Roym Ellison, a professor at the Kennedy Government College of Harvard University in the United States, wrote in the magazine of foreign policy in terms of "What can you learn from Singapore in the West?"He explained the achievements of Singapore in Singapore with the three areas of citizen's well -being, governance, and political rights and democracy, and lamented that Britain and the United States in governing the landslide in the United States (translated in the full text in the Lianhe Zaobao Speech Edition on June 11).

Singapore has surpassed Britain and the United States in most indicators of citizenship and governance.For example, Singapore's per capita GDP is 88,500 US dollars, higher than the US $ 85,000 and US $ 51,000 in the United Kingdom. The expected life expectancy is 83 years old, which is higher than the age of 76 and 81 in the United Kingdom.The score of 99 points is close to the perfect 100 points, which is higher than the 88 points in the United States and the British 89 points.

In terms of political rights and democracy, although Singapore's political rights, freedom of citizens, and the right to speak and accountability are lower than that of Britain and the United States, but the awareness of the national democracy, personal political influence, and the performance of government performanceSatisfaction is higher than them.

Elison pointed out that the performance in the main fields shows that Singapore's level of governance is higher than that of the United States and the United Kingdom.He teased that voters in the United States and the United Kingdom could consider outsourcing the national governance work in the next four years to the Singaporean ruling party to allow them to reflect on the benefits of the national governance model they replaced.When the voters voted again in 2028, to see if they would let the party in power for four years, or to restore the current system.

This American scholar's appreciation of the governance of Singaporean national governance is the recognition and envy of Singapore's economic and social development on the one hand.Reflection and thirst for alternative governance models.

Elison calls on Singapore to study in the west, not a voices in the wilderness.In 2019, Hunter, then British Foreign Minister, pointed out that since Singapore's independence, the per capita total domestic GDP has been 15 times, surpassing Britain.He said that Singapore's long -term investment in education systems, infrastructure, and strategy to ensure international competitiveness is worth learning in the UK.

Singapore is a projectile island without natural resources. It has learned the experience of advanced countries in economic and social development, but has taken its own way in national governance.Singapore is an Asian society, emphasizing that the interests of the group are higher than the personal interests.The governance model of the small government means that the right of personal rights is greatly restricted, but the Chinese people exchange for higher living standards and safety.

For Western media and scholars who believe in liberalism, Singapore's economic and social development is based on the freedom of speech and political rights. They believe that political authoritarianism will eventually restrict economic development and make Singapore's "Economic miracles and unique situations are unsustainable.

With the improvement of Singapore's economic development and per capita income, Singapore has been promoted from the Third World in the Third World in just decades in the founding of the People's Republic of China.China and some developing countries have begun to learn from Singapore's national governance experience, and the term "Singapore Model" came into being.In recent years, when developed society in the West reflected on the economic and social problems they faced, they also turned their attention to Singapore.

Even so, for liberals in Western developed countries, it is difficult to adjust the small country of pills in the small country of pills.Western media still from time to time to sarcae Singapore's national governance at their scale.

As Huang Xuncai is about to take over as the Prime Minister, the Economist Magazine pointed out in a comment that the future election is a major test of the Prime Minister, but the People's Action Party will still win.It attributes this to the powerful party organizations of the People's Action Party, the "ruthless targets" of the opponent, the "docile media", good governance records, and the party's survival with Singapore's survival.

Singapore's Minister of the Interior and Minister of Justice, Shang Mogan, posted a compliance on Facebook, saying that the economist "could not resist" and laughed at Singapore. It was a kind of instinct rooted in the British "comment class" subconscious.They can't stand the performers in all aspects than Britain.

Overall, the various indicators of Singapore's economic and social development have reached the level or more than the level of developed countries.This is the best affirmation of the national governance model.For the sake of the country's governance, Singapore does not need to be arrogant, but it should not be arrogant.

Singapore's achievements today are not easy, and it is more challenging to maintain.In terms of national governance, it is necessary for Singapore to continue to adopt a pragmatic and flexible attitude to cope with the rapidly changing international environment and meet the requirements and expectations of different generations.