chinese Cultural Center has become a highlight of the local Chinese community. It brings together various cultural groups and organizations in the Chinese News Agency and launch a number of wonderful activities to allow Chinese people to take pride in Singapore Chinese culture.

For a long time, the Chinese Society has contributed hugely to Singapore's cultural development.Among them, Zongxiang Federation, various halls and Chinese media have always adhered to the mission of carrying forward and inheriting culture, and strived to attract young people to join them.For example, the Singapore Chinese Orchestra held the finale of the music season last week, and presented the creation of Liang Wenfu, a representative of the new rumor.Both concerts were full, and the audience included men, women, and children, and some people came to participate.I also attended.That night, we were all intoxicated in the first and beautiful music.The spring to the river held by the Zongxiang Federation is also welcomed by visitors at home and abroad. This annual activity, in addition to allowing everyone to infect the festival in the Lunar New Year, it also gives people the opportunity to understand the local traditional Chinese culture.Have an appointment with God of Wealth.The government also attaches great importance to mother tongue education as always, and starts in many ways, so that students can maintain their interest in mother tongue and Chinese culture.Through these years of efforts, today the younger generation has a deeper understanding of the status and role of local Chinese in diverse ethnic society, and it is more actively carrying forward the local unique Chinese culture.Therefore, overall, we have reason to be sure of the inheritance of Chinese language and culture.I believe that as long as we take more princes and make persistent efforts, we can keep the Chinese culture endless and make Singapore's cultural heritage deeper.

President Gao just cited three songs to express the voice of local Chinese businessmen, and I heard it.Here, please allow me to try to borrow local creation to respond.President Gao said that the Chinese society was "waiting for me."Please rest assured that you don't have to "wait for you to wait until my heart hurts" like Li Zuang.I have already made a big deal, but just like Liang Wenfu's lyrics, the government will "hold hands with the goal, hold hands, and come together."The next day is not necessarily calm, but Chen Jiaming is right: We have to be confident that "the sun is always after the wind and rain, please believe that there are rainbow, storms and rain, and I will always be around you."

Finally, thank you sincerely for your affection.I believe that as long as the Chinese society is united and continue to work closely with the government, we can continue to break the waves and move forward.Let's go all out to support Prime Minister Huang Xuncai and his team together, work together to create a better Singapore!Thanks!

The author is State -owned Assets and former Prime Minister

This article is the full text of his speech at the Singapore China Chamber of Commerce and Singapore's Zongxiang Club on June 12th