According to Reuters reported on June 10, European nationalist parties use voters to support the problems of prices soaring prices, immigrants and green transformation costs in the European parliament elections.Now they need to work hard to transform the seats into a greater influence on the European Union's policy.

It is predicted that nationalism, populism, and suspicion of European parties are expected to win nearly a quarter of the seats in the European Parliament election.This reflects a more and more intense trend in the West, that is, from mainstream and maintaining the status quo to radical choices.

Reported that in the previous elections, radical right -wing parties talked about separate currencies from the European Union or Europe as the Brexit.But now these political parties hope to influence the European Union from the inside.

It is reported that nationalists have governed in Hungary, Italy, and Slovakia, and the right party is governing or supporting the government in Finland and Sweden, and the anti -immigrant party Liberal Party led by Herte Velds seems to be preparing to enter the Dutch Alliance.

Amida Van Raiy, a senior researcher at the Royal Institute of International International Issues, said that the "isolation belt" policy to exclude tough right -wing parties is weakening.

Graff Anemans, a member of the European Parliament, a member of the Belgian Frang Mang interest party, said that the new European Parliament should abolish the recently reached EU immigration agreement, weaken the green agreement, and be the chairman of the EU Council Feng DeRyan found a more right -handed succession candidate.

It is reported that the first test faced by the new European Parliament is to determine who will be the chairman of the EU Council.Given that the European Party (EPP) led by Feng Delin is expected to maintain the largest party group status, she will be in a favorable position when fighting for re -election.

However, she may need to get the support of some right -wing ethnicists (such as Italian Prime Minister Melonini party) to ensure that most of the European Parliament support will give more chips to Melonini and its allies.

Louji Skazieri, a senior researcher at the European Reform Center, said that the middle and right EPPs have cooled the efforts of those trying to incorporate a broader environmental policy into the green agreement.He said that the right party can also foresee that the right -wing party will push the external control of immigrants and make the procedures required for the EU expansion to be more stringent.

Corina Strartlatlat, deputy director of the Think Tank EU Policy Center, said that a key decisive factor is the degree of unity of radical right -wing parties.They have no good records in this regard.(Compiled/Yang Xuelei)