Source: Bloomberg

Author: Jorge Valero, Natalia Drozdiak

Theoretically, von Delin should be able to successfully re -elected the Chairman of the European Commission because its party has won a majority of seats in the EU elections.However, reality may be more complicated.

Because the EU leadership position is usually distributed according to the election results of the European Parliament, in view of the 185 seats in the 720 seats of the parliament of the parliament, she is likely to be re -elected.

To finalize the re -election, the 65 -year -old Germans need to receive the majority of the EU members and the majority of the 27 countries or government leaders.After the great right -wing party has made significant progress throughout Europe, it is ensured that this is facing greater difficulties.

The only way to win voting in parliament is obviously the Blessing of the European People's Party plus the blessing of the left -wing and liberal groups.However, the policy portfolio required to achieve this will be more difficult to convince the leaders who are worried about the rise of the rising rights in China.EU leaders will hold a meeting from June 17 and June 27th to 28th to discuss the appointment.

"There are still many difficult tasks in front of me," Feng Delin said after voting on Sunday evening.

The German Chancellor of the German Prime Minister Tsuburtz French President Macron, which has the interest of Feng Delin, became the largest loser on Sunday.Both of them were defeated, and they were not as good as right -wing parties.

This prompted Macron to hold the National Parliament election in advance at the end of June, which may consolidate the advantages of Ruyong Rival Le Pen, and at the same time weaken Macron's ability to implement policies -although its own status is still unsuccessful.

Pawel Zerka, a senior policy researcher at the Think Tank European Foreign Relations Committee in Berlin, said that the results of France's voting may delay high -level personnel decision -making until July or even autumn.

"Macron played a key role in promoting the next EU leadership. Before mid -July, he will focus on domestic elections," Zerka said.

However, the turmoil in France may at least some extent conducive to Feng Delin.An EU diplomat said Macron has been nominated for the alternative candidate of the committee, including the former Italian Prime Minister Dracori. In view of the current election results, this promotion seems weakened now.

Others insist that France's voting will not delay this process.People familiar with the matter said that other EU leaders also hope to complete discussions as soon as possible to avoid argument.

In view of the fact that the European Union is about to increase its trade offensive against China, is considering further assistance in Ukraine, and preparing for Donald Trump's may again enter the White House, they do not want political vacuum at this time.A senior diplomat said everyone knew the importance of reaching an agreement quickly.

The European People's Party leader Manfred Weber said that EU leaders are likely to propose Feng Delin in an informal meeting at a meeting on June 17.In an interview with Bloomberg Radio on Sunday evening, he said, "This may be the best result and the best scene."