Trump's four years after the ruling, Biden should restore the global leadership of the United States.According to many traditional standards in Washington, he did do it.He expected to invade Ukraine in Russia and cleverly convened NATO Anti -Russia.In Asia, he consolidated the old alliance, established a new alliance, and weakened China's economic momentum.After Israel was attacked, he managed to avoid comprehensive regional war while supporting it.

However, global leadership is not just supporting friends and repelled the enemy.Real leaders can not only maintain a leading position, but also solve problems and stimulate confidence.Showing such leadership to the world, Trump was too lazy to pretend.However, it is precisely because most U.S. officials do this, and the United States today's national strength is particularly shocking.For the decades after the Cold War, the United States has never been like a world leader like a world, but it is more like a faction leader -fell to the side of defending his favorite, against the increasingly united opponent, and most countries in the world are most countries in the world.They are watching and watching, and I don't understand why Americans still think they are boss.

When Russia invaded Ukraine, a familiar excitement spread all over Washington.After decades of suspicious war, the United States will once again become a good person in the world, and the world will resist the open insults of the Kremlin's public and order.In the first few months, the White House achieved brilliant success in tactics, contributed to Ukraine's defense, organized allies to assist, and paved the way for Finland and Sweden to join NATO.However, if Russia paid a huge price for its invasion, the conflict also brought strategic setbacks to the United States.

The United States must now compete with Moscow, an indignant, unpredictable verification party.And China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea have begun to hold a group to provide supplies for the war in Russia and resist the US global hegemony they call.It turns out that this anti -American alliance is strong enough to slow down the West's efficiency of Ukraine, and it is also increasing the cost of maintaining the United States for military dominance.Russia directly borders the six US treaties to defend the obligations.At the same time, the Pentagon is preparing for China to launch an offense in Taiwan.It is said that the United States is at a disadvantage.But it is indeed stretched.

and other countries have not poured aside in the United States.Most countries have criticized Russia's aggression and Western response, and each has fifty boards.Biden did not play a good role in this.He described the conflict as "the war between democracy and the dictatorship", and he almost could not see that he had worked hard to seek peace through diplomatic means. He seemed to be asking other countries to join an endless struggle.Except for American allies, there are almost no countries imposing sanctions on Russia.If China moves, isolation China will be a more difficult task.In Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, since 2022, views on Russia and China have actually improved.


The Gaza War was very not time, and Biden's response to the disaster was fully invested.He immediately promised to support the ruthless military operations of Israel, instead of using Israel to find a strategy to protect civilians as a condition for the United States to assist.Biden choosing to follow is not a leader, and can only express dissatisfaction with Israel's behavior in the location of the self -setting of the onlookers.In a decisive conflict, the United States actually achieved weakness and horizontal.The price paid by the United States in terms of reputation and security has just begun to appear.

Not long ago, the United States also tried to mediate between Israeli and the Palestinians and proposed the conditions that both sides could accept.It uses diplomatic methods to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and encourages Saudis and Iranian opponents to "live in the neighbor" (Obama).Now, the Biden government obviously only wants to consolidate an anti -Iranian group.As the return of the normalization of Saudi Arabia and Israel, the Bayeng government tried to defend the Saudi Kingdom through the treaty to promise to use the US military forces.If this agreement is realized, the possibility of bringing peace and stability to the Middle East is very small, and the possibility of the United States further involved in regional violence will increase greatly.

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The problem is that the president tends to excessively recognize American partners.On the question of whether to seek peaceful negotiations, he obeyed Ukraine's opinion and avoided conflicting with Ukraine's uncompromising war goals.While publicly suspecting that Israel's war plan is public, he has accelerated his assistance to Israel.Biden also spoke four times to defend Taiwan, surpassing the US official's commitment to provide weapons support for the island but not necessarily for it.His predecessors are not always like this, whether it will always pursue "strategic blurring" on the issue of war in the United States.

However, Biden's intuition reflects a deeper error that has been brewing for decades.After the Cold War ended, the US decision makers confused the global leadership position with military advantages.The United States did have the advantages of these two aspects at the time.It can safely expand its military influence without being fatally countered by major countries."The world is no longer divided into two hostile camps," Clinton announced in 1997, and that year he supported NATO's eastward expansion in that year."On the contrary, we are now connecting with the former opponent's country."

But the establishment of a relationship has never eliminated doubts about each other. This is because the United States continues to attach great importance to its global dominance.The previous government has expanded the United States Alliance and frequently launched a war to spread freedom and democracy. It is hoped that potential competitors can accept their destiny in American order.Today, this innocent expectation no longer exists, but the dominant conditions still exist.The United States continued to expand to a farther place, but encountered a strong resistance -this in turn seduced Washington to double the efforts, and many countries in the world are backward.This is a failure game. Americans will have to take greater risks and spend more money to continue playing.

There is also a better way.In order to re -gain global leadership, the United States should show to a world of doubt that it hopes to achieve peace and establish recovery, not just letting the enemy lose blood or supporting allies.This means supporting Ukraine, but we must also work hard to end the war on the negotiating table -and gradually reduce your role in NATO, and insist on allowing Europe to lead your own defense.President Biden recently proposed the proposal on Gaza's ceasefire, but the proposal did not threaten that if Israel refused to stop the fire, it would stop providing weapons to Israel.

retreat from Europe and the Middle East will improve the participation of the United States in Asia, and the participation of the United States in the region is the most important.This will clarify that the purpose of the United States is not the pursuit of hegemony like the publicity, but to establish its own Asian hegemony.From this perspective, even if China continues to rise, the United States can become a confident leader in the Indo -Pacific region.China is far from being able to strengthen its will throughout the region today.

Of course, all this is not easy.But compare other options.A faction that only leads the world will make the United States a anxious follower.This allows Americans to always be on the verge of war in the Middle East, Europe and Asia, and worry that the defeat in any place will cause a chain reaction all places.However, it is really dangerous to hold so many global security on excessive commitment to a country.Real leaders know when they have room for others.

Author Stephen Wertheim is a senior researcher at the Cunki International Peace Foundation in the United States.