In recent years, a wave of anti -marketization has appeared in Chinese society. The public ownership and planned economic system of "one, two public", scattered the "private economy departure theory", discredited and slandered the private owner's economy, shouted to private entrepreneurs and shoutedKilling, even denying the national policy of reform and opening up.This has greatly shaken the investment confidence of Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs, causing the growth rate of private investment to continue to decline.

The central government has repeatedly vowed to continue reform and opening up.The central documents such as promoting the development of the private economy and the growth of the private economy are highly affirmed, but why is the direction of public opinion still chaotic?The author believes that the emergence of this anti -market -oriented trend and left -dynamic direction has profound social reasons. It does not clarify the root cause of the society, and it is difficult to truly chaos.

The author's relatives settled in the United States. He said that he wanted to open a Chinese restaurant, but he could not be approved because he had two Chinese restaurants in the neighborhood he lived. He had to make Japanese cuisine.I am surprised. In my concept, the free economy is to do whatever you want. I did not expect that the United States, who claims to be a free economy defender, has so many restrictions on small -scale operations.Later, I discovered that not only the United States, but many other Western countries also had such restrictions, covering all walks of life.The logic behind this policy is to reduce friction and conflict caused by excessive competition and disorderly competition.

Although free competition can achieve survival of the fittest and improve the efficiency of social production, the competitive loser will fall into poverty.Therefore, people in the market will be in a contradictory psychology that is eager to compete and afraid of competition.If the competition is too fierce, the pressure of competition will intensify, the gap between the rich and the poor will increase, the social opposition will deepen, the emotional emotions will increase, and in the end, people will hate market competition because of serious lack of security and fairness.On the contrary, there is no competition in the planned economy, which can provide a sense of security and fairness.


The way of the market is "insufficient damage and more than more", and the government's way should be "damaged and insufficient."The government should have to prevent overheating overheating by protecting the rights and interests of labor and improving social welfare. It acts as the "decompression valve" and "buffer pads" as market competition to ease the survival pressure and social contradictions brought by free competition.However, in the 40 years of reform and opening up, in order to develop faster development, the incentive competition of radical policy, excessive use of tax incentives, etc. stimulated production input, not to cool down for competition, but for the short -term economic growth, although the short -term economic growth is fast.However, many social problems have been accumulated.

In China, homogeneous restaurants are common in row, and it is also common for three or five barber shops, pharmacies, and beauty shops.Today's excessive competition in China has developed to a trembling level. Once any emerging economy is showing up, it will quickly appear.A series of distortions that have emerged in recent years -the gap between the rich and the poor is too large, the domestic demand, the anxiety of the whole society, the "996" overtime, the severe investment, overcapacity, and the excessive competition.Under a strong crisis of survival, people lack enough sense of security and fairness, and naturally miss the old system of "one, two public".

The so -called too late.The benign market competition should be limited, moderate, and balanced, not overly intense and unrestrained.The freedom economy should be based on the interests of most market participants, and most people cannot share bonus.If the final result of an economic model is to damage most people, it is destined to disintegrate.

The Central Political Bureau meeting held a few days ago has proposed that it is necessary to unswervingly deepen reform and opening up, but the question is how to deepen.

China's economy has been overheating for a long time, and is now only in the early stage of adjustment.At this time, it is more likely to produce the idea of ​​heating.You must know that if you want to be fast, if you still sacrifice fairness in exchange for economic growth, you will still be able to develop overly fierce competitive trends and continue to adopt stimulating methods. This anti -market trend will intensify and eventually force us to go back.

At present, the core problem to be solved is not to find a short -term emergency strategy, but how to build a market competitive mechanism widely recognized by society.With such a market competition mechanism, can we truly consolidate social consensus and strengthen the confidence of the whole society for the development of the market economy.

The author is a teacher of Southwest University of Political Science and Law