Source: Bloomberg

Macron is not a low -key person, and he is usually one of the most loud people at the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) meeting.But now he looks much silent.

When going to Italy to attend the annual G7 summit, the abnormal absent -mindedness of the people who had compared themselves to the Roman god Jupiter.The British Prime Minister Sonak should be the most unsatisfactory among the guests, because he has a probability that he will lose in the early election.But after the results of the European Parliament's election came out, he had more brothers Macron.

Macron has no time to enjoy the event. After bilateral talks with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, he will leave early and return to France to clean up the mess left.When Macron was the chairman of the G7 round in 2019, he liked to give the participants a problem, but the person who was set this time was himself.

The host Italian Prime Minister Melonney looks the most pleasant. She took a photo outside the resort where the leaders met.

European leaders admitted that they were confused about Macron's actions. What they did not understand is that the polls show that Le Pen's national alliance support rate is far ahead. Why Macron has to conduct parliamentary elections in advance.A latest survey shows that Macron's current support rate has fallen to the lowest in five and a half years.

Two leaders who are unwilling to be named said that Macron's decision constituted risks not only to France but also the security of the entire European continent.

One of them was worried that the time for the French parliament election was a few days before the NATO Annual Meeting. It is suspected that Macron may be unclear when making a early election decision.

Earlier this week, Figaro asked Macron directly, whether the election was crazy in advance.His answer was: "No, I am convinced."A reporter asked Macron at the same question at the G7 summit. He said that other leaders said that his decision was "courageous."

In Plia, Italy, Macron will have to convince other leaders to believe that the early election is a wise decision, especially when the time is still in the NATO meeting.According to the investigation of the voting intention issued on Wednesday, Le Pen's party will rank first in the first round of voting on June 30 in the first round of voting.A little more than half.

A official in Macron's office said Macron is ready to explain his decision to other leaders, but it is not necessary to prove rationality.

Macron schedule is relatively compact at the G-7 summit. In addition to Trudeau, he will also meet with the pope, Algeria, India, Brazil leaders.

qi Fengfa

When the G7 summit was held in Italy last time, Macron and Trudeau made their best. On the terrace overlooking the sea, the two people's four -eyed picture was discussed due to social media.

Even if it was not the host, Macron also performed as if at home.A summit before that G7 meeting was held in Brussels. Macron was at a loss, shaking hands with Trump until the other party became whitening, and then dried the American president aside to embrace German Chancellor Merkel.