With the wave of globalization and digitalization, a unique life and working model -digital nomads (Digital Nomadism) -just like the first rays of sunlight in the morning light, warmly and vibrant in reality in realityEssenceThis is a group of pedestrians taking the wings of the Internet. They shuttled between the latitude and weft of the earth, regarded the world as an unbounded office, enjoyed a high -income and free life, and at the same time sowing the seeds of innovation and vitality for the global tourism industry.Under the premise of ensuring that the local employment market is not impacted, governments of various countries should hold this opportunity to attract this group of nomadic elites in the new era.

Digital nomads cover software development engineers, content creation artists, digital marketing strategists, designers in design fields, etc. They break away from the shackles of the traditional office environment and use the earth as the stage to interpret the wonderful life of traveling while working.Their income is not only higher than the average level of most people, but also because of the flexibility of long -range work. It leaves the exploration footprint and experience the baptism of multiple culture in every corner of the world.

Under the haze of the crown disease epidemic, urban residents' longing for the distant place is becoming stronger, and some tourist hotspots are also keenly captured this change.Cold winter.It is estimated that by 2022, about 35 million people in the world have joined the Digimon Nomadic Army, and the number of predictions will continue to increase.As a major Internet country, its digital tourism group has also exploded. By the end of 2023, the potential scale has nearly 100 million people.

Under the dual pressure of fast -paced society and high pressure, digital nomadic life has become a lighthouse for young people to pursue freedom of the soul.They regarded a jailbreak of the soul, escaped from the siege of the traditional workplace, and went to those relatively underdeveloped cities or rural secrets, embracing fresh air, simple happiness and poetic habitat.

Generally speaking, the contribution of digital nomadic to tourist destinations is beyond ordinary tourists. They not only have a longer stay, but also deeply immersed in local cultural texture. They have a wide range of consumption.Injecting a steady stream of vitality for the local economy.At the same time, their lifestyles have become the most vivid travel advertisements through social media windows.

It is worth noting that the nature of work determines that they will not squeeze the employment positions of the destination country.Their work content is mostly independent of the local economic system. Instead, through consumption, it has driven the growth of the service industry and indirectly creates more employment opportunities, such as tourism reception, catering, transportation and other service industries.This characteristic makes them welcome the object of all countries, not the source of worry.

However, this road of freedom is not a tantrum.The establishment of remote work trust, the challenge of time difference, performance display, customer acquisition, and even finding a balance of work and life are all hills that they must cross.In addition, the long -term sustainability of digital nomadic life is also facing tests. For example, the income fluctuations, the conversion of life stage, and the desire for stable social circles have led many people to finally choose to return to the traditional life model.

In short, digital nomadic is a new momentum and new trend under the global economic integration.Through reasonable guidance and policy support, it can become a bridge to promote the growth of tourism, rather than pose a threat to local employment.

The author is a graduate student in Malaysia of Tsinghua University