Today, the world has gradually been split into the situation of non -Qin and Chu, non -Chu and Qin's confrontation camp.However, there are still many small and medium -sized countries who are unwilling to choose the side stations to maintain neutrality. For their leaders, how to avoid being served on the table should be the biggest political test.

On the evening of June 4, Prime Minister Huang Xuncai announced on Facebook that he would send Shen Ying, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.EssenceEarlier, when Ukrainian President Zeleizky went to Singapore to attend the Shangri -La dialogue, he relentlessly pointed out that China cooperated with Russia and tried to prevent other countries from participating in the Global Peace Summit, which was initiated by Ukraine, and became a tool for Russia.

Of course, China deny.Beijing has also stated earlier that it is difficult to attend the summit. The reason is that China believes that the international and the conference should have the three important elements of Russia and Ukraine's recognition, equal participation of all parties, and fair discussions on all peaceful plans.Peace play a substantial role.According to the feedback and announcement arrangements of the parties, these three elements proposed by China seem to be difficult to achieve.Zelei Sky, who was originally trying to fight for China to go to the conference.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out when he met with Turkish Foreign Minister Feidan on June 4 that the Ukraine crisis still does not have the conditions for peace talks.The "six o'clock consensus" is the world's largest common divisor today. The more people participating in the common appeal, the greater the hope of cooling the situation, and the smaller the danger of conflict upgrade.

The so -called "six -point consensus" refers to the joint release of China and Brazil on May 23 to promote political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.The main points are: First, call for the "three principles" of all parties to abide by the situation, that is, the battlefield is not overflowing, the war is not upgraded, and all parties do not arch fire.2. Dialogue negotiation is the only way to solve the Ukraine crisis.The international conference of Russia and Ugage's recognition, equal participation in all parties, and equal participation in all parties conducts fair discussions on all peace programs.3. Increase humanitarian assistance to related regions to prevent a larger -scale humanitarian crisis.Fourth, oppose the use of large -scale lethal weapons to avoid nuclear crisis.Fifth, oppose peace nuclear facilities such as attack nuclear power plants.6. Oppose the separation of the world and create a closed political or economic group.

The biggest difference between the consensus and the "peace formula" proposed by Zelei is not mentioned that territorial issues are not mentioned. Obviously, this can only be found to find answers through negotiations.The prerequisite for negotiations to negotiate: Russia is required to recognize the integrity of Ukraine's territory and restore the Russian and Ukraine border in 1991. The Russian army withdrew from Ukraine and asked Russia to make compensation for the war of aggression and formulated post -war security after war.Framework, guarantee Ukraine safety, etc.

From June 2023 to January this year, four international conferences about Ukraine Peace have been held.The equal participation conditions of all parties said that the results were gone.In fact, these sums cannot be allowed to be present in Russia, because they basically start from defending Ukraine's sovereignty and territory, but it is easy to talk about Russia to spit out the meat in their mouths.

In all fairness, one aims to bring ceasefire to the Russian and Ukraine War, bring peaceful summits to Ukraine, and sing and sing by self -singing and self -singing.The summit dominated by Western countries is more to make public opinion pressure on Russia to cooperate with Europe and the United States to give Ukraine a new round of arms supplies and pinch.

The summit is not substantial. Perhaps because of this, the US President Biden felt that there was no need to attend it in person, and only sent Vice President Harris to the meeting.China has its own set of claims, and there is no reason to attend.Beijing defense, not attending does not mean that no peace is not supported.In its opinion, while talking about peace, it is continuously transporting weapons and ammunition. In fact, it is poured in arch fire, and there is no sincerity of negotiation.

Truthfully, the June summit is actually only part of the international game.On one side, it is impossible to destroy the Great Wall on the other hand.In this case, just as the US Secretary of State Broskenton's Western proverb cited at a security forum in Munich this year: is not a seat, it may be the iFE You're Not at the Table in the International System,You're going to be on the menu).It means that in international relations, some countries occupy a dominant position, and some can only be dominated.If you stand on the side of the controller (the guests in the seat), or you may become the dominated person (the table of the table).At that time, the contextual understanding of Brinken's speech was to warn everyone that they must quickly choose a reliable side to stand.

Ukraine is a side selection station, but it seems that it can only continue to be served, and it is impossible to seat, because it must continue to beg for weapons from the West and let it be dominated.When things have evolved to such fields, Ukraine has long lost the ability to negotiate independently. It can only continue to fight the agency war and continue to do the chess pieces on the chessboard.Like its "front car" Georgia, Ukraine had congenital problems from the beginning. The internal contradictions were heavy, the split forces were separated, and the neutral bias biased to the edge of the side.

Although we all adhere to the integrity and territorial integrity of various countries, we also strongly condemn all acts that violate international law, but when they encounter practical cases, the international community may not be able to make a difference.After all, the United Nations is not an international government, and many international affairs are dominated by the great powers.Both Ukraine and Georgia were independent due to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the latter also fought with Russia, but the result was not as expected.What did the international community do?

Some people may say that Ukraine could have avoided war, and if it was chosen another way.But reality is not if.Ukraine never returned to the original.From the moment the backbone station became a game of a big country, Ukraine was no longer unable to autonomy.From this perspective, Sweden and Finland have abandoned the neutral policy that pursues a century, and has invested in the embrace of NATO. Whether its leaders are wise and doubtful.What kind of pressure did they withstand it to NATO?Are they all in front of the crisis?Some people said that in the Soviet era, the Red Army was even more terrible, but these countries were not scared. Why are they panicked now?

In any case, the United States has achieved the purpose that it has not been able to achieve, further expanding NATO, and more European countries have become chess pieces.After World War II, it has been connected to European countries that are protected by the United States (except France with nuclear). It seems that it has lost its ability to independence. It is even more panicked in the face of military threats.France can only talk about Europe's autonomy.

In general, Ukraine, which has become the battlefield of the agent, has no negotiation chips.Gagosa, who is also reduced to the battlefield of the agent, has no negotiation chips in itself.Their destiny is like the puppet show in the puppet show, all in the hands of dolls.It is also okay to say that they are all placed on the table.While the United States continuously transports arms to Israel, it is for Hamas to accept a ceasefire plan proposed by the United States. Although Hamas can only be bustling, the international community is helpless.Whoever served, whoever seated, can no longer be clear.

Today, the world has gradually been split into a non -Qin is Chu, non -Chu, and Qin's confrontation camp.However, there are still many small and medium -sized countries who are unwilling to choose the side stations to maintain neutrality. For their leaders, how to avoid being served on the table should be the biggest political test.

The author is a former journalist and a former member of the Congress