A series of recent events in Europe revealed the complex situation facing this continent.We no longer only discuss the mixed war launched by Russia and allies Beros, but instead witness the early stages of a wider conflict.

Arsonic attacks encountered by many EU countries, and hacking against British hospital infrastructure and Polish news institutions recently, are all in some ways to contain European society's support for Ukraine's defense support.

When elections in 27 countries in the European Parliament, the impact of these events became more prominent.Behind these attacks is to use increasingly intensified anti -immigrant and anti -integrated emotions to prevent Europe from rebuild defense and offensive potential and weaken the overall strength of the West.

Polish Prime Minister and former EU Chairman Donald Tusk recently emphasized: "Believe me, for the Kremlin, politically occupy Brussels (editor: Belgian capital, the location of the EU and NATO headquarters)Big City) Halkov is more important "

This indicates that cutting off Ukrainian supplies and political support is very important for Russia to win this war.However, Russia does not have much time, and its task to deal with war financing is becoming more and more difficult.Regardless of the outcome of the war, Russia will face dual challenges of population disaster and low economic efficiency.

Ukrainian President Zelei's trip to Southeast Asia further highlights the current two main fronts of this injustice: one is to cut off the connection between Russia and the Asian market and weaken the economic capabilities of the aggressor; the other is to defend EuropeUnity.

On the border between Poland and the White Ross, thousands of young people from Africa and the Middle East are used as tools. They are provided by sponsor to provide ladders, crowbars and grinders.Made in chaos.This agent war has led to the casualties of Polish soldiers. When a soldier fixed the border wall with a shield on Thursday, a soldier was immigrant brought to the White Ross, stabbing his heart and causing death.Last month, several Polish soldiers were injured in similar circumstances.

According to the Polish Minister of Defense last Friday, in May alone, Polish soldiers shot 700 times at the Eastern border to fight for armed groups trying to cross the border barrier.Last Saturday, the police director said that the attack was increasing.The evil nature of the attacker's initiative is to try to reverse the situation.

Their operating logic is this: an aggressive armed attacker, if he was injured by Polish security guards or armed personnel, he would easily be painted as victims of Polish psychological psychology.Representatives of the White Roths in Poland directly expose this phenomenon: it seems that the death of a refugee or a border guardian in the White Ross will be included in the cost of further upgrading the situation in the tension.

The border crisis has produced the consequences of Moscow and (White Ross's capital).The Warsaw government is restoring a buffer with the Berlos border, and tourists are prohibited from entering, which will inevitably lead to closure and protests.It is reported that the 180 -kilometer barrier along the line will increase military deployment. For Berlog and Russia's professional solutions, this will prove that Poland, which is always in dangerous situation, is preparing for them to invade them.

This is ridiculous for our Poland, but it is credible for the poor in the Berlos or the poor in the Russian village.After all, those people have been used to listening to the official propaganda since the Soviet era, and they don't think about it.If the information about Western expansion and revenge is further spread in Asia, Africa, or South America, it is even better for the Cremlin planner.Dirty information bombs may be proven to be free or cheap means to cause dangerous consequences.

These armed personnel are mainly transported by Russian and White Roths to White, and they are mainly young and strong.The invaders use these people to create chaos outside the battlefield, ignoring the casualties and humanitarian tragedies.Ukraine continued to bleed in the anti -aggression struggle, and Poland suffered losses due to the same values.These blood may become a key factor affecting the results of the European elections, and constitute one of the main fronts that are not advocating.

Author Piotr Karpinski is a Polish. He studied Chinese at Warsaw University and Beijing Normal University and engaged in Chinese translation

The original text is Chinese