Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong handed over power to Huang Xuncai, marking Singapore into the new era.On May 15, 2024, the Broadcasting Corporation's website published an article, pointing out that as Premier Li Xianlong stepped down, Singapore's "Li Times" ended.This spring and autumn brushwork reflects the views of Singaporean politics from Western countries such as Britain.It can be said frankly that Singapore's political system will continue.While Singapore ushered in development opportunities, it also faced huge challenges.

Independent Singapore in 1965 has three prime ministers: Lee Kuan Yew, Wu Zuodong, and Li Xianlong.As a political elite, Huang Xuncai replaced Prime Minister Li Xianlong who had entered politics as early as 1984. Whether it is qualifications or in politics experience, it is necessary to hone in new positions.Singapore's political system in Southeast Asian countries has accumulated rich experience in sustainable development.

control the country is "Deep Government"

First of all, continuity is the foundation and prerequisite for ensuring the sustainable development of a country.If a country has a periodic turbulence, then the end result can only be two: First, the periodic elections have a periodic crisis, the entire country is turbulent, and the people are not talking about life.Second, democratic politics has become a "star system", and the "deep government" that truly controls a country.The United States is a very typical case.Although the United States has carried out cyclical elections, the United States has not erupted a large -scale political crisis, and there is no so -called military coup or color revolution.

The reason is that it is the deep government that truly controls the United States.Former US President Trump had no concealment of concerns about the deep government.Whether during the campaign or after entering the White House, he has always been vigilant about the deep American government.Pompeo, a Secretary of State of the American Intelligence Agency, has been rebuked by Trump to blame the deep government on behalf of the deep government, making the Secretary of State panicked, and repeatedly explicitly stated that he was loyal to the president.

There are no deep government problems in Singapore.This is because Singapore is a small projectile country, and the whole society is highly transparent.On the other hand, because the Singaporean ruling party emphasized the governance as the people, adopted a series of very severe policies, and turned the will of the ruling party into national laws, relying on national coercive power to implement.

Under a highly transparent political system, Singapore is always the cheerful country in Asia.During the period of Li Guangyao, the ruling team had corruption. Li Guangyao was not soft, took obvious measures, and filed a case for investigation.His son Li Xianlong had been in politics very early, including when Wu Zuodong served as the second prime minister, he learned in the ruling team and cultivated the ability to grasp the global.The Singaporean Prime Minister now gives his position to his successor.It is certain that in the future, as a state -funded government, he will continue to play his role.

The change of a hundred years of change has continued.The global production and supply chain encounters unprecedented challenges.It is a great test for a highly dependent country like Singapore.The industrial economy has developed into the network economy, and Singapore has benefited from it.However, from the development of the Internet economy to the digital economy, both the digital industry and the digital consumption, Singapore is seriously inadequate as a small country.Although Singapore attaches great importance to the development of digital technology and digital economy, adds a digital free agreement to actively promote the development of the digital economy.However, as people see, in the digital economy era, digital countries will become leaders of the development of the digital economy.

The challenges and limitations of Singapore

This aspect is because of digital as an important production factor to drive the development of the economy.On the other hand, it is very difficult to develop the digital economy if there is no digital production factors.The complex geopolitical structure has changed significantly, and the competition in large powers has made the situation of small and medium -sized countries more difficult.Elephant fighting, Xiao Cao suffered.This aspect fully reflects the embarrassing situation facing small and medium -sized countries in the competition of large countries.On the other hand, it is fully explained that if it is not disposed of properly, the small country may face the disaster in the competition of a large country.

Because of this, Huang Xuncai particularly emphasized in the oath speech that he would not "choose" between China and the United States.In the future, geopolitical relations will be very complicated. If Singapore cannot adhere to the development path independently, it may face huge disasters.

Singapore's economic achievements are obvious to all, but economic marginal utility is getting smaller and smaller.This aspect is because Singapore has gradually reached its peak during the development of port economies, electronics, and financial economy.On the other hand, the disadvantage of Singapore has gradually emerged during the development of the digital economy.Relying on its good business environment, Singapore attracts investors from all over the world, and vigorously develops the port economy, petrochemical economy, electronics industry and financial services, thereby making Singapore among developed countries.

However, the cost of remarking has made many investors discourage.The complex legal system has made some high -value immigrants discouraged.As some scholars have pointed out, Singapore has worked hard in order to create a good environment, and he can't wait to name each cluster of grass.This will not only consume a lot of social costs in Singapore, but also more importantly, for those free and scattered rich people, Singapore ’s prosperity festival makes it difficult for them to adapt.In recent years, in order to attract foreign capital, Singapore has implemented a series of open policies. Where is Singapore's future development potential?

The Singapore government has a long -term viewing, set up industrial parks and demonstration zones in many cities in China, and builds a number of Singapore outside Singapore. However, there are still very big problems that support the industrial upgrading of Singapore's economic development.On the one hand, this is because the Singapore region is narrow, and on the other hand, because the Singapore market space is limited. Whether it is developing digital technology or the development of a new consumer economy, Singapore has no obvious advantages.

Of course, from the perspective of national income, Singapore will be one of the developed countries in the world for a long time.However, from the perspective of economic transformation and upgrading and sustainable development, Singapore must promote global development. It must use some major powers such as China to expand its own space for survival and development.

Singapore's development description, if lack of tolerance and openness, the country will decline.Singapore has become the most developed country in Asia with its own maverick.Singapore has become a bridge and bond to communicate with its own culture.With the continuous acceleration of the integrated process of Asianan, the dilemma faced by Singapore is how to organically combine Singapore's culture with the culture of other members of the Asianianan, and how to fully reflect the value of Singapore in the process of major decisions.The challenges faced by the new Prime Minister.

But no matter what, Singapore realizes political continuity.Although some Western news media are unwilling to emphasize the end of Singapore's "Li family dynasty", everyone knows that whether it is Li Guangyao or Li Xianlong, it is a political elite in Singapore.The reason why they can get the support of the Singaporean people is not because of their origin, but because of their ability, not because of their power, but because they have set an example for Singapore citizens.As long as the new Prime Minister continues along the development path selected by Singapore, leads the ruling party to worship the thorns and meets the challenges, Singapore will definitely stand in a changeable world.Essence

The author is a professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law