From the perspective of the number of voting rights, the second largest election of the European Parliament in the world second only to India appeared on June 6, and more than 350 million elections selected 705 members (due to Brexit, soThe seats were 46 fewer than the previous session), and the results were pre -judged by most pre -election polls. With a voting rate of about 51%, the rise of the rising right of right -wing forces was even better.Although the three major camps of the European People's Party (EPP), the Social and People ’s Graduate Alliance and Liberal Liberty in the middle of the position still occupy the mainstream, the parties with more radical positions, advocating nationalism and anti -globalization, such as the German alternative party (AFD AFD), Have achieved good results, showing that the change of European public opinion wind direction also highlights the increasingly severe instability in the EU system.

Looking at the European integration process, the European Union was formally established since the 1993 Treaty Maastricht took effect, followed by the emergence of the euro zone in 1999.The original intention was good. I hope that under the trend of globalization, it will create a common market to achieve the goals such as political peace, economic prosperity and social stability.Furthermore, seeing the counterparts during the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States dominated the United States at the end of the 20th century. The old -fashioned power of Europe also hoped that there was a right to speak in the rules of the world.It can reach a certain power balance, and has a common policy internally and external, including tariffs, trade, currency, industrial policies, and even smart property rights, environmental conservation, and consumer protection.

Under the expectations of everyone, the European Union did have a high degree of growth and prosperous development after 2000. More and more countries want to be members of the European Union, even like Greece, and the national financial fraud.To join.However, the first ten years of the 21st century passed, and the black swan incident in the external environment: financial tsunami, European debt crisis, refugee crisis, Brexit, etc., entered the second decade, and then suffered a crown disease epidemic, Russia and UkraineThe opinions of some EU members on foreign affairs have become increasingly different.

The European Union also faces its own challenges. The reality is getting farther and farther from the "European Europe" ideas advocated by Churchill. The people of all countries have not decreased to each other. For example, Germany holds high humanity flags to collect refugees.However, the Eastern European countries do not necessarily think so; or the fiscal issues of the four southern European countries require others to rescue them.When I was studying and working in Europe from 2015 to 2016, I thought that the identity of "Europeans" was not the mainstream, but there was still a certain ratio.I feel that I am a French, and the Italians think they are Italians.

Human beings are still selfish. There is no problem with sharing. When the economy is good, everyone is a family, but if you live a bad life, you must take a little more.Intersection

Of course, just like the United Nations, it is not easy to maintain a multilateral cross -government platform. The integration layer of the EU is even much higher than any transnational organization today.Not the same.How to allocate the European EU budget?Is it heavier scientific and technological development or agricultural subsidy?Can sanctions be made for countries that violate the common value of Europe?Should the EU have their own army and reduce dependence on NATO?Not to mention the attitudes towards Russia and China, southern and Northern Europe, and even Eastern European countries may never listen to Germany and France.Therefore, the European Union was originally established for the common sense, but when the goal is inconsistent or the rain dew is uneven, the populist is easily operated and nourishes the strong of the right -wing forces.

What impact will a right -leaning Europe have on the distant Asia -Pacific region?Frankly speaking, for Asia, China and the United States are the most critical power. The European continent, which is old, is still unrealistic if it is still self -sustaining the halo of the colonial era.From the perspective of bilateral trade, countries with import and exports with the European Union have only the top ten in Asia in Asia.However, after all, Europe is an important market. Right -wing policies usually tend to protectist policies, which will be reflected in trade relations between Europe and Asia.If more stringent import specifications and tariffs are implemented, it will also lead Asian exporters to face greater challenges, especially countries that rely on the European market? China, Japan and South Korea; and most of Asia SMEs, almost they are upstream and downstream of China, Japan and South Korea.In the long run, the economic growth and supply chain in Asia will be implicated in the long run.

Furthermore, immigration policy and diplomatic security are another potential risk.The position of the right wing has always been not friendly to immigrants, refugees, and technical workers, because right -wing group prefers to create panic with sovereignty and nationalism, rejection of outsiders' attitudes will indirectly encourage discrimination against Asia, and even give the original citizen qualificationsBetween Asian and different races, they exacerbate tensions.

Finally, on the issue of climate, the right party will adopt a conservative position on environmental and climate change issues, which will affect Europe's role and commitment in the international climate agreement.For example, it may reduce the technical and financial support for Asian countries in environmental protection and climate change, which is not conducive to many sustainable development plans in Asia.Furthermore, if Europe began to move towards the interests of its own interests, it will also reduce investment and economic cooperation plans for Asian countries, so that the infrastructure development and economic growth of certain Asian countries will slow down, especially the family is not rich, and it depends on foreign countries.Investment country.If the United States is prescribed as president at the end of this year, the situation will be even more unfavorable.

This European Parliament election, the Right -wing party has won beautiful in many EU countries. For example, it has achieved great achievements in France, Italy, Austria, Germany, and the lotus.In the parliament, it has become a key minority. The People's Party and the Socialist Union, which belongs to the intermediate position, won more than 320 seats, which is conducive to the current European Commission Chairman Feng Delin to strive for re -election. Most of the major European policies have continued.However, from the past, the right forces existed only on the edge, and now that it is increasingly increasingly resisted by the court, I am afraid that the EU will begin to occur in issues such as common security, climate change, and competition between China and the United States.

Furthermore, how to prevent the "suspicious European faction" from taking the opportunity to sing the European Union, leading to the EU may fall apart, it is really worrying.Because the European Union, as the only organization in the world from economic to political integration, if it cannot be operated smoothly, it is equivalent to proved to other regions that human civilization can only develop in a brutal way.It is not good for the calculations of all conspiracy. This is not a good thing for Asian regions, but also the result of decades of globalization. The world situation may be reshaped.

The author is the United Nations Advisor of the Information Technology Department