There are few leaders in Singapore, and there is no rotation of political parties at all. In the eyes of Western countries, it cannot be called democracy.This statement extremely distorted the widespread significance of democracy. The narrow view of the leopard in the tube made people laugh.

The Chinese people witnessed the third prime minister's transfer since the founding of the month. The ceremony was solemn and touching.The new succession of Prime Minister Huang Xuncai's speech was full of sincerity, and he was dedicated to the people to serve the country. The consciousness of the people's vowing and the people, so that everyone has a better vision for the prospects of Singapore and strengthened confidence.

There are many initiatives that have performed well in the international field, such as the familiar aviation transportation, logistics and seaport structures, economic management and scientific research results, and so on.These achievements are indispensable for the application and practice of innovative thinking.

Among the many innovations, I think the most noticeable is Singapore's political ecology.Singapore's democratic system, pragmatic, and benefit the country, ensure that all ethnic groups have the opportunity to become ages, enter Congress and even enter the cabinet.But in the eyes of outsiders, they are considered not democratic at all.In 2021, 110 countries hosted by the United States were invited to attend, and Singapore was excluded.In the past 60 years of the founding of Singapore, there are currently fourth prime ministers, and in the same period, Britain and Australia have 14 Prime Minister and 16 Prime Ministers, and the United States also has 13 presidents.

There are few leaders in Singapore for replacement, and there is no rotation of political parties. In the eyes of Western countries, it cannot be called democracy.This statement extremely distorted the widespread significance of democracy. The narrow view of the leopard in the tube made people laugh.

Avoid vicious power struggle

In this year of Jiazi, the handover ceremony of the Singapore Prime Minister has been implemented smoothly and harmoniously. Each prime minister has extended the construction of the former Prime Minister, carried forward, and pushed the development of the country to another peak.The gradual progress of Singapore clearly compares the retreat of the British economy, international political reputation and influence, and is also better than the United States, which is struggling for the world.This proves the self -proclaimed ancient European and American political democracy, and the lack of popularity in today's society.

Singapore has the courage to innovate in the political system and does not become mediocre. In the brutal reality of things, it has evaded the disaster and elimination of the country with many people, gelatin, and blogging.The successful transfer of power not only avoids the vicious power struggle, but also gives the people who take over to have enough time and opportunities to learn from the Prime Minister, and prepare for personal, domestic and foreign politics, and people's livelihood issues.

Singapore's chief candidate method is very different from the common political ring. It has less murderous and humiliating the heroic atmosphere of martial arts.One ticket.Instead, with the wisdom of a thousand miles, he rationally selected the outstanding Xiongjun and the horses to work hard.This is far better than some countries under the rumor lies, mixing the water and touching the fish, and finding a duty person like a lot.In 2022, the British Prime Minister Tras was rushed to the stage, and as a result, he was coaxed and stepped down in just 50 days. Such a funny plot, the world is obvious to all.

Another indispensable element in the success of Singapore's political ecology is to continue to introduce newcomers. It not only introduces politics rookie, but also does not completely abandon the veteran of political experience.The most valuable and unexpected politicians of the older generation. Although they are far away from the years, they are willing to give opportunities to the younger generation.Chinese people should give the highest respect and treatment of political elders.I think the new Prime Minister will be grateful for them and will also thank them on behalf of all Chinese people.

Thousands of miles are expensive than different physical fitness, and the Singapore Prime Minister has more conditions, and must have the leadership and courage to bring together the wisdom of the cabinet.The so -called three stinky skins are better than Zhuge Liang.After the group strategy, the Prime Minister was wise and cured.There are jokes that the reason why camels have two humps are because of a lot of ideas. Although there are discussion, they are caused by no leaders' judgment and choice.

Good policy is not equal to the people of all -handed pets

Parents are in -depth to the people to understand the people's conditions and understand the needs of the people and the public.However, policies cannot become a populist of the people, because human desires are like elastic rubber sacs. Under the continuous cheering, they will rise again and again, and they will burst into a moment.Therefore, the decision and balance between fishing and fishing is a profound political science. Who can have confidence in speculators who are mediocre and abilities?

The vast majority of members of Singapore's founding of the People's Republic of China are the leaders of all walks of life selected by the party leaders from all beings, or have administrative experience, or leadership, or professional knowledge and skills.A sage government, governing the country, also improves national well -being.In this kind of recruitment, men and women of different ages have joined Congress, and they will not be unacceptable, and they will also expand the recommended basic number of basic people.Such a political ecology cannot be done by many national politics.

Singapore's political style, such as Singapore, has also caused many objections and comments at home and abroad, and foreign media's noses are often seen.We cannot reflect from time to time, and look at the outside world from a rational perspective, so as to avoid the consequences of Handan's tutoring in the practice of plagiarizing outsiders.

Singapore's political traditions passed down from the perspective of abilities and morals, so that the government's policy and policies can be implemented.In the country and regions of the government in four years or in just a few years, the new government has to work hard to prepare for the next round of elections as soon as it comes to power, which is difficult to effectively manage state affairs.In order to advertise the difference between themselves and the previous government, some political parties will blindly criticize or overthrow the policies regardless of their policies.The destructiveness of this emperor and the courts has greatly reduced administrative efficiency.Thanks to Singapore, Singapore has not fallen into this dilemma.

From the alternation of the four prime ministers, we can see the past and present of Singapore, and we can also peek at the future of Singapore.If there is a miracle today in Singapore, it can only be regarded as a smile that boasts and talks with masturbation.Our political ecology is the important cornerstone of the Miracle of Singapore. It is an active ecology developed by the leaders of several generations and the country.Everyone should agree to optimize it intended to optimize it with an openness, in order to continue to create one -Singapore miracle after another.Premier Huang called on the slogan of the same advance in hand, which is very appropriate.Let's go together, Singapore.

The author is a professor of clinical medicine