At present, the far -rightist has considerable learning ability and toughness. Under the experience of populism, he is good at mastering the direction of public opinion. However, Macron may commit the wrong decision errors in the building.Read the people's experience.

The European Parliament elections at the end of June 9 have three winners: the current European Executive Committee chairman Feng Delin, Le Pen, who leads the French National Alliance, and Italian Prime Minister Meloni.

The three winners are all women and are all rightists. Feng Delin, who once served as the German Defense Minister, belongs to the middle right, and Le Pen and Meloni are attributed to the extreme right.Faced with the "Black Tide" (compilation: The new fascist organization of Italy is represented by black), the European People's Party (EPP) that Feng Delin belongs to the largest party in Europe has stabilized the largest party in Europe.Le Pen's National Alliance won more than 30 % of the votes in France. It is twice the re -party party led by President Macron. Le Pen's identity and Democratic Party (ID) in the European Union also performed beautifully, adding nine seats; Mei Mei; Mei Mei; MeiLonny's Italian Brothers (FDI) received nearly 30 % of the votes, surpassing her results that she became the Prime Minister two years ago, and stabilized her right -in -ist cabinet.

The end of the election campaign, the game of grabbing the position has just begun.Feng Delin wants to continue the existing institutional model and the Chinese Left Social Party and the Middle School Fuxing Party Alliance. She must first win the support of the leaders of member states. Although the European People's Party is the largest party in most countries, she is also actively re -election, but countries may be possible.In addition, the candidates of Cheng biting gold are killed.Feng Delin also has more than half of the consent of the European Parliament, that is, 361 members are required to support it. There are about 400 seats in the European People's Party, the Socialist Party and the Fuxing Party, but the running tickets are common.There are many, but with the support of other political parties, Feng Delin passes through the threshold of nine votes.

Feng Delin continued to show goodness to Melonyli before the election, and even offended the allies, saying that he did not rule out the cooperation with the European Conservation and Reform Party (ECR), which was led by Meloni in Europe.But after the invoicing, the well -known European People's Party temporarily kept a distance from the controversial Meloni, and did not intend to let her political party join the ruling team. It hoped that Italy to seize important positions in the European Union to seize the important position of the European Union said that they are willing to support von Delin for re -election.Chairman of the Executive Committee.

Anti -Green Administration Anti -Immigration

Another option of Feng Delin is to fight for the support of the Green Party.Criticize the fireworks of the world, and force the electric vehicle and the house to save energy.After the Green Government was reduced to the extremely right -right attack, it was dramatically irrigated. If Feng Delin wanted to cooperate with the Green Party, it would inevitably require the stance of softening energy transformation and fighting climate change.

When the preliminary results of the election were released, Feng Deline said: "The intermediate factions of pro -Europe have stabilized."It is still the middle school, but the middle school has integrated the claim of the far right. In addition to the dilution of the green administration, the anti -immigration policy has also been absorbed.Feng Delin went to visit with Melonney successively to provide huge sums of money to help North Africa to help stop immigrants to Europe. A large number of illegal immigrants needed to be controlled, but some European People's Party believes that they should not have racist colors with their remarks.The fascist Meloni walked too close.

The Right -Rights unanimously anti -immigrants, but under the nationalism of self -centered, it is difficult to reach a consensus. Melonney tried his best to let EU member states share the immigrants influxed into Italy last year.Verdes, the winning Dutch Right Liberal Party, said he would tear the agreement.

Gee Right also emphasizes the defending sovereignty, but in the face of the different stances of Russia, the German alternative selection of the party (AFD) is suspected of receiving illegal funds in Russia.The Italian Alliance Party of the Front has urged Ukraine to negotiate in the name of peace and restrict the supply of weapons. Hungarian Prime Minister Olban has repeatedly obstructed the EU's sanctions on Russia and aid to Ukraine.Parenting Atlanticist position.

Feng Delin calls Mello's pro -European, supporting Ukraine, and governing the country in accordance with the law. It is a reliable partner.Since becoming the Prime Minister in 2022, Meloni has taken a mild route to wash the right populist, which has performed steadily on the international stage.But her pro -European gesture is likely to be because Italy is the biggest beneficiary of the EU epidemic during the EU epidemic. In order to continue to get these huge sums, she has to cooperate.In fact, although she no longer claims to withdraw from the euro, she claims to change the EU during the campaign and requires a smaller power and lower integration.

Once the upper hand is occupied, it will remove the mask?

Melonney's retreat on the international stage has covered her internal extreme style that has led to the freedom of the press. Her proposal to be sentenced to six years in prison for reporters involving slander.At the end of the election, she visited Albania to inspect the construction site of the applicant of Italian shelter shelter. After Qiao Xiaoqian thanked the Albanian politicians to reach out, she turned around and scolded the Italian politician who protested.

Under the constraints of the EU and President Biden, Melonney has become a pragmatic populist so far.However, some experts believe that once the extremely right -right civilian is upper hand, she will remove the mask."If Trump became president, she would rely on the past soon," said U.S. security expert Kupchang.

In any case, Meloni has become a classic model from extreme to normalization. Le Pen imitates her to avoid talking about sensitive issues, softes its tone, and promotes Jordan Bardella, who is only 28 years old and has a fresh and friendly image.He is the chairman of the National Alliance.

Faced with the mighty right tide, French President Macron Hao Gambling disbanded the parliament and re -elected at the end of June.He calculated that it is different from the European Parliament's election to adopt a proportion representative system. The French parliament adopting a single election system may make voters more cautiously consider supporting Le Pen and block the spread of black tide.If Leh Pang Shengxuan will expose her populist claims to be difficult to fulfill, so as to consume her prestige.

However, the current farmer has considerable learning ability and toughness. Under the experience of populism, he is good at mastering the direction of public opinion. However, Macron may commit the wrong decision errors in the establishment of an institutional elite.People feel.The rise of Melonney and Le Pen proves that the strategy of crowded right rightists in the system failed, but trying to accept it will fall into the predicament of Hungarian Olban, and it is difficult to check the populist leaders for a long time.Facing the turbulent black tide, the way to cure is to understand the motivation to promote the black tide. When it is time to diverge, the black tide will eventually shake the democratic system.

The author is a Taiwanese journalist and a doctor of sociology living in Italy