The results of the election of the European Parliament, the number of seats won by the Right -wing parties has increased significantly. Five years ago, the extremely left -wing green party / European Liberal Alliance Party League seats have been significantly reduced, which has attracted widespread attention.French President Macron's domestic right -wing opponent's voting rate even significantly surpassed his political party, forcing him to announce the dissolution of the French Congress to hold the Lightning Elements, make pride in his political career, and rebuild political prestige in China.This is the adjustment of European politics and economy for many years. Although the middle forces still dominate the European Parliament, the consequences and effects that the election results may trigger in Europe and the world are worth noting.

The voting rate of the European Parliament election is about 51%, which is similar to the previous session. Under the chaotic international situation in the past five years, it is better to have a more enthusiastic voting phenomenon, but the results of the election still reflect the public opinion of European countries.

In the past few years, the topic of refugees and environmental protection caused by left -wing politics has moved to extremes, causing the resentment of voters, and finally came to the point where it must be reversed.A large number of votes of the Green Party are a warning.Among them, both energy and refugees are the main reasons.In terms of Germany, in recent years, the joint government composed of the "traffic lights" three -color party has actively promoted the left -wing policy, inspiring environmentalists to promote topics with radical means, affecting social tranquility, traffic order, and even refining people to ask people not to eat meat.Extreme demands have caused many people to disturb and destroy the image of the left.For many Europeans, the cost of satisfying environmental protection demands and green transformation, including energy, agriculture and life, the sound of exhaustion in recent years has become increasingly tired.Coupled with the religious, cultural and social shocks brought by the large -scale acceptance of refugees, it also fermented significantly, leading to more and more social conflicts.

Refugees and immigration policies with very different religion and culture have caused cultural shocks. Social opposition in many countries spread widely in social media. It is the main cause of local Christian voters to rebel in policies and is worthy of vigilance in European countries.

Those and so on, the left -wing government has not had effective and reasonable solutions in the past few years, and has gradually triggered a widespread dissatisfaction.Under the ideal of European countries, the globalization trends have been found in the past 20 years, but it has not been able to cover up the internal problems within the country for a long time, and it will inevitably become the inherent contradictions of the European Union, including political, economic and military policies.As a result, many countries have made their various policies for many years, which has led to the gradual loose of the EU.However, the occurrence of the Russian and Ukraine War instantly strengthened the collective will of the Europeans. The anti -Jewish actions set off by the conflict inspiring the crisis consciousness of white Christians and Jews.In order to environmental protection and anti -nuclear energy energy policy, after the war of Russia, some countries such as Germany and other countries had to re -examine the energy policy and return to the middle position.However, in the process, the soaring energy prices caused inflation, which has caused the people to move closer to the conservative camp.

In 2016, Trump was able to win in the U.S. presidential election, and he also had a strong rebound that left -wing politics caused grass -roots problems in the United States.In the past few years, Europe has not learned lessons, and whether the right wing will continue to grow in the next elections, it is worth observing.In the current situation, it is generally believed that the EU's refugee policy may be suppressed and may no longer be so active in environmental issues.

In diplomatic issues, because the European Parliament does not determine the foreign policy of member states, it is generally expected that the change is generally not great.Major European countries support Ukraine on the position of Russia and Ukraine, and also have a consensus on strengthening the EU's influence.What is more concerned is whether the public opinion on the right will further promote the strong position of Russia, including the more active dispatch of troops to Ukraine, and even the nuclear blackmail of Russia, and fight against Russia to end the war as soon as possible.

Refugees, radical environmental protection, soaring prices, and war, causing tearing left and right, are the main reasons for European voters' minds. All countries cannot return to European -centered policies, leading to continuous increase in social and religious conflicts.Other values ​​are more and more diversified.