Among the new generation of ministers and senior officials, Christians have increased significantly.Therefore, we hope that the new generation of leadership can continue the tradition of social secularization.This is the foundation for maintaining a diverse society.

I ask heaven, why does God take care of Singapore?If there must be Yu Qing, there must be Yu Qing, then the country of good governance, and blessing.The projectile island without survival conditions, from being forced to establish the country independently to most domestic GDP leading most western developed countries today, Singapore has come all the way and encountered many crises.Every time the crisis is coming, there are people internationally suspecting that the good days in Singapore have passed, and Singapore is almost finished.But every time Singapore came over, there was a dragon after the crisis.

Just at the same day ofThe court, announced the report of the good government index in 2024, the top ranking of Singapore topped the list.Ranking first in three indicators: leadership and forward -looking, Strong Institutions, and market attractiveness.

In the top ten, after in Singapore, a European country was followed.The highest -ranked Asian country after Singapore is South Korea and Japan, which ranked 20th and 22nd.

It is time to govern the world's first honor. It is a congratulations to Premier Huang and a reminder.

Prime Minister Huang Xuncai sang himself.A few years ago, he played the guitar at the constituency event, and a videos of me asking for a piece of Fujian song on the Internet were hot.His "famous song" has established a very different image of his three prime ministers in the past.

In the speech of the inauguration ceremony, Premier Huang put Singapore's current advantages and disadvantages in front of the Chinese people: Singapore's economic level is at a high level, and an excellent education, housing, medical care and transportation system has been established.However, the environment is changing, technology is constantly developing, and the aging population is fast, so Singapore cannot stagnate.He said that he can resonate with the new Singapore dream of young people, and understands that young people are pursuing "a career and life with meaning and meaning."

Huang Xuncai did not have a prominent origin. He lived in a house since he was a child and studied at the neighborhood school. His success was different from many elite talents.When he entered public services, he never thought of being the Prime Minister one day, but whenever he was in danger, he bravely took on it from the actual training of important departments such as the Ministry of Education to the Ministry of Finance to the leadership to leadership to leadership to leadership to leadership to leadership to leadersWith the global crisis of crown disease, he showed weightless weight, calmness, calmness and confidence.He finally won the trust of the same generation of successors and walked to the stage.His potential needs to be further played.

Over the past 30 years, Xu Wenyuan, a former minister who has grown in his career all the way, is optimistic that he will definitely become a strong leader in the future.Faced with protectionism, heating up geopolitics, and global climate change, in such an era, coupled with the high standards set by Li Xianlong, his burden was far from "defending".Therefore, he must consolidate the leadership of his talents with talents.The favors of all parties at the moment are more pressure on him.

At the New Cabinet's Oath Ceremony, Huang Xuncai took the Bible oath, and even the reporter from the Hong Kong South China Morning Post noticed this detail. He specially clicked him as the first prime minister in Singapore.There are other ministers and minister of administration who are sworn in by the Bible.

Premier Huang also said "so help me god" when he was sworn in, which became the first person to have religious colors when the Prime Minister swore.

Among the new generation ministers and senior officials, Christianians have increased significantly.Therefore, we hope that the new generation of leadership can continue the tradition of social secularization.This is the foundation for maintaining a diverse society.Although Premier Huang mentioned the words "diverse racism" and "justice and peace" in his speech, it did not clearly touch social secularization, which is really inadequate.

At the time of alternation of the old Prime Minister, we must not forget Li Xianlong's overwhelming over the past 20 years.He does not avoid controversial topics, such as men's behavior.In international diplomacy, he further consolidates Singapore's influence.In a speech delivered by President Shangdaman at the ceremony, "we must not let Li Xianlong and his predecessor's integrity, integrity, and ethics have been relaxed." This is also the expectation of Premier Huang by the Chinese people.

A total of 900 people attended the ceremony. In addition to the ruling and opposition members, former members and ambassadors, guests also had front -line medical staff, transportation staff, religious and business leaders, grassroots, teachers, students, community groups and volunteers from all walks of lifeLet people with different identities participate in their prosperity, so as to highlight the government's tolerance.

Honorary State -owned Assets and Economic Assets Wu Zongdong posted on Facebook three days before Huang Xuncai's official took office. He recently asked what a great country was in the new ambassador to the new ambassador to Singapore.The ambassador replied that it was "complacent" and said that the Singaporeans thought a good life was eternal.

Therefore, what is the National Games, do not have to ask the sky.The Book of Changes said: "Tian Xingjian, gentleman is self -improved; terrain Kun, gentleman with thick morals." Today's beautiful life does not come from heaven, but from the pride of the leaders and the Chinese people, not proud, not proud, not proud, not proud, not proudOnly if you are not complacent, you can ensure that the national movement is long.

The author is a special commentator of the United Morning Post