The attack of the Ulu -South Police Station in Johor Bahru, Johor, Johor, Malaysia sounded on Friday (May 17).EssenceNo matter what motivation is, the occurrence of such incidents will create social commotion, and it must consume a lot of manpower and material resources.After the incident, Singapore's strengthening of the security check in the level has led to two consecutive days of traffic congestion for the Woodlan level and the Da Shi level.

Some people do not care about the attack on the police station that caused the two police officers. It is a small topic to criticize the security check in social media criticism. This view is definitely incorrect.The threat of terrorist attacks is not only reflected in large -scale dead and injury numbers. Each attack, regardless of scale, is a serious challenge to social security.What's more, it is no more than 30 kilometers from Singapore in the south of Ururi, and this small town located in the suburbs of Johor Bahru is actually an active area for the Muslim prayer group.

It is reported that the founder of Hui Qi Tuan Abu Paka once held religious private schools in the secluded oil brown garden here. It is the base of extreme ideas.The 2002 Bali Island nightclub explosion was dead.Malaysia officials closed this private school around 2000 and detained many people, but after the Malaysian police tracked the whereabouts of more than 20 members of the prayer group in the Urudi Police Station, the Malaysian Police were in the Uluti Police Station to prevent them from launching similar attacks.It shows that the Hui Quan group is still active in the local area.After Singapore destroyed the local prayer network network in 2001, the Inner Security Bureau has never stopped the supervision of members of the region in the region. In recent years, it has also repeatedly detained self -radical local Muslims.The suspected return of the prayer group must be treated strictly.

Although the Malaysian police later stated that after investigation, the founder did not belong to any terrorist organization, but the father of the murderer was a member of the prayer group.It is not a simple lone wolf action.

Compared to organized terrorist activities, the unique attacker usually acts alone and does not share plans with others. This makes it difficult for intelligence agencies to discover their intentions in advance and unpredictable to become a huge challenge for prevention.In recent years, the unique wolf attack has become more and more common all over the world. On May 4th, a 16 -year -old Australian boy who had been radical on the Internet was shot and killed by the police in Popus, Western Australia.A knife was injured in a church in Sydney, and the 16 -year -old suspect was arrested on the spot. These cases were characterized as a terrorist attack on religious motivation.

The uncertainty of the lone wolf action is even more frightening, because we don't know who is the lone wolf and how many lone wolves around us.It is also worrying that the lone wolf action may cause the imitation effect.After the Midnight attack of the Ururi South Police Station, two men tried to break into the National Palace of the National Palace in Kuala Lumpur during the day. A man broke into the Penang Orange Park Police Station on May 19, trying to seize the police to seize the police.The officer's assault rifle was made by the police officer. Fortunately, the incident did not cause life and casualties.Although the lone wolf attacks are invincible, through comprehensive prevention and response measures, it can still effectively reduce the probability and losses caused, which requires the joint efforts of governments, intelligence agencies and the public.

The use of an easy -to -obtain weapon for a single wolf -type attack has become a more common attack method. We must strengthen the alertness of the community to establish an effective monitoring system and encourage the public to report suspicious behavior.Should be notified in time.It is necessary to maintain high degree of vigilance and prevent potential threats, but at the same time, we should not be brave because of the incidents of neighboring police station.One of the goals of terrorism is to destroy normal social order by creating panic.While enhancing security precautions, we should maintain the rhythm of life as usual and not be afraid to control, so as to truly resist the invasion of extremism and protect the peace and security we cherish.