This year's Shangri -La dialogue is the same as usual. It is mainly stated by senior national defense officials in the United States and China, becoming the focus of the most concerned about all walks of life.Generally, the United States led a delegation by the Minister of Defense to attend the Xianghui, and this year is Austin.As for China, according to its perception and statement of regional and global security trends, in the past, senior military officials at all levels and different positions as the main representatives, from the Minister of Defense to the president or dean of the Military Academy.In the past two years, China has sent two different national defense ministers to attend the incense party.

Frankly speaking, the core content of the US and China states is not very different from the past.Austin emphasized the importance of the so -called "guardrail" in the case of the competition between China and the United States -and elsewhere in the world that may be considered a contest or even confrontation.Although the strategic concepts that these Bayeng government began to adopt a few years ago sounded abstract, the United States said that it aims to prevent the competition between the two major powers, which deteriorates into a comprehensive conflict that may bring catastrophic consequences.In this related topic, Austin once again emphasized the importance of establishing and maintaining communication channels between the Chinese and American armies, so as to avoid misunderstanding and misjudgment may be upgraded to comprehensive conflict.

Remember last year, Austin and his generals and officials were clearly frustrated, because the communication channels between the Chinese and American army seemed to be inadequate, and the Chinese side was dissatisfied with the contempt and uncomfortable behavior they thought they thought.Including personal sanctions on the then Minister of Defense of China at the time.At present, some military communication channels between the two countries have obviously reappeared.

Of course, Austin also listed many security alliances built by the United States in the region and other regions since World War II, especially in the past few years.The information that the United States seems to pass is clear, that is, the security of this region is not only vital to the world's local areas, but also important for global security, especially for the United States itself. Many allies in the United States welcomes the United States in the United States.Continue to play a positive role in regional security.

China Defense Minister Dong Jun, like his predecessor at the Xianghui, explains China's belief in peace, and also emphasizes China's core national interests.One of the most important core interests is the unity with Taiwan, and it is declared that if necessary, it will not give up the benefit of protecting through force.He believes that Taiwan has gradually moved towards Taiwan independence, and also uses a strong word to condemn these development development.He also criticized the support and incitement of foreign forces on Taiwan independence goals, which should be implicitly accusing the United States and allies.China has also stated many times that they believe that the United States' practice of creating bilateral, three -sides, and multilateral allies in this region is to try to siege and curb China. It can be imagined that this makes China uncomfortable.

But this year's Xianghui also appeared two other highlights.President of the Philippines President, President President, delivered a keynote speech set by one of the national leaders at the opening dinner.Macatus attended the incense meeting this time, with significant significance. In some reason, in recent months, the tough confrontation of vessels in China and the Philippines seemed to have intensified.Because the sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea involve many other parties, this very fierce confrontation has worried many people.

Of course, the Picassa's position has reiterated and emphasized the importance of international law in the resolution of disputes, especially in the South China Sea.He also reiterated that the Philippines' protection of sovereignty and territorial commitments believes that compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Marine Law and the arbitration award in Hague in the Netherlands in 2016 (the ruling does not agree with the extensive proposition of China in the South China Sea).

Little Marco criticizes some of China's behaviors of the Philippines, destroys the peace and security of the region, and urges countries to reject such behaviors that violate international law.He reiterated his commitment to solve problems through dialogue and diplomatic means, and cooperated with Asians and China to work in the direction of establishing effective behavior in the South China Sea.He also re -called for the core position of Asia's Shandian in regional security affairs, and at the same time pointed out the vagueness of the current region and global security concerns.It is worth mentioning that although the Philippines is the United States Treaty Allies, Magaks also calls on China and the United States to properly handle disputes between China and the United States.

At this incense meeting, Ukraine President Zeelianzki also appeared unexpectedly and urged leaders in the region to participate in the Ukraine Peace Summit, which will be held in Switzerland.The Ukrainian war has been dragged for more than two years. Many western powers who have promised to provide military, materials and humanitarian aids to Ukraine before have begun to hesitate to hesitate, so Zelei Sky is understandable.He obviously wants to fight for more support through this summit.After the dialogue, he also visited Manila and met with Marco.It seems that he is urgently hoped that more Asian leaders will go to the meeting in order to show the world, and most countries still support Ukraine's Anti -Japanese War.

I dare not say that the world is rapidly moving towards the edge of a full -scale war again, but it is not optimistic to maintain the prospects of peace in the future, because the two major camps in the United States and China are rapidly decoupled by economically and strategic.Although the Xianghui itself is not a peaceful forum or a negotiating site, it is still a platform held every year, which can make the major powers express frustration and desire. Although these words are often repeated, in a very turbulent period, the incense will still be a wayDawn helps to build a more stable world.Of course, the vision of peace will not be accompanied by human nature, but that the parties must work hard to create at all times.

The author is a Singapore International Affairs Society (Research Institute) Senior Research Institute

Chief Counselor of the Malaysian Pacific Research Center